Saturday, October 18, 2014

Taxpayers to foot bill for event honoring C. J. Huff as man of distinction

When Joplin Regional Business Journal honors its first-ever Regional Men of Distinction 6 p.m. November 13 in the Connor Ballroom at Missouri Southern State University, Joplin R-8 taxpayers will be paying $240 for a table at the event.

Superintendent C. J. Huff is one of the 15 who were chosen for the award after submitting applications, a group that includes his fellow superintendents Phil Cook of Carl Junction and Blaine Henningsen of Carthage.

The tickets for the event are $40 apiece and when it meets Tuesday night, the $240 bill will be one of those submitted to the Joplin R-8 Board of Education to be paid.

The board documentation does not indicate whether this is credited as "might-as-well" spending, promotional spending, or let's see if anyone is looking spending, it just says "community events attendance."

According to Joplin Regional Business Journal, the men who were chosen are "exceptional men who have risen through the ranks in public and private organizations to become leaders in business and the community."

The men have "strong records of innovation, outstanding performance, and meaningful community involvement."

Note: In addition to the $240 for the Regional Men of Distinction, if you look to the listing above it calls for $1,207 for printing or ribbon categorized under Opening Celebrations-Buildings.

Click on the photo to make it bigger.
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  1. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Doesn't the R8 event coordinator's family own the Joplin Regional Business Journal? I'm pretty sure they do. So, CJ gives her a cushy job and he gets an award, and the tax payers get to pick up the tab.

    Auditors, are you still out there? This is the kind of BS that is driving Joplin taxpayers nuts. Favoritism, cronyism, and wasteful spending that never ends.

  2. Anonymous5:17 PM

    He applies for the award and we get the shaft. What a joke.

  3. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Well, we know what the ink cost for the stupid ribbon. Where did they hide the cost of the ribbon itself?

  4. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Huh. $240 is more money than staff got from their step, and this from a district that hasn't provided measurable raises to its teachers in over six years, let all of its reading teachers go even as its scores plummeted, and won't provide its teachers with anything to work with. It's good to see R8 really has its priorities together. And you know that it'll pass with no argument. Suzanne Sharp made sure CJ got his votes secured when she got McGrew voted in. I guess she likes abusive druggies a lot more than she likes to see kids learn.

  5. Anonymous6:58 PM

    Really? Are you serious? Can't he pay for this with all that money he's making on his speeches? Since he's not paying taxes on them he ought to be able to afford to pay for his own damn table. Puts himself up for it and then stiffs the public.

  6. Anonymous7:00 PM

    Who gets the money from the ticket sales? Inquiring minds want to know.

  7. Anonymous8:36 PM

    Say what you want, You will all be singing a different tune when this latest in a heap of accolades results in improved performance by our schools. Remember glory for Superintendent Dr. CJ Huff translates directly into superior students.

  8. Anonymous9:03 PM

    As a taxpayer and R8 parent I respectfully submit the following awards of which I believe our esteemed Superintendent is equally deserving:

    Nobel Prize for Education

    Superintendent. of the. Melinium

    Employee of the Month




    Superbowl MVP

    Malcolm Baldridge Award

    JD Power and Associates

    First in Show: Westminster

    Homecoming Queen

    Congressional Medal of Honor

    People's Sexiest Man Alive (Ever!)

    Joplin Globe's Best Guy of All Time

    Heavy Weight Champion of the World (Undisputed)

    Olympic Platinum: Synchronized Swimming


    All Valley Champion (Karate Kid)

    Best All Around Everything at Everything for Any And All Time.

  9. Anonymous9:12 PM

    Oh Lord it's hard to be humble
    when you're perfect in every way.
    I can't wait to look in the mirror.
    Cuz I get better lookin' each day.

    To know me is to love me.
    I must be one hell of a man.
    Oh Lord it's hard to be humble.
    But I'm doin' the best that I can.

  10. Anonymous9:37 PM

    Come on BOE. Stop half stepping and bring this hot mess to its ultimate conclusion. Send all the kids home. Fire every last employee. Triple our taxes. Give every last cent to CJ Huff.

    If you are laughing, consider this, We are way closer to this scenario than we were six years ago.

  11. Anonymous4:34 AM

    Whem the Globe did that puff piece on Landis, any human with half a brain realized that there are only 24 hours in a day,...any day. What could have been a believable trubute became such a farce that one wondered if it was not a deliberate attempt at satire. Mike Landis, president and founder of everything, coach of every team, perfect family man, self- made genius and captain of industry...the fantasy meter was flying off the charts.

    In an effort to build a resume (in lieu of anything real) that is as thick as the Manhattan Yellow Pages, CJ clamors for every award and reward, including making up new ones, such as the one in. the above article.

    If he had a lick of sense he would realize that he has long since passed the point of diminishing returns. Any potential employer (including constituents of a district) are quickly going to realize that anything with that much candy coating must be a pill.

  12. Anonymous4:45 AM

    6:07 pm

    CJ is that guy, in a survival situation, who steps up and takes command. His first order: "If everyone will limit their water intake to just 8 oz.s per day, we will save enough water for me to take a nice long hot shower in the morning. It is important that we ALL make sacrifices for the good of the team. I know, I know, We are all wondering how we are so lucky to have me. Let's all just thank God I am here. Who knows what you idiots would do without me. Now drink up buttercup, I have a lot more ideas where that one came from!"

  13. Anonymous4:54 AM

    I saw little Napolean Caesar Huff at the Maple Leaf Parade yesterday (west side of the square). He looked lost. Man, a few more horizontal inches, and he will be as wide as he is tall. All that catered (endless events) food is really starting to show.

    I'm not disparaging anyone's struggle with weight or the vertically challenged. I'm just sayin' dude looks to be on a collision course with a midlife heart attack. I'm concerned for the little butterball's health. He needs a vacation...a long vacation,

  14. Anonymous5:07 AM

    Hey, since we are making up new awards, I got one:

    The Dr. CJ Prince Nelson Rogers Huff God Wishes He Was Me Get Over Yourself Award for Exemplary Unmatched Outstanding Unparalleled Distinguished Brilliance in the Super Duperly Awesomely Great Accomplishment of the Eternal Infininity of the Absolute Totallity of Any and All Things Within This or any Other Universe, Real or Imagined in the First and Foremost Degree.

  15. Anonymous5:14 AM

    It must have been hard on CJ's mommy. The way he walks on water; imagine how difficult it was to keep enough of his little body submerged to give him a bath. He just kept popping up above the surface.

  16. Anonymous6:41 AM

    I guess C.J. is a man of distinction. He has the distinction of being the guy that is is directly responsible for the destruction of the Joplin school system. He has the distinction of driving off over one hundred teachers a year and of making teaching in the district nearly intolerable. He has the distinction of being the superintendent that despite receiving millions from a school bond, federal aid, and donations, has managed to put the district into a financial hole that it may never recover from.

  17. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Does anyone else think CJ Huff would probably accept the Regional Man of Wealth and Taste award if offered?

  18. Anonymous10:21 AM

    I missed the Globe piece on Landis, fortunately. I assume you are speaking of the same Landis who accidentally build CJ Huff's house on another owner's lot after the tornado. Both a conflict of interest and a stunning display of stupidity. The same Landis who ripped off his father's business resulting in its closing. And the same Landis who's going around town saying they don't need more women elected to a certain governing body and trying to coerce people to vote his way by showing up at their places of work where he has influence with their bosses. Same guy? Only the Globe would lionize the likes of him and his boss. Oh wait, I mean the man he's supposed to be the boss of.

  19. Anonymous10:40 AM

    8:44 am

    Dr. Huff will be accepting that award after throwing out the first pitch of the World Series.

    The Roylas afforded him this honor due to the fact that he lost and suffered the most during the tornado, as well as single handedly contributing the most to rebuild our community in the aftermath.

    PLAY BALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Maximus to Commodus in Gladiator; the 2000 Oscar winner for best picture:

    "The time for honoring yourself will soon be at an end."

  21. Anonymous12:45 PM

    To 10/21 you got the wrong Landis that was his brother Bobby who stole over a million dollars of wages he withheld from employees for federal taxes he forget to pay at his temp agency that his dad started he is in a club fed prison up in north Dakota not saying Mike is any smarter though

  22. Anonymous1:12 PM

    10:21 am.

    Mike Landis, Joplin R8 Board member. He is all that you said, and oh so much more.

    He and his little b!?@# Huff found out that the more outrageously vanglorious you make your publc image, the more outrageously corrupt you can conduct your actual affairs.

  23. Anonymous8:18 PM

    This is actually the 2nd year these "awards" will be handed out. The first Men of Distinction banquet was held in late October of 2013. I know, because I was there. However, there were only five honorees. This year there are 15. I imagine this is because the more awards given, the more tickets/tables sold, which increases the profit for the Joplin Regional Business Journal (yes, the event is meant to make money for the paper, but hey, they need to make payroll like any other business).

    Here's how it works- JRBJ holds an open solicitation requesting nominations for Men of Distiction for several months. Any person can make a nomination using the handy online form. Then, a group of those who have been nominated get a letter in the mail "Congratulations! You've been nominated for our award!" along with a lengthy questionnaire full of gems like "Describe the impact you've had on the community. Who is your hero and why?" Once the nominee has filled out this exhaustive nonsense and asked their colleagues to write letters of support, the application package is handed over to a set of "judges" to choose the winners. It's unclear how these judges are chosen or what criteria they use to narrow the field to five or 15 or whatever the magic number of winners happens to be.

    The winners are featured in a special edition of the JRBJ and are also invited to purchase a plaque for a little over $100.

    It should be noted that the process described above is how the September "15 Under 40" honorees were chosen. I know this because I received a "Congratulations!" letter along with the instructions. I chose not to fill out the questionnaire (because who has the time?) or solicit my colleagues for letters ("Hey, I was nominated for this award. Would you mind taking the time to write a letter stating why I should win?"). No thanks.

  24. Anonymous8:40 PM

    Huff and Landis both have the disease that more commonly known as "little man syndrome"! Landis lost his an card somewhere too, the reason for the little girl voice.
    "It's a small world after all"!

  25. Anonymous12:29 AM

    Why is it that CJ continues to be recognized for his accomplishments, but elementary students have been stripped of theirs? I was just informed by my child's teacher that district wide, there will be no more honor role assemblies! This is because they have decided to get away from letter grades. I feel that if my children are not going to be recognized, then neither should any administrator!

  26. Anonymous1:41 AM


    Such cynicism. Do you mean the only reason I got into the Best Poets book was because I bought a copy for $49.95 with the other 738 outsanding poets? Oh, yeah, my copy of Who's Who came free with my $75 application. And I suppose that internet site that told me I was a genius was a scam too. Hah! I was surrounded by other geniuses at our $139.95 per person seminar at the Holiday Inn! Just because there is money involved, does not lessen the credibility of the award. Me and Dr. Huff ain't no dummies you know.

  27. Anonymous1:52 AM


    You can bet your piece of the 6 mile ribbon that R8 employees spent considerable taxpayer paid time nominating and filling out forms for this latest piece of Bovine Scattology.

    Just one more thing to be ignored by the "auditors."

  28. Anonymous2:08 AM


    LMS is no laughing matter. It eventually killed Napolean. There is no cure. Fortunately, there is some relief. Scientists have found that, while you cannot change your physical height, you can change how you feel. Just find a position of power that allows you to tear down others. By diminishing the lives of those over whom you have control, you can receive small bursts of validation. These quick fixes are short-lived, but, they feel tremendous. The more power you get, the more people you can destroy. Tearing down families and communities is especially gratifying.

    Remember, you are the victim, and the hero! Surround yourself with sycophants, who constantly feed your ego. Align yourself with other go-getter self-promoters. Pay whatever PR organization, like a semi-defunct newspaper/infotainment, to market your myth. Look yourself in the mirror, and say; "I am big. They will see. They will all see!!!!"

  29. Anonymous2:21 AM

    You people won't be laughing when CJ and Landis win their class-action lawsuit against the city for buildng all the sidewalks too close to their butts.

  30. Anonymous2:25 AM

    CJ might be a little man, but he has a big heart.
    In a jar, on his desk.

  31. Anonymous2:30 AM

    Landis, and a few other board members, are oblivious to the fact that they are Huff's trained monkeys. He tells them how important they are, and they do whatever tricks he commands.

    I woud not blame the auditors for turning a blind eye. If the city ofJoplin is stupid enough to keep electing these fools, they get what they deserve.

  32. Anonymous3:25 PM

    The disease that you all are referring to is called littlemanitus

  33. Anonymous5:19 PM

    They might be little on the outside. On the inside, they are ten feet tall and bulletproof.

  34. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Just to be clear, LMS and Littlemanitus refer to the self-delusional behavior of overcompensating for a lack of character erroneously attributed to one's height.

    There are myriad examples of individuals who are small in physical stature and yet giants among men.

    Not included among these inspirational people are the small bodied, small minded, and small spirited munchkins known as CJ and his trained pet, Mikey Landis.

  35. Anonymous6:25 PM

    I'm sure he begged for that award he doesn't deserve anything but a swift kick out of town. Why is that board allowing this mess?

  36. Anonymous4:42 AM

    It is a valid point that true leadership is doing the right thng, even when it is currently unpopular.

    On the other hand, CJ, Landis, etc.., continually doing the wrong things in the face of overwhelmingly negative public sentiment, is arrogant, pig headed, and just plain stupid.

  37. Anonymous9:13 AM

    The BOE to CJ.....CJ to his henchmen: "Don't tell me what I need to know. Tell me what I want to hear."

  38. Anonymous7:29 PM

    A big thank you to all for the best laugh I've had in days!! I had no idea that my one little comment regarding LMS would garner such a response!! Lol
