Saturday, October 18, 2014

Long spent more on meals in 3 months than Evans received in contributions

It is an uphill battle when your opponent pays out more for meals than you are receiving to fund your entire campaign.

That's the problem facing retired teacher Jim Evans, the Democratic candidate for Seventh District Congress.

Evans' quarterly financial disclosure form filed this week with the FEC shows he received $16,387 in contributions and spent $15,722.58, leaving him with $43,689.96 in the bank.

Even that is problematic since the campaign is $45,000 in debt, according to the report.

Meanwhile, Evans' opponent, Republican Billy Long, reported spending nearly $21,000 for meals alone during the past three months, while raising $162,000 and having $783,000 in the campaign account.

Billy Long campaign spends nearly $100,000 for meals

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:42 PM

    Billy Long has an big appetite for the truth.
