Sunday, January 25, 2015

Auditors to reveal report to Joplin R-8 Board during closed session

State auditors will give the Joplin R-8 Board of Education its first look at their report during a 5:30 p.m. closed work session Tuesday night.

The auditors completed the field work portion of their work in December, returning to Jefferson City to complete their report. The board will be given the opportunity to respond to their findings and those responses will be included in the final report, which will be released during a public session in a few weeks.

An update on the still unopened Performing Arts Center at Joplin High School will be given during the 7 p.m. open session. The center is scheduled to open this spring, most likely accompanied by another ribbon cutting.

The agenda for the open meeting is printed below:

A. Call to Order

1. Roll Call

B. Pledge of Allegiance

C. Approval of Agenda - Action

D. Reports

1. Board President's Report

2. Superintendent's Reports

a. School Board Recognition Week - January 25 - 31

b. Elementary Progress Reports - NMS Feeder Schools

c. Performing Arts Center Update

d. Early Childhood Center Update

E. Public Comments Regarding Agenda Items *

F. Consent Agenda - Action

1. Approve Minutes - Action

2. Personnel - Action

3. Laptop Purchase for Stapleton - Action

4. Purchase of a Security System for JHS Library Media Center - Action

5. Fuel for District Vehicles-Info

6. Financial Statements - Info.

7. Health Insurance and Dental Care Insurance Reports - Info.

G. Regular Agenda

1. Policy Updates - Second and Final Reading - Action

a. Policy IND - Ceremonies and Observances

2. Policy Update - First Reading - Action

a. Policy CFB - Evaluation of Principals

3. Accounts Payable - Action

H. Discussion Items

1. January 2015 Enrollment Report

I. Closed Session - RSMO.610.021 (1) Legal, (2) Real Estate, (3) Personnel, (12) Identifiable personnel records and (16) Auditor communications.


  1. Tell me why this has to be a closed session to begin with. It is what it is. Does this mean they can convince auditors to change something. Why the privacy ???

  2. All exit meetings between state auditors and governmental bodies are closed by law. This is not a decision by the board of education.

  3. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Can you tell us if a copy will be made public after 72 hours or will it be kept out of the public record?

  4. It won't be made public after 72 hours. During this meeting, the board will have the chance to respond to the auditors' findings. The auditors will then return to Jefferson City, incorporate those responses into the final audit and then it will be released in a public meeting, most likely toward the end of next month. The public will be able to ask questions at that meeting.

  5. Anonymous4:46 PM

    So the public needs to go to this meeting so that they can ask questions and Huff can't control who talks or when, the auditor does!
