Friday, January 30, 2015

Billy Long introduces bills to inform taxpayers, promote pro-life principles

(From Seventh District Congressman Billy Long)

The 114th Congress continues to pick up momentum, and we are forging ahead on new legislation. I want to share with you two important bills I have introduced – one to protect and inform taxpayers, and another to promote pro-life principles for adoptions.

In an era of strained budgets and increased spending, it is important to hold the president and the Executive Branch accountable on how Americans’ hard-earned tax dollars are spent. That is why I have introduced the Taxpayer Transparency Act (H.R. 310). My bill simply extends similar requirements already imposed on the Legislative Branch to the Executive Branch. This bill requires Executive agencies to disclose that their advertisements and certain communications are paid for at taxpayer expense in mediums including printed mailers, brochures, television and radio advertisements, billboards, and e-mail. I am optimistic this common sense piece of legislation can successfully move through both chambers and land on the president’s desk.

I also introduced the Adoption Promotion Act (H.R. 311), as I continue fighting to protect the unborn and give children opportunities for a happy, fulfilling childhood within a loving, caring family through adoption. The bill would ensure that all women accessing family planning services with Title X funding are given pregnancy options counseling, including professional adoption counseling. The Adoption Promotion Act would also allow collection of data on the effectiveness of pregnancy options counseling and adoption counseling to make sure women are receiving the most effective counseling possible for their child.

I am optimistic and looking forward to seeing where the legislation heads as I work with my House colleagues on these two measures. The legislative measures I am championing are about shining a light on how taxpayer dollars are spent and helping children find loving families through adoption.

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