Friday, January 30, 2015

McCaskill highest ranking Democrat on Investigations subcommittee

(From Sen. Claire McCaskill)

Confronting waste and abuse and strengthening accountability in government are Missouri values.

That fight dates back in part to 1941, when the U.S. military was struggling with war-profiteering. Missouri's Harry Truman fought back, launching the "Truman Committee," one of the most effective oversight efforts ever implemented by the U.S. government, saving billions of dollars. Today, the Truman Committee exists as the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations - considered the Senate's most powerful body for investigations.

Holding Harry Truman's old Senate seat, I've fought hard to keep his legacy alive. I've never shied away from a fight, either in the courtroom or the hearing room. And now, I'm excited to have a new opportunity to strengthen Americans' confidence in their government, by protecting your tax dollars and rooting out misconduct.

Last week, I was honored to be named the highest-ranking Democrat on the old Truman Committee.
I'm no stranger to the fight for a more transparent and accountable government. During my first term, I waged a successful six-year battle to rein in wasteful wartime contracting practices in Iraq and Afghanistan, and ultimately passed into law the most expansive reforms to wartime contracting since World War II. The legislation grew out of my campaign promise to continue Truman's legacy of guarding taxpayer dollars from waste, fraud, and abuse of power.

Now, as ranking member on this powerful subcommittee, I'll have the unique opportunity to help shape the agenda and lead the investigations of a panel with broad and oft-used subpoena power as I work with Chairman, Republican Senator Rob Portman, to achieve our shared goals. It's a legacy of Harry Truman's I'm honored to continue.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Pleeaase...political speak.
