Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Anne Sharp to teachers: Have a dandy day and send me your mailing addresses

The text messages sent by Anne Sharp to teachers asking for their help in securing her election to a sixth three-year term on the Joplin R-8 Board of Education are not the only contacts the board president has had with teachers.

After the Turner Report published the news about the text messages Tuesday night, I received two e-mails sending me copies of e-mail messages sent by Anne Sharp to teachers and staff members over the district mailing system.

The message reads as follows:

Hope you all are having a great 2015 so far. I was wondering if you might e-mail me your mailing addresses Thank you and have a dandy day.

Anne Sharp, Joplin School Board

While the message itself seems harmless, the idea of a school board member running for re-election sending texts and e-mail messages to the very people whose lives will be affected by decisions she might make if re-elected is questionable ethically to say the least.

(Photo: Anne Sharp gives a hug to Bright Futures USA director Kim Vann)


  1. Surely the public will not re elect this overbearing bullish person.

  2. Anonymous9:08 AM

    In the email, she asks for their home addresses but doesn't offer an explanation or any further information. You have to wonder if she received a wink of approval from the superintendent - or if she's just so dumb and insulated from reality that she can't wrap her mind around how unethical it is for a sitting school board president to be using district email as a campaign medium to reach to teachers and district employees. Either way, if anybody's paying attention out there, this person is either too dumb or too much of a privileged bully to be re-elected.

  3. Anonymous9:23 AM

    So...she knows which teachers send their address, and which don't...maybe Randy needs to get a PO box and get on Anne's mailing list...

  4. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Pretty sure that she's just really, really dumb. I mean, I have known her for years. She means well. But she is DUMB.

  5. Anonymous2:09 PM

    I agree Anne is DUMB - because of this CJ can maniplulate her to do his bidding. CJ would love to have 7 of her on the board.

  6. Anonymous3:50 PM

    I have also known Anne since we were young. At the high school open house she asked me what I thought of the new school. Of course she was bouncy, happy and had that impish smile she thinks she wears so well. I told her I thought it was a travesty, an eyesore and the biggest waste of taxpayer money ever allowed. Her face immediately turned blotchy red and she began to stutter, just like CJ. She was stunned, shocked, appalled, angry, and most of all, speechless, that I was not happy about the overpriced, under built, cheap looking building that stands where a once noble school stood. Money and sugarcoat is what has kept her on the board all these years.

  7. Anonymous4:11 PM

    350 is right about the high school..I wish 50 or so more people would have had the smarts not to vote for that plan....a travesty....and an ugly one at that....

  8. My book will have a lot of information about that bond issue election, much of which has never been made public before.

  9. Anonymous5:14 PM

    I hope you are looking into the redistricting as well. Shoddy deal.
