Wednesday, February 18, 2015

First preview of Silver Lining in a Funnel Cloud to be sent out Friday

I screwed up.

I had fully intended to have a 50-page preview of my new book, Silver Lining in a Funnel Cloud: How Greed and Corruption Destroyed the Joplin Tornado Recovery ready to send out next Monday.

Change of plans.

The designer, David Hoover of Dropcap Publishing, let me know Tuesday night that I had sent him closer to 100 pages, so those of you who will receive the preview are going to get twice as much as you had expected.

The photo that accompanies this post is the cover that will be used for the preview edition.The cover for the book itself, which is expected to be more than 300 pages, will be determined by the events of the next few weeks (release of Joplin R-8 and City of Joplin state audits).

Also, instead of sending it out Monday, I have decided to start sending out the previews Friday to everyone who has signed up by 9 a.m. Friday.

The second batch of previews will be sent out Monday, and after that, as I receive subscriptions or donations to the Turner Report/Inside Joplin.

Those who will receive a copy Friday will be the following:

-Those who have the $30 annual subscription to the Turner Report/Inside Joplin
-Those who have the old $10 quarterly subscriptions
-Those who have made contributions of $50 or above to the Turner Report/Inside Joplin (those people also receive signed copies of the paperback when it is published)

Those who subscribe, make a contribution after 9 a.m. Friday will receive the preview Monday.

Also eligible for those preview editions are the people who buy books at my signing this Saturday, February 21, 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. at Always Buying Books.

Buttons for subscriptions and donations are featured below and on the upper right hand side of this page.

Those who would prefer not to use PayPal or credit cards can mail contributions and subscription payments to 2306 E. 8th, Joplin, MO 64801.

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