Thursday, May 28, 2015

Mike Landis resigns

The Joplin Globe is reporting that Mike Landis has resigned from the Joplin R-8 Board of Education.

Landis, who has been on the board since 2001, was the last remaining board member from the group from those who were in office in April 2013.

The resignation comes on the heels of the resignation of his fellow board member Randy Steele and Superintendent C. J. Huff.

From the Globe article:

"During the past year, it has become increasingly obvious to me that the board is turning in a direction that I feel is not in the best interest of kids of Joplin Schools," he wrote in his letter to the board president. "Political agendas have taken the place of what the focus of the board should be, which is setting policy for the school district."

Landis said in his letter that he has worked with great board members over his 14-year service.

"However, when the members of the board are getting down in the weeds and trying to take the place of administration, then I know it's time to move on," he wrote.


  1. Anonymous11:00 AM


  2. Anonymous11:07 AM

    This has been a fantastic week for Joplin!

  3. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Well, Bye

  4. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Don't let the door...

  5. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Wow...he was condescending right to the end. He left out the part about him not being able to push HIS political agenda any longer.

  6. Anonymous11:10 AM

    However, when the members of the board are getting down in the weeds and trying to take the place of administration

    Interesting how you can spin "not being a rubber stamp". I continue to wonder if Steele, Huff and and now Landis are quitting because it's just not fun anymore.

    Another game changer, per Section 162.261.1 of the Missouri Revised Statutes:

    Any vacancy occurring in the board shall be filled by the remaining members of the board; except that if there are more than two vacancies at any one time, the county commission upon receiving written notice of the vacancies shall fill the vacancies by appointment.

    So the county commission will in due course appoint the three replacements---well, I suppose there's a requirement they get written notice, and I don't know the case law---but any way you look at it times have changed, although it's conceivable they'll create a "pro-Huff" (well, too late for that :-) faction of 4, but not probably likely.

    I suppose this allows the "anti-Huff 3" to focus on selecting an interim superintendent and otherwise doing what the board should do, instead of fighting with the former pro-Huff 3 over most everything important.

  7. Anonymous11:13 AM

    It's funny how cockroaches scatter together!!! Landis resigning shows his true character. I am sure since Huff/Landis/Sharp click doesn't control the BOE anymore that a lot of things might be coming to light, i.e. P1 lawsuit, and other spending, that they won't be able to sweep under the rug. And to think, Landis is going to or is running for county commissioner.....really!! This wants to be a politician so bad he can't stand it, which wouldn't be very high!! Stick with working at the mall selling safe rooms....goodbye!!!

  8. Anonymous11:15 AM

    3 people drop this close together?! smells dirty to me....
    im guessing they are dropping out before the public finds out about something big

  9. Anonymous11:23 AM

    "During the past year, it has become increasingly obvious to me that the board is turning in a direction that I feel is not in the best interest of kids of Joplin Schools,"

    Really....what direction is that? One for the kids and teachers and not upper management?

  10. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Go ahead and run Landis before the whole truth gets out. You are a bully who has harassed anyone who disagrees with you. Your resignation today makes it clear you have a lot to hide. How ironic you talk about political agendas. You and CJ's reign of terror is over. Good riddance!

  11. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Huff, Steele, Sharp and Landis will be holding the next BoE meeting in Huff's basement tonight. On the agenda....those meany heads.

  12. Anonymous11:47 AM

    11:10 AM
    How could that state statute apply to Joplin? The school district is spread over two counties.

  13. Anonymous11:48 AM

    To the person who cited the RsMO. Why can't the board president set the agenda as follows:
    Item #1 Accept Steele's resignation (thus having only two vacancies and five board members).
    Item #2 Elect new board member to fill original vacancy (3 votes will now be all that is needed) (now there is again only one vacancy and six board members)
    Item #3 Accept Landis' resignation (getting back to two vacancies, but never being more that two at a time)

    1. Anonymous1:59 PM

      Good thinking. What constitutes a Quorum at any of these steps?

  14. Anonymous12:04 PM

    11:47 AM: A very good point, and I'm sorry for forgetting about the hunk of Joplin and the school district that are in Newton County.

    That might be addressed by case law, perhaps the two county commissions could do it together, or the board might try maneuvering like 11:48 AM suggests, although the latter would result in a lot (more) criticism. But it would give the "anti-Huff 3" control which they'd otherwise entirely surrender if outsiders make the appointments. And be subject to a legal challenge, but that takes money.

  15. Anonymous12:06 PM

    It must be obvious that Landis was out on that limb by himself, must not want to be the one to take the fall when all of the skeletons are shaken out of the closet and the onion is peeled. They should let today be Huff's last day as well, why allow him to continue to bury any of his misdeeds?

    Now maybe the BOE can get down to real business and get the district back in order. The tornado was four years ago, it's time to move on and stop using that as an excuse for your jobs people and educate the students of Joplin...

  16. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Speaking of cockroaches. Tina Smith - hope you are polishing up your resume. It is time for you to go too. The dictatorship ends today!

  17. Rumor has it that Landis is finally seeking treatment for Littlemanitus.

  18. FallenGrace12:36 PM

    Tina Smith... Go. Now. She wasn't qualified for the job to begin with. She violated employment laws with several school employees. Can't wait!

  19. Anonymous12:43 PM

    He said it correctly people have their own agenda and a chip on their shoulder add Jim k the mix and theres another one. You complainers are getting what you want if you're even smart enough to realize it.

  20. Anonymous12:48 PM

    More legal questions. It says the "the county commission upon receiving written notice of the vacancies shall fill the vacancies by appointment". Can the board choose to fill the vacancies themselves and NOT notify the county commission in writing? How many vacancies does the county commission fill...all of them, only the ones needed to get back under the "no more than two" rule, only the ones in which they were notified in writing????? This is not as simple as citing one paragraph of one Statute. Lots of legal complexities.

  21. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Cleaning house is a good thing, a little rough to start with but when it's all said and done, and if people will use their heads, bring the right people to replace those who are scattering away, there may be a chance the kids of Joplin will get an education, because that what's really all about isn't it?

  22. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Maybe now they can hire Randy back......and all the problems of the world will be solved.

  23. Anonymous2:11 PM

    To really start caring for oor students, All soldiers (admin in the schools) must be looked at. Many drank the kool aide and are hip deep.

  24. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Dang Fort, what the hell did you say to this herd of losers?

  25. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Mr. Landis,

    If I had to listen to you make one more rude comment during a oard meeting, I was going to scream !!!!
    How'd you like to have your ass handed to you by a 20 something ( Ryan Jackson)? shame on you?

    All I can say is your poor wife.. and your poor son whom you pimp out on the teeny bopper circuit.

    We are Anonymous

    1. Of course you would sign off as anonymous.. Who would want to own up to such a petty and distasteful comment? #pathetic

  26. Anonymous4:19 PM

    Mr. Landis,

    If I had to listen to you make one more rude comment during a oard meeting, I was going to scream !!!!
    How'd you like to have your ass handed to you by a 20 something ( Ryan Jackson)? shame on you?

    All I can say is your poor wife.. and your poor son whom you pimp out on the teeny bopper circuit.

    We are Anonymous

  27. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Fort is the loser....with a touch of crazy. Not respected by her teachers that were under her....not at all. Even less respected now.

  28. 4:51 She's not lookin' much like a loser to me. She's a smart one and cares about kids and her staff. I saw it with my own eyes for seven years at her school.

  29. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Fort is very smart and knows how to play games just like Huff and the former Queen B. She is no stranger to letting power go to her head. Her position right now is perfect. She knows education from the inside, wants good for kids and can think just like Huff and his conspirators.
