Wednesday, March 15, 2017

McCaskill: Speak out against Trumpcare

(From Sen. Claire McCaskill)

So much for taking care of forgotten Americans.

According to the Congressional Budget Office, 24 million Americans in the next ten years will lose lifesaving insurance coverage under President Trump’s new healthcare plan.

The super-rich would pocket billions of dollars in tax breaks while hardworking families are squeezed for every nickel they’ve got. Older Americans would pay more for care. Medicaid reimbursements for Planned Parenthood services would be cut off, forcing the low-income women who rely on the organization most to find new healthcare providers.

President Trump’s plan is flat-out wrong, but Republicans are jamming it through Congress without any regard for the millions of people who would be hurt by it. I refuse to let Trumpcare get any further. I need you to join me and speak out right now:

Click here to add your name now to oppose President Trump’s reckless healthcare plan.
Oppose Trumpcare! Add your name!

Is anyone really surprised that Trumpcare gives the biggest benefits to the rich? For them, it’s a matter of pocketing extra tax breaks. For hardworking people all over Missouri – this is a matter of keeping their families healthy.

Leaders and organizations from across the political spectrum are speaking out to try to put the brakes on, but President Trump and Republicans are pushing full speed ahead – no matter how many people they have to run over to get the job done. I’m joining my colleagues and fighting President Trump’s healthcare plan, but I need you to join us:

Add your name now to oppose Trumpcare.


  1. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Jesus about we speak out against McCaskill instead. She makes me throw up in my mouth just a little every time I listen to her.

  2. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Let's see Claire, You democrats rammed Obama Care through congress without support from even 1 Republican, you never read the bill, you all Lied! We didn't get to keep our Dr's, or insurance, our premiums have skyrocketed with a deductible of $10,000.00---You democrats don't care about us working folks, you only care about allowing more illegals and refuges in to burden our already bankrupt country. Shame On You, I so hope you lose your re-election efforts, we need leaders not followers of Obama's broken policies. Remember when it was un-american to rack up trillions of dollars in debt with the countries credit card??? Well thank you to you and Obama's minions we got another 10 trillion added to our debt..You Need to go, you're the problem, not the solution.

  3. Amen Anonymous 7:49 pm!!

    Obamacare had already imploded!
    President Trump and the Republican Count Ng reds will save health care for the country!!

    Harvey Hutchinson 303-522-6622 voice&text 24/7

  4. Anonymous10:32 AM

    First off, Jesus Christ has nothing to do with Trumpcare and second of all, if McCaskill makes you want to throw up, listening to Trump must make you want to sh_t your pants.

  5. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Lol, Claire has upset the Trumpchump above this comment. Don't feel too bad, Trump has conned smarter people than you. If you think Trumpcare will cover as many people as the ACA, then you were easy bait for Don the con. If you think Trumpcare can even pass the Republican Congress, with the Tea Party saying any national insurance is communism, then you might be interested in some oceanfront property in Sarcoxie that I have for sale. If your problem is just with Claire, she was elected, maybe you can be Roy's boy toy. Now THAT would make me throw up in my mouth.

  6. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Let's just all go back to the "good 'ol days" when people had real pension plans and company health insurance plans....isn't that what Donald has promised us all? Oh wait....never mind. That was another figment of his imagination (like microwaves that spy). Looks like instead it's going to be no health care insurance, 401k's that depend on the stock market (if we are lucky), and getting rid of Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. Guess we can all live in a tent and pray we don't get sick, while chanting "lock her up" and watching the great one strut around on stage in his red ball cap, telling the world how rich he and smart he is. Sounds like a plan to me. This country is the only industrial nation left in the world that does not provide universal health care for its citizens. To quote our current President, "sad"......

  7. Get real Republicans said12:28 PM

    @. 7:27

    Wow! Claire and the Democrats are the problem, huh? Your frigging party can't even decide amongst themselves if national healthcare, like Canada, Sweden, Austrailia and other civilized countries, is good policy or not! One third of Repugnants say you are on your own, one third say let's give them a tax credit, and one third like the Governor of Kentucky are begging not to end the ACA! If you think Democrats are not for working folks and the Republicans are then you aren't even awake. If you think the farm industry can survive without immigrants, then you are uninformed, why do you think most Repugnicans support guest worker programs? Maybe if you called your GOP reps in Missouri, we would have accepted the Medicaid expansion and not had severe increases in your insurance costs. Americans with deficit debt, hell that is everyone in the United States, I don't see how you can claim everyone in America is un-American, lol. If you think Trumo will fix this, you are sorely mistaken! The CBO estimated deficit under Trump would increase $20 trillion, under Democrats only $5 to lion, I trust the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office, you should too.

  8. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Never trust the CBO, They were so far off on the ACA that they have become a joke...The numbers don't lie, and I'd rather take my chances with the Donald than the socialist, political correctness pig we had for the past 8 years...Thank God we stopped Hillary from finishing off what her predecessor started...

  9. Fact check says2:11 PM

    @ 12:43

    You don't trust the non-partisan CBO, but you trust Trump? If you plan on cashing your Social Security check, you're a socialist too. If you send your kids to public school, you're a socialist, too. Trump' budget shows that he is cutting funding from Meals on Wheels for the elderly, cutting low income home energy assistance program where 70% of those homes include children, a senior, or a disabled person. His budget eliminates funding for worker training and safety in the Dept. of Labor, budget cuts of $35 million to Habitat for Humanity, the budget cuts NASA, EPA, NOAA, the National Institute of Health, PBS, NEA, and training for nursing. He also spoke of cutting Medicaid, and possibly Social Security.

    Now, if he was doing this for "conservatism" or paying down the national debt, then you could possibly argue for these draconian measures, but he isn't. He is taking these services and spending an additional 54 billion on the military, despite having the best military in the world. Trump is giving $314 million to I.C.E. and another 2.6 billion to Homeland Security to plan for a border wall. Never mind the actual $20-25 billion it would take to build it, that's not in the budget, but rest assured YOU will pay for it. Obama was a grown-up, I miss him compared to the vulgar, racist, narcicisstic, misogynistic Turd-in-charge that now occupies the White House.

  10. Anonymous2:46 PM

    @2:11 I'm With 12:43, I'll take this Turd in charge over Hillary anyday...I really don't care how many programs he cuts, it's not my responsibility or the taxpayers responsibility to care for every poor person or every program in this country...The national defense is all I'm concerned with...I don't need social security, in fact I'd like a refund for every penny i paid in, and I sent my kids to private schools because my wife and i worked hard for our money...and because we could...The very things you describe are what's wrong with America...people refuse to take responsibility for raising their children properly, therefore resulting in lazinesz, low skills, help me I'm poor, give me, give me..... So sick of you fake bleeding hearts...You care about the homeless, elderly meals on wheels recipient's, immigrants then you and all those that think like you take them in. House them, pay for their housing etc...Just remember over 80 plus% of the county's in this country voted Trump, actually 86%, so we don't care, We Won!

  11. Anonymous2:51 PM

    @2:11..MAGA Everything he promised his supporters he would do! Support our Military and cut the EPA, He's My President ������������ God Speed Trump

  12. Anonymous7:27 PM

    @ 6:17

    I don't have to work, I'm retired with a pension, insurance, home paid for, stocks, and money in the bank. I'm not the whiny little snowflake that is bitching about paying a small percentage of taxes from probably a small income, that could possibly have a portion to pay for disabled or mentally challenged citizens. Mentally challenged citizens have are better humans he you can ever hope to be, as they are seldom whiny, little selfish punks. Your predisposition to call anything you don't understand "fake news" is laughable, as is your whining. I don't need a puppy, I have a dog with far more understanding of the world, and its inhabitants, than your lack of intelligence permits you to comprehend.

  13. Anonymous8:25 PM

    @ 7:15

    Your blanket statement is false. In 2008, Democrats had a majority and passed the ACA. The GOP has stated 47% of the American population is on some form of government assistance. If that is the case does this area vote 80% Republican? Why would almost half the population vote for GOP candidates that don't believe in entitlements, and thus are voting against their own best interests. I can tell you why, 47% of our population is stupid, exactly the number that voted for the Trump chump. I know you don't want the government in your business, but guess what, they know everything about you, if they so choose. Democrats won the popular vote, get over it snowflake. Dumb Donald, with the vocabulary of a sixth-grader, will be impeached or resign before he completes his term in office.

  14. Anonymous8:39 PM

    @7:27, lol...I can never get enough of the lefty cry babies.I'll sleep well tonight. Keep on patting yourself on the back! MAGA

  15. Anonymous10:48 PM

    My child is 16 and I always go in the room period! So wondering where was the parent. And if this Dr. is a gynecologist he always has a nurse in the room. Just saying
