Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Parson: Missouri Senate should expel Maria Chappelle-Nadal for Trump assassination post

(From Lt. Gov. Mike Parson)

Lieutenant Governor Mike Parson sent the following letter today to members of the Missouri Senate asking them to begin proceedings to expel Senator Maria Chappelle-Nadal from the Senate.

August 22, 2017
Members of the Missouri Senate
Missouri State Capitol
Jefferson City, Mo. 65101

Dear Colleagues,

The recent inflammatory comments made by Senator Chappelle-Nadal are unacceptable and unbefitting conduct of a Missouri State Senator. I am calling on the Missouri Senate to go into special session in conjunction with Veto Session, with the purpose of expelling Senator Chappelle-Nadal from the body under the authority vested to the Senate under Article III, Section 18 of the Missouri Constitution. I do not make this request of you lightly, but you and I know it is the right course of action to take for the people of Missouri.

Condemnation for these remarks was swift and bipartisan. Governor Greitens, Senator McCaskill, Congressman Clay, Congressman Cleaver, and numerous others – including myself – have called for Senator Chappelle-Nadal to resign, but she has thus far refused. I would like to thank Minority Leader Gina Walsh for her swift action to condemn the Senator’s remarks and remove her from committee assignments.

I realize what I am asking is nearly unprecedented. The Senate has not sought to remove a member since 1945. However, in a situation like this, we as a body have a responsibility to hold ourselves to a higher standard and draw a line against these inexcusable actions. It is unacceptable for a public official to call for violence against the President of the United States, and there is no place in the Missouri General Assembly for a legislator who embraces such harmful rhetoric.


  1. Lt. Govenor Pardons,
    You are 1,000% correct!!

    Thank you so much for your courage, and years and years of service to your Country, State and SWMO,

    Sincerely & respectfully,
    Harvey Hutchinson 303-522-6622 voice&text

  2. Duh Bya Billy Joe Donny Bob5:23 AM

    Maybe them thar second amendment people can take care of this. That's what der Trumpenfuhrer says so it must be O.K.

  3. She's not worth shooting!!!
    Just expelling!! And that way she can enjoy it!

    Actually she'll be in good shape with the Fake Newsers, right now MSNBC and CNN are fighting over her, and she'll definitely be in McCaskill's inner circle, campaign, and staffer later.

    Harvey Hutchinson 303-522-6622 voice&text

  4. Anonymous6:23 PM

    But Harvey, who said anything about shooting her? Is that what was meant when your so called president said that maybe the second amendment people could take care of Hilary? You may want to try to think before you speak. You are letting the world see the TRUE republican. Hypocrite and liar to the end. Hopefully Trump will be impeached or, better yet, we will use the 25th amendment on the lunatic and remove him from office. Then you can chase after Pence. He has an "R" beside his name too. But his isn't quite as lunatic fringe as you ALT Right white supremacist nutjobs are.

  5. The Duh guy equated it all with the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution of the United Statesvof America-- which affords IT'S citizens the right to bear arms implying that someone should( or could) shot her. Read his blog again

    My response: the ammunition is more valuable than Nadal is

    Harvey Hutchinson 303-522-6622 voice&text
