Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Richard praises decision of Senate minority leader to strip Chappelle-Nadal of all committee assignments

(From Sen. Ron Richard, R-Joplin)

Senate Leader Ron Richard, R-Joplin, released this statement today on the future of Sen. Chappelle-Nadal’s appointments to Senate, Joint, and Statutory Committees.

“I support the decision of Senate Minority Leader Gina Walsh to remove Sen. Chappelle-Nadal from all of her Senate committees. I am also removing her from all appointments under my authority.”


  1. Senator Richard,
    You are 1,000% correct, and a true Patriot!
    SWMO is going to lose its best ever when your term expires!!!( Personally, I still remain hopeful that another , even larger elected office becomes available for you)

    Many thanks for all the years,
    Sincerely & respectfully,
    Harvey Hutchinson 303-522-6622 voice&text

  2. Anonymous5:40 AM

    Can you imagine the uproar if someone had asked for Obama's assassination? Good move, Senator Richard.

  3. Anonymous8:03 AM

    You actually think there would have been an uproar? The right would have said "Oh just joking. Nothing to see or read here folks." We'll let the second amendment people take care of it.

  4. Anonymous4:41 AM

    540, Yes I can. Ted Nugent suggested he put a gun in Hillary Clintons mouth and D Trump suggested that the second amendment people take care of H Clinton. There was no uproar whatsoever. In fact, the self admitted sex fiend/draft dodger was invited to the White House.

  5. Anonymous8:03 AM

    @4:41 AM
    You are 1,000% correct and a truer Patriot!!!
