Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Associated Press FEMA article on $70 million in rejections caught R-8 officials by surprise

An Associated Press article revealing that FEMA has rejected more than $70 million in requests from the Joplin R-8 School district caught district officials by surprise.

"We don't know what prompted them to raise the question," Interim CFO Ron Lankford told the board a few moments ago.

Lankford said he thought the recent disasters, including hurricanes and wild fires that have hit the United States might have made FEMA a point of interest and Joplin's role as a city involved in a major disaster made it a natural for AP reporter David A. Lieb.

The FEMA funding was later addressed in the Joplin Globe after the AP story had run in newspapers and websites across the nation.

Su.san Smith, the district's accounting director gave a rundown of what has been received from FEMA, what has not been paid, but has been obligated, and items that are in first or final appeal.

The amount that has been rejected by the federal government at this point is $71,044,295.25.

Two projects are on their second and final appeal, Lankford said, while four others have been rejected once and second appeals are being prepared.

If FEMA does not allocate the money, it will make no difference as far as the projects are concerned. The money for them has been paid. Where it does make a difference is in repaying the loans that have been taken out to cover earlier obligations.

District personnel have also borne the cost since they received no raises or meager raises over the past several years and many have moved on to other school districts.

"The goal of the district is to get the matter resolved," Lankford said, noting that he had talked with the offices of Sen. Roy Blunt and Seventh District Congressman Billy Long about FEMA since the AP article was published.

"Joplin needs to get this behind us."

Previous posts

FEMA documents: Joplin R-8 tornado recovery began with $3 million+ no-bid contract

FEMA documents show Joplin R-8 agreed to budget, then ignored it completely

FEMA documents: Joplin R-8 officials asked for $44K for planning work that was never done at Emerson Elementary

Waiting for FEMA: Joplin R-8 Board extends loan, plans for sharp dip in reserves

FEMA rejects $70 million of Joplin R-8 claims


  1. Anonymous7:56 PM

    Too bad these people don't read the Turner Report!

    At least they aren't paid to be ahead of the curve.

  2. Anonymous9:33 PM

    And we continue to suffer the consequences of Huff and Company.
    That tornado was an F5, Huff and Company were at least an F4.

  3. Steve Holmes10:42 PM

    I wonder what prompted Mr. Leib to write the article. He probably had a Joplin "Deep Throat." I figured you contacted him Randy.

    It will be interesting to see how this plays out now that it's no longer Joplin's dirty little secret. The story's been picked up by papers all over the country. That's the kind of scrutiny the District may not be able to ignore. Eventually, a reporter will seek comment from the people who were in charge during the rebuilding.

  4. I contacted him after the article was published and told him I appreciated it. As far as I know, my earlier writings had nothing to do with the article, unless he received a tip from someone here who read what I wrote a few months back.

  5. Anonymous7:24 AM

    So the secret about Joplin R-8 and the silver lining is out?

    They weren't walking on water after the tornado after all?

