Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Greitens supports DOJ action to revoke citizenship of Columbia man tied to terrorism

(From Gov. Eric Greitens)

Today, Governor Eric Greitens released a statement in support of actions taken by the Department of Justice to revoke the citizenship of Mubarak Hamed, the former head of a terrorist organization based in Columbia, Missouri.

“Mubarak Hamed was the leader of a Missouri-based terrorist organization and is a convicted criminal who lied his way through the immigration process. The Department of Justice wants his citizenship revoked—and they're right. Convicted criminals who lead terrorist organizations and lie during the naturalization process should lose their citizenship.

Hamed ran an organization called the Islamic American Relief Agency, based here in Columbia, Missouri. The U.S. government classified it as a terrorist organization when it was discovered that the group funneled over one million dollars to Iraq in violation of federal law. Hamed went through the naturalization process to become a US citizen and lied under oath about his ties to this terrorist organization and the crimes he committed.

The Department of Justice is pushing for him to lose his citizenship. They're right. We don’t want the leaders of terrorist organizations in Missouri, and Mubarak Hamed does not deserve the privilege of US citizenship. When you support terrorism, commit crimes, and lie about your ties to terrorism in the process of becoming a citizen—you need to lose your citizenship and be deported,” said Governor Greitens.


“Department of Justice Files Denaturalization Complaint Against Diversity Visa Recipient Who Transferred Non-Profit Funds to Specially Designated Global Terrorist” https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/department-justice-files-denaturalization-complaint-against-diversity-visa-recipient-who

“Man tied to former terrorist group in Missouri should lose citizenship, DOJ says”http://www.kansascity.com/news/local/crime/article198993274.html


  1. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Thank you!
    I completely agree with you.
    They should be permanently blocked from returning to the US.

  2. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Lemme guess...wrap him in duct tape and tsake some pictures? Consenting adults only of course.


  3. Thank you Govenor Greitens

    Harvey Hutchinson 303-522-6622 voice&text

  4. Anonymous3:57 AM

    Why not convict and jail him? Why let him go where he can continue his efforts?

  5. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Let he without sin . . . his adultery is between him and his wife and God.

    If you are going to elect politicians and look to them as a representation of good morals and a sinless life style you will always be disappointed.

  6. Anonymous 12:24
    Govenor Greitens was deployed 5 times in actual battle theatres serving his country— many more than typical

    Harvey Hutchinson 303-522-6622 voice&text

  7. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Watch yourself Harvey, I have it on good authority there are two Arabs hiding under your bed.

  8. 1:20, you’re probably correct; that’s why I’m glad we have the President and Govenor that we do.

    Those two Arabs probably walked across the southern border unencumbered; or are illegally overstayiny their Visa by 5 or 6 years

    Harvey Hutchinson 303-522-6622 voice&text

  9. Anonymous11:11 AM

    "that’s why I’m glad we have the President and Govenor that we do." A couple of degenerate perverts that have an "R" beside their name. Something to be proud of. Typical Republican hypocrite. By the way genius, you misspelled governor. Or in your case goobernor.
