Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Josh Hawley: I have offered up Missouri to host President Trump's military parade

(From the Josh Hawley Senate Campaign)

President Trump is looking for a venue for a military parade — What better place to have it than the Show-Me-State? I have offered up Missouri to host the event, and I look forward to seeing if the president accepts.

This is an opportunity to honor those, past and present, who have given so much to protect our country. And it’s a chance to reaffirm our shared ideals of liberty and patriotism.

If Washington DC liberals cannot stand to show appreciation for our soldiers, our veterans, and our flag, what can they stand for?


  1. Mistake,Josh...if you had a military background you would know why the Seal that killed Bin Laden was on target...banana republics and communist love such....Josh stay away from this...you are still my choice for replacing Unfair to Missouri Claire.

  2. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Thank you Mr Hawley for supporting President Trump as he supports our troops.

    From a Proud Patriotic American

  3. Reality Check12:21 PM

    Honor those who deserve respect,not those who demand it: A Veterans' parade rather than a military show of force dreamed of by a 5-deferment non-vet.

  4. Anonymous12:26 PM

    This isn't a parade to honor the military, we already have plenty of those. This is a parade to make Trump feel good, to waste taxpayer money. It's wasteful and unnecessary. It's plain to see that other citizens don't feel the same as Mr. Hawley.

  5. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Bad idea. No. Just. No.

  6. Anonymous2:34 PM

    This patriotic veteran is ashamed of this parade idea...stupid waste...flag waving non-vets need to have rally for our armed forces...

  7. Anonymous3:16 PM

    If he wants to see a military show he can just go down to eighth and I and let the Marines perform for him. Hell they do it every day. Or more appropriately he can go to Arlington and watch the one may parade of the Tomb Guard. Maybe that would help him to put the military into perspective. Nobody wants to be reviewed by a Draft Dodger.

  8. Anonymous4:11 PM


    Hold my beer and watch this!

  9. Anonymous9:40 PM

    I just love how many libs love to jump on the draft dodger train. The same ones who refer to the Vietnam war as immoral and illegal. All this Libertarian knows is that it was fine and dandy for Slick Willie to do it. Hell, some applauded him for it. Bunch of damn partisan hypocrites.

  10. Anonymous1:07 AM

    940...what is your point?Are you unaware that most vets don't fit your scenario?

  11. Anonymous3:45 AM

    940, There is not one post that mentioned draft dodger here. I guess you couldn't contain your self from a chance to call someone a lib either?

    Bill Clinton openly disagreed with the vietnam war. He went to college in England. Trump received several deferments to avoid a war that he supported. Big difference. If you are a war hawk, then join the fight. Trump actually claims he is military because he attended some sort of military prep school. That is so lame.
    But face it, the idea of a parade is just stupid. Most do not want it. And yes, I am a vet.

  12. Super idea!!
    Thanks Attorney General Hawley!!

    Harvey Hutchinson 303-522-6622 voice&text

  13. Anonymous5:15 AM

    What the hell led you to the conclusion that I am a liberal? Hey I will match chest candy with you any day.

  14. Independent - Non-partisan7:05 AM

    3:16 - Arlington's a poignant suggestion.
    9:40 - It's the optics, man.

  15. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Draftdodger Don is a chickenhawk!

    "Well, I don't know, you know there's lots of different ways of doing it. It's a very complicated subject. They say that more people were killed by women in this act than killed in Vietnam, OK," Trump said.

    "Yes, that is true," replied Stern.

    "You know, you get criticized for that statement, but that statement is very easily true," added Trump.

    Stern responded, "I even went as far to say that you're braver than any Vietnam vet because you're out there screwing a lot of women."

    "Getting the Congressional Medal of Honor, in actuality," said Trump.


  16. Steve Holmes2:58 PM

    Harvey, why do we need another parade? We already have parades. We already have Military
    Appreciation Days. We already have plenty of ways for people to pay cheap lip service to
    soldiers without it actually costing them anything.

    I wish Mr. Trump would use his influence to urge people to back the USO, the nation's
    official support-the-troops organization, especially Operation Phone Home (https://www.uso.org/programs/operation-phone-home).
    Deployment can be hell on marriages and families. Help our young warriors keep the lines
    of communication open. But it requires money. Yours. Mine. Freedom isn't free, y'know.

    It's an actual, tangible way of supporting the troops that leaves parades and bumper
    stickers looking kind of empty.

  17. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Trump is putting our military and our veterans needs first and foremost. He cares about them and has done more so far in this administration to advance them in every way, than the last administration did for them in two terms.
    He is proud of our military and wants others to know how much with a show of forces, displaying our fine young men and women and honoring them.

    I am not sure where all these snide remarks are coming from, except from Trump haters. I for one am grateful to again have a President who is patriotic, loyal to our country and honors our flag and our military.

    God bless America. God bless President Trump. God bless and protect our men and women in uniform.

  18. Curious5:44 PM

    Who's going to pay for the street (infrastructure) repairs after tons of military equipment rolls through?

    1. Anonymous8:08 PM

      We will. The same people who pay for the destruction caused by rioters in Ferguson Mo and the pro-abortionists and "vaginas" from the womens march in washington.

      At least my tax dollars will be spent for something I am proud to pay for.

  19. Steve Holmes9:05 PM

    Yes 8:08, and I suppose the anti-abortion folks protesting Roe v Wade and the Nazis marching in Charlottesville all cleaned up after themselves.

    Nobody's answered the question: Why another parade when we already have Veteran's Day and Memorial Day?

    1. Anonymous2:52 AM

      5:27 told you

      It's a patriotic thing, remember pride in our country and respect for our flag and our military?
      You wouldn't understand.

  20. Anonymous1:34 AM

    Wow,what a diverse discourse...topic is a parade...are you for it or not?I think it's a mistake. Our under strength,over committed, inadequately equipped military does not need to fiddle with a May Day type parade. I voted for Trump over Hilary but on this matter he reminds me of the Animal House ROTC Field Marshall Neidermeyer.Enough with the brassy nouveau riche New York city chutzpah.

  21. Steve, one of those days, or the 4th of July would be a good time for the parade, other countries such as France have them. I have two nephews deployed in Kuwait and Syria/Iraq right now. They deserve some appreciation, it will also help with recruiting our all volunteer military. There’s already an outback and recruiting budget to use for this

    Harvey Hutchinson 303-522-6622 voice&text

  22. Harvey..Have been in countless military parades including inaugural ..they are a pain....July 4 is still a parade time in some places...recruiting would be helped if repeated deployments were not such a problem for family life....we are wearing out our young volunteers.Wish we had mandatory service military or civilian for all young folks..

  23. Anonymous6:13 AM

    Since Trump has already declared victory over ISIS, it is time to bring all of our troops home and slash the hell out of the military budget.

  24. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Hah! Well that's the pot calling the kettle black. DNC lied cheated killed and stealed to win the election, but God prevailed.
    They know what they did to win the election which is probably why they are such sore losers.
    They still don't get it.
    God puts in Kings at his time. And what God decides to do, no man can change.

  25. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Sure a lot of venom spewing, name calling and accusations flying here. All because of a parade??? Good thing you provide a forum for discussion, Mr. Turner. Thank you!

  26. Steve Holmes10:35 AM

    9:29, here we go again. God runs the elections? OK. That means God wanted Obama as President for eight years, Bill Clinton as President for eight years and a Democrat to win the special Senatorial election in Alabama.

    2:52, you're right, I wouldn't understand a parade to show off a bunch of missiles other countries already know we have. It's so Third World, an insecure leader wanting the world to know he has a big penis (what d'you think the missiles are for?). If the nation wants to show its appreciation, spend the parade money on the Wounded Warrior project or the USO. It's quiet patriotism. You wouldn't understand.

    Harvey, we're taking military advice from France, the country that had to be rescued from the Germans twice in 25 years?

    1. Anonymous11:58 AM

      Yes that is true. He did.
      Although I didnt vote for Obama I didnt hate the man.
      I accepted the fact that he was elected president.

  27. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Well God doesn't like you very much, so what are you going to do when you end up in hell with all of us Democrats.

    1. Anonymous12:01 PM

      I hope i don't end up in hell and I hope you don't either.

      I never said I hated anyone.
      That must be what you are thinking, not me.

  28. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Lucky for me there ain't a Hell, just like there ain't a Heaven. It is all a myth perpetrated by a 2000 year old fiction novel.

  29. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Anonymous 11:58: I'm glad that you don't hate Obama since he seemed to me to be a thoroughly decent and intelligent man who tried to do his best, whether or not one agreed with his final decisions. This is, sadly, something I can't say about the current occupant of the WH. Yet I don't hate Trump either, if he had stayed in his proper television environment, his personal failings would have been his own business, but as the president they affect the lives and well-beings of all Americans and so I find him, though not his poorly informed supporters (excepting the sizable contingent of white-supremacists), deplorable.

    Anonymous 9:29: Who did Democrats kill to maintain party supremacy? I must have missed that tidbit - but then I don't follow the fake news outlets.

    Also, did Democrats kill as many Americans as the efforts of GOPers to destroy healthcare protections for preexisting conditions probably eventually will as they wear down the Obamacare healthcare standards?

  30. Anonymous10:38 PM

    I thought with all of his comments I would click on this and find something of substance. Boy was I wrong, you people are a bunch of idiots arguing about this kind of nonsense. There has to be more important things in the world to complain about don't you think?

  31. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Based on the number of comments, the military parade is substantial to those involved in the discussion. There aren't many forums available for open sharing of opinions like the Turner's Blog provides.

  32. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Anonymous 10:38 pm: I'm glad that you are so willing to put those of us who are interested in Hawley's pandering in to our place, insubstantive as it may be. What would we do without the wise guidance of those who hope to turn our attention to h big issues - like what again?

    However, although a triumphalist parade of the sort Trump seems to envision is unlikely to ever come to Missouri, the posturing by Hawley, who seems to be on the cusp of losing some vital GOP support after his missteps on the topic of sex trafficking, is interesting to many of us. Partly because it's both absurd and arrogant to offer up the resources of the state that would be required to host such an event - not to mention those of the major cities that could provide an appropriate venue - unless the parade could be channeled down a portion of I-70 - that would be required to provide security, etc.

    Of course maybe Hawley expects to get some of the $30 million in federal funds that the military estimates to be the cost of the parade - or was he volunteering to take on the expense if D.C. types spike the idea? In which case even more arrogant given that the state is in bad financial shape. Although I did hear some radio personality tout the possible tourism gains that cities like St. Louis or Kansas City might realize if the parade were held in either city. (Could Jefferson City accommodate such a display?). Interesting if silly considerations, I know. Mr. Big Ego President wants a vanity parade in the naiton's capital - a place of substance where the tribute to his ego would have real international impact - Missouri would never do.
