Monday, February 05, 2018

State takes steps to revoke former Webb City teacher's certification after sex crime conviction

The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education has begun the process of revoking former Webb City High School choir teacher Carrie Njoroge's teaching certification, according to a document filed Thursday in Jasper County Circuit Court.

One of the conditions of Njoroge's Alford plea to a charge of having sexual contact with a student was that she surrender her teaching certificate.

Eric Avant, supervisor of Education Certification/Conduct and Investigation for DESE, sent a letter to the circuit clerk asking for a certified copy of the sentence, judgment, typed docket sheets, handwritten docket entries and all charging documents.

Njoroge withdrew her not guilty plea in October, moments before her trial was scheduled to begin and submitted an Alford plea, which means she was not admitting guilt, but was acknowledging that the prosecution had enough evidence to convict her.

Judge David Mouton handed Njoroge a suspended sentence and placed her on supervised probation for five years. She was ordered to pay $50 to the Jasper County Law Enforcement Restituation Fund. Njoroge was represented by attorneys Dee Wampler, Joe Passanise, Scott Pierson and Judd McPherson.

Njoroge was arrested for an after school hours sex act with an 18-year-old student April 25, 2014..

The probable cause statement, written by Webb City Police Department Cpl. Josh Smith, is printed below:

On April 15, 2014, between the hours of 19:30 and 21:30 hours at 621 N. Madison, Webb City, Jasper County, Missouri, 64870 (Webb City High School), Carrie Njoroge, a Webb City High School choir teacher, had consensual sexual intercourse with an 18-year-old male student in her office. The student stated they participated in an ongoing relationship for approximately three months involving oral sex on multiple occasions and sexual intercourse on April 15, 2014.


  1. Anonymous4:42 AM

    I'm glad she had the criminal (Judd) representing her in all of this. Misery loves company.

  2. Anonymous1:28 PM

    That is crazy! She was my choir teacher. Amazing the things that people hide and do. I would have never guessed something like this with her. But people are never who they seem to be

  3. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Revocation of teaching degree shpuld be automatically part of the judment when a teacher is convicted of a sex crime.
    The state should not have to forego the expense of an additional court peoceeding or filings.

    These are the kind of laws that our senators should be concerned about instead of fighting over letting illegals come into/stay in our country.
