Tuesday, May 01, 2018

Joplin man: I have sexually abused so many children, I can't put a number on it

A federal grand jury indicted a Joplin man today on child pornography charges.

Jack Daggett, 29, is being held without bond after admitting to investigators "he had sexually abused so many children, he could not put a number on it."
According to the probable cause statement, Daggett said he viewed child pornography to keep himself from abusing more children. Though he said had been looking at child porn for quite some time, the indictment is for the period between February 17 and March 28. The pornography involved children as young as toddlers.

Daggett said he had spent much of his youth in group homes after being caught raping "a much younger child," according to the probable cause statement.

U. S. District Court records indicate Daggett was initially arrested in April.


  1. Anonymous5:27 AM

    In this day and age, I would have hoped that society had evolved to a point where we are accepting of all people's sexual preferences. I understand that some would argue that these children are too young and that this adult must have taken advantage of them. However I point to the recent events involving gun protests where children have proven that they are capable of making more sound decisions than most adults. Even though those children are older than the ones mentioned in this story, we should all open our minds to the fact that children of any age are capable of leading this country and deciding who they want to have sex with and at what age. Any restraints put on people solely on age or sexual preference should be protected by law, not condemned by law. Who are we to judge?

    1. Anonymous6:15 AM

      What are you smoking?

    2. You are sick. Toddlers cannot consent. Children who are 10 and 11 cannot consent. Your logic cannot exist because you are not considering the fact that only one party is an adult-not a child younger than mid teens who barely understands sexual activity. The monster mentioned in this article should not have anyone trying to make sense or justify his behavior. Perhaps police should take a look at you and your activities.

    3. Anonymous8:06 AM

      @5:27 I must admit to surprise at reading your comment. Usually someone with such an unabashed, twisted, and asinine perspective follows with poor grammatical skills as well.

    4. Anonymous8:28 AM

      Huh, you are sick and need help.

    5. And you are part of this worlds sick disgusting problem! You clearly need your own medical health testing done to think that small kids or kids in general can make a right choice to allow someone to do something to their body. This story doesnt even state he is defending himself anyway. He never said any of them allowed him to do such things nor did it state anything on sexual prefrences. You have one immature screwed up childish mind yourself and should be seeking some medical help. I hope you get that help in the near future before you create or become more of a problem

    6. Anonymous11:32 AM

      So 12 year olds are ok?

    7. Anonymous1:48 PM

      You are a sick animal

    8. I'm thinking you need investigated

    9. Anonymous5:57 PM

      Yes! I agree

    10. Anonymous6:02 PM

      This seriously needs reported. I think it is probably the most sick comment I have ever read after an article about toddlers being abused.

    11. Anonymous8:09 AM

      I'm completely disgusted with someone who thinks we'r should accept disgusting perverted ideas that you possess. In my opinion, all pedophiles should be put down. I also believe the first poster needs to be investigated and if found to be in any way remotely involved with any child molestation or rape also needs to be put down. Clearly, the us no rehabilitating these disgusting animals.

    12. Anonymous9:32 AM

      Touch my kid like that and you'll have a closed casket.

  2. Anonymous6:52 AM

    You’re joking right!? I don’t know who sickens me more. This man that committed these heinous acts or you for the filth that just came out of your mouth! You can’t possibly say a toddler wanted this man to abuse them!?

    1. Youre obviously confused right now! Reread the sanonymous comment

  3. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Wow I think the police ought to have a look at you because I'm sure that if you think a child or toddler can consent to sex and it's ok then you probably need to be in jail because I'm sure you've done the same thing as he did to kids. There is no other explanation for you to take up for him the way you did. You are absolutely sick.

  4. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Having worked with children who have been sexually abused, I know the impact that sexual abuse has on a young person. The mental health issues that arise from an adult they trust taking advantage of them and robbing them of their childhood and innocence is heartbreaking.

  5. Anonymous7:21 AM

    That is sickening how can you even justify what this monster did as being just. Makes you just as bad as him in my book. Horrible!!!!!!

  6. Anonymous7:53 AM

    I can't be anymore happier that they got this pos of the street.

  7. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Alright, let's have a grown man come up to your 3 year old and see how you feel about it.
    The person that said that should be investigated, which is why they are anonymous.

  8. Hey, why don't you reveal who you are? It would be great to identify you since you are just as sick at the person you are defending!

  9. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Touch my toddler or young child and i promise you won't like the torture before the bullet.

  10. This is what's wrong with today. Purple thinking discussing things are "ok" because of stupid movements and "accepting" everyone. Mental illness shouldn't be accepted. Mental illness should be identified and treated!!! Maybe put a little Jesus in there and stop hurting innocents!!! This world is sick and twisted and with everyone trying to make it "socially acceptable" is just making it worse!!!

  11. Anonymous9:15 AM

    5:27 What an asinine attempt to demonstrate your 2nd amendment, gun-loving fetish. Quite a reach there, sicko.

  12. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Can you provide a link to the probable cause statement? Any supporting documentation?

  13. Anonymous10:14 AM

    What the hell?

  14. Anonymous10:49 AM

    One day maybe we will get to read, "I've executed so many child molesters, I can't put a number on it.".

  15. Anonymous11:01 AM

    It's quite possible that comment is just here as a troll. Do your best to ignore them. There are a lot of people who have been joking about this kind of thing with all the new ideas floating around that have to do with sexuality. Not saying what they said it right, it's a dark joke, but that's all it is. Nothing ment to be serious.

  16. Did you really just try to justify any of what this man has done to many children? You can burn with him!!

  17. Pretty sure the first post was sarcasm and trolling. It would appear that Sanonymous bit the hardest on the bait by announcing that they were outraged by the thought of children under 12 being exploited but apparently being ok with kids over the age of 12 consenting. At least the first post smacks of sarcasm, Sanonymous seems science. Which is kind of scary.

    1. Definitely not okay with twelve year olds having sexual activity. I should have phrased my comments better so I apologize for any confusion. I understand that teenagers and young adults have sexual contact with each other because they are teenagers and it’s expected at that age but it is NOT Okay for a legal adult to engage in sexual activity of ANY KIND with anyone underage. (I’m not even a fan of teenagers getting busy with each other— they are not mentally mature enough for that)

      It probably was just a troll and I too the bait but I still think it is safe to say that any person out there who enjoys the idea of engaging sexuallly with a minor is sick and in need of chemical castration plus punishment of the highest degree by the law/. I apologize if my comment earlier wasn’t clear enough for proper interpretation.

  18. Anonymous1:35 PM

    I hope the police track your IP address and you're the next one they take down! Sicko!!!

  19. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Even if satire. Sick. And not cool to use such a disturbing comparison. These comments MUST be approved before posting. Shame on whoever allowed that comment on the 1st place. Also to the commenter. You need investigated. However can home and make light of these heinous act has no morals in the 1st place.

  20. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Hey, 5:27 -

    Your thinking is so disturbed, if you're serious the authorities should probably be having an in depth interview with you.
    If it was spewing nonsense to get a response, use your time more constructively, please.

  21. I agree that anyone who commits acts of dispicable behavior should be investigated and thown in jail and the key sent to the son of our planet. I have had mental issued all of my life and I'm 36. I'm not violent or agressive until people start thinking we mentals are lower than them. No that I have your attention I believe that something created this universe but since I was not there when it happened anything to do with it should be considered here say since anyone who was alive at that time is dead by now!!!! As far as I'm concerned people that look down on the mentally handycaps should be thown in jail as well for discrimination! That is all I want to say as anything else from you only makes people well they lose their IQ!!

  22. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Wow, yall got trolled hard. That person was clearly trolling for wild reactions, and he got exactly what he wanted.


  23. I think I'd like to find these sickos and go Dexter on them all! The one with the comment that is clearly just as disturbing. And any of these sick perverts that have anything to do with child porn. In this day & age I don't see how they haven't been tracked down and dealt with accordingly old testament ways. They are like poison and nothing can fix their mental sickness. They deserve no mercy or forgiveness.

  24. Anonymous11:00 PM

    9:34 PM...SERIOUSLY??? You're going to turn this troller's comment into a POLITICAL statement??? This subject matter has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with liberal or conservative viewpoints. But it has EVERYTHING to do with right and wrong. And the last time I checked, "right and wrong" don't belong to specific political parties. You're an ass for even making such an absurd comment and should burn in hell right along with the moron that made the original comment!

  25. You need help. If you told me this face to face, i doubt you would have a face left!

  26. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Definitely trolled. However, can’t help but wonder where all the righteous indignation is toward just two recent articles posted on this blog.
    One being the guy who “snapped” with the result being a child’s death. His murder charges are dropped. I think that’s pretty sick.
    The other guy only got 6 years for all the child porn, how many children’s lives were ruined from that? I think that’s pretty sick too.

    Some troll posts crap for a reaction and all kinds of emotions and threats come out. Yet in the real world, with actual children killed or damaged, you got nothing? WHAT JOKES YOU ARE.
