Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Dirk Deaton: The magnitude of the challenge ahead of me

(From Rep. Dirk Deaton, R-Noel)

On Wednesday, January 9, 2019 the 100th General Assembly was convened at the capitol in Jefferson City. It was at this time I was sworn in as a member of the Missouri House of Representatives. This signifies an end as well as a beginning. It was the end of the campaign and the following transition to the new legislative session.

Now the hard, but rewarding, work of representing you and governing begins. Though challenges wait in this new legislative session, I am eager to step forward at this critical hour and fight for the principles and values that I have laid out over the last year.

During the first several weeks of December the new representatives and I traveled across our state visiting high schools, colleges, businesses, hospitals, and many other points of interest. If anything, this trip was instructive and helpful in many cases to see firsthand where and how your tax dollars are being spent. 

More than that it reaffirmed the beauty and majesty of our great state! Missouri has as rich a history as any state west of the Mississippi. From the Lewis and Clark expedition beginning near St. Louis, to the Pony Express in St. Joseph, Missouri has played a central role in American history from nearly the beginning.

More inspiring than the rich history of our state is the beauty and natural wonders God has blessed us with. We have great rivers like the Missouri and the mighty Mississippi, as well as our very own Elk River. From the beauty of Southwest Missouri and the Ozarks to the rice fields in Southeast Missouri, or our hubs of commerce in St. Louis and Kansas City, Missouri really does have it all.

I want you to know I realize the magnitude of the challenge and task that is before me. In addition, I realize my many weaknesses and limitations. It is for this reason I will continue to seek the wisdom from Almighty God believing as it is written in Proverbs 9:10, “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.” I know that it is only by God’s immeasurable grace that has sustained me thus far, and only by his continued grace will I be able to fulfil my obligations of serving you in the Missouri House. To the people of McDonald and Newton counties: Thank you for making me your trustee in the Missouri House of Representatives. I pray that I serve you well.


  1. Oh god, here we go again. "Prays & Thinks" all around, just watch.

  2. You’re off to a great start for Mac County, Representative Deaton, I know you worked hard, and a long time to get there .

    My advice (and maybe it’s worth what you’re paying for it), just keep Proverbs 9:10 in mind the whole time you’re up there, especially when the going gets tough (that’s when the tough get going)
    Harvey Hutchinson 303-522-6622 voice&text 24/7

  3. pastor told me repealing Obamacare is in the Bible its that do unto others thing8:22 AM

    Get yer freedumb right here!

    1. Anonymous12:28 PM

      Pastor-poo, you are such a clever person. What a well thought out and meaningful post. I hope we see more of you around here because you seem like fun.
