Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Roy Blunt: We need physical barriers along our southern border

(From Sen. Roy Blunt, R-MO)

We are a nation of immigrants, but our laws–and our borders–must be respected.

Securing our borders means protecting against national security threats, stemming the flow of illegal drugs, and preventing human trafficking. Secure borders help keep Americans safe.

The Department of Homeland Security reported nearly 17,000 criminals were apprehended at the southern border last year. And, U.S. Customs and Border Protection saw a dramatic spike in drugs seizures at our southern border: a 73% increase in fentanyl, a 38% increase in methamphetamine, and a 22% increase in heroin.

It’s clear, now more than ever, that we need stronger border security and that includes physical barriers.

Physical barriers have a proven record of effectiveness. Since the early 1990s, we have built physical barriers in several sectors along our southern border. Since each barrier was built, those sectors have seen significant decreases in apprehensions of people crossing the border illegally. In San Diego, Yuma, and El Paso, apprehensions dropped by 95%, and in Tucson they dropped by 90%.

These statistics speak for themselves: Walls are a commonsense and effective solution.

Even my Democratic colleagues know that walls work. In the past, Democrats have supported physical barriers as a part of border security. In fact, they’ve supported 700 miles of physical barriers. Now, suddenly, 702 miles is “immoral.”

It’s time for them to join us in securing our borders. Once our border is strengthened, other issues related to immigration will be much easier to solve.


  1. Definitely!! For sure!!

    Thank you Senator Blunt for getting it right and spot on!

    Harvey Hutchinson 303-522-6622 voice&text 24/7

  2. Every time I see that photo of Boy Runt, I want to tell him to stop trying to smile. He reminds me of the Grinch. :(

  3. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Its better than creepy Harvey though.

  4. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Funny that a vast majority of Americans do not want a wall, but favor various other forms of oversight. It has been over whelmingly shown that a high percentage of drug and criminal apprehensions have been at the border crossing stations. A vast majority of Americans, you know the white ones, benefit from having a healthy relationship with Hispanics and their work ethic and building skills. They also have statistics showing that their arrest rate and crime rate is much below that of good "Americans" who support the republican "type" politician who use fear mongering and hatred against others to further their agenda. No, not the Grinch, but Joker on the Batman series. But I also agree that both Harvey and Roy are creepy and Billy is worthless unless you want a yes man on your side. Just sit there and let the boys tell you how to vote and play cards and eat.

  5. I suppose Kitty Chawa snd Mapetite have an identity thsts defineable and responsible; anonymous 8:18 smb and 9:04 am, what are your cowardly excuses; other than to call me, the Senator Blunt and Congressman Long names?

    Harvey Hutchinson 303-522-6622 voice&text 24/7

  6. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Ok, Harvey bashers here we go...

    Harvey has more balls than any of you mean spirited donkey riders. He has stood up and ran for office, trying to do what he thinks and believes is right. Just because you disagree with his politics doesn't give you the right to continually attack him. Then again, that is the typical leftist behavior. Or is it jealousy? You know that he is more of a man than any of you ball tugging yahoos, so you come here to attack him in order to make you feel better. Which is it, typical leftist crap that drives you to be hateful or jealousy? Come one, children, tell us why you attack and bully Harvey?

    And Harvey, come on now, we have talked about the anonymous thing before. It is a wasted debate. Hit 'em on the stupidity not on their being anonymous. You have high ground, don't get caught up in what isn't important.

  7. Anonymous1:24 PM

    These comments sound more like middle school boys on the playground rather than grown men. Jeez

  8. Anonymous 12:41 PM,
    Is that a death threat ? Or just a threat against my 1st Amendment Right to freedom of speech?

    Harvey Hutchinson 303-522-6622 voice&text 24/7
