Sunday, March 24, 2019

Blunt on release of Mueller Report summary: I look forward to Senate Intelligence Committee ending investigation as soon as possible

Sen. Roy Blunt, R-MO issued the following statement after the release of Attorney General William Barr's summary of the Mueller Report:

“I’m glad the Mueller report is finished. The summary released by the attorney general should be welcomed by both the White House and the country. I look forward to the Senate Intelligence Committee concluding our investigation as soon as possible.”


  1. Anonymous4:36 AM

    To say I am disappointed is under statement. Seems sad they could not find conclusive proof, but when everyone around him, his trying to make hotel deals with Russia, his son in law dealing with other foreign countries, meetings with KGB agents, his daughter dealing with commercial deals in Asia and so on. These commercial dealings while they hold clearances and him as President seem less than kosher to so many, yet the republicans don't seem to have any problem lead one to suspect they are willing to accept any crooked dealings to say they have one of their own in power. Oops, in power, what a negative tone we have and have seen what politics has become. As a nation we seem to be losing identity of being a little bit above the crooked dealings seen in "regimes" of South America, Europe, Asia and Africa. Maybe it is time to rethink what America stands for and admit it is starting to fail and needs a redo.

  2. Anonymous12:03 PM

    4:36, by all accounts Mueller was a great choice for this investigation. You can go back and find numerous quotes from people on the left heeping praises on him when the investigation began. He found nothing after two years. Maybe, just maybe, there was no collusion. Accept it. It was looked at and dissected to death. If there was anything there charges would have been brought up. People choosing not to accept the findings is only people having their expectations subverted, it has nothing to do with facts.
