Monday, March 25, 2019

Ed Martin: Irresponsible news media must be held accountable for witch hunt against President Trump

(From Phyllis Schlafly Eagles)

After two years and untold millions of dollars, Robert Mueller's special investigation into possible Russian interference in the 2016 election has come to a close. 

The Department of Justice has completely exonerated President Trump and his campaign, finding no evidence of collusion or obstruction. In these two wasted years, the media has readily earned the title of 'fake news' by promoting Democrat narratives as if they were fact.

"The Democrat-prized Mueller Probe has ended, and we see once and for all that Donald Trump was absolutely correct in calling it a witch hunt," said Ed Martin, president of Phyllis Schlafly Eagles. 

"This team of leftist lawyers spent two years harassing and drumming up controversy around the Trump presidency, preventing real work from happening and tying up millions of dollars.

"The media, too, has a hand in this reckless endeavor. They have gleefully reported on a Democrat wish list as if there were facts and evidence to back it up, giving countless hours of television and an average of over a dozen articles a day to this drummed up, baseless story.

"This is a a complete and total WIN for President Trump and for the American people. Reckless Democrats and the irresponsible fake news media must be held accountable for their complicit and perpetual fabrications that have disrupted the work of getting our nation back on track."


  1. Anonymous9:55 AM

    I 100% agree with this. While the dems think they run the country try and hide all their wrong doings. Whens the investigation gonna happen and while we are at it, Clinton and Obama need charged.

  2. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Clintons investigation was longer and more expensive than the Mueller investigation.

    Nobody should be satisfied until the people see the full report.

  3. Anonymous2:49 PM

    With his education, I would assume that Mr. Martin could read and would understand that Trump was not "completely exonerated". Even the words of AG Barr did not completely exonerate him. But of more concern is Mr. Martin's cry for punishing the "fake news" press as he calls them. This sounds awfully close to censoring free press. I didn't hear him calling for punishment for the fake news press who droned on for years about the Obama "birther" question. A claim totally without basis. Censoring the press may make some of us feel better, particularly when the press publishes news contrary to our positions, but it is also one of the first steps in setting up a totalitarian government. Just ask the 1930s Germans and many other countries around the world.

  4. And several million dollars is what Trump would like to shutter our borders with. It is my opinion that finding out whether we have a criminal in our White House is extremely important and I too, want to see the whole report. If the newspapers can print the whole Bill Clinton/Monica Lewinsky report, then they can print this one.

    1. Anonymous4:51 AM

      So is the AG covering for Trump? Is that the assumption now? People who are "wanting to see the whole report" are chasing ghosts. Accept it, there was no collusion. Can we please let our government worry about governing now? This whole thing was concocted by the Russians to cause chaos in our country by selling false info to Democrats who eager to pay for it to try and discredit the President because he had the nerve to win the election. Look at the Steele dossier and follow the money. A glass eye in a duck's ass can see that Democrats were so hellbent on damaging the President that they let Russian agents play them. Three years later the country is still dealing with their mistake.

  5. Anonymous 4:51 you’ve got it; but the Disgusting Democrats will never give up; more lies to come and with the help of their buddies in the the Fake News.
    When do we investigate Hillary and Obama, and the Steele Dossiers and the illegal FISA warrants?

    Harvey Hutchinson 303-522-6622 voice&text
