Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Campaign contributors pay $600 for what appears to be Ben Baker lifetime NRA membership

Campaign contributors paid $600 for what appears to be a lifetime NRA membership for freshman representative Ben Baker, R-Neosho, according to Baker's quarterly financial report filed Monday with the Missouri Ethics Commission.

While NRA lifetime memberships are officially $1,500, the organization has offered numerous $600 specials over the past couple of years.

The campaign report also showed the former Neosho mayor received $250 in contributions, all from the XCaliber PAC of Pryor, Oklahoma, a tobacco company.

Baker spent $4,891.34, leaving him with $3,595.25 in the bank.


  1. Anonymous6:11 AM

    This seems like nice work if you can get it!

  2. Shocked! What's going on3:08 PM

    How does a person get elected to a SWMO office without being a lifetime NRA member?

    Who is doing the vetting?

  3. Anonymous7:03 PM

    And Jesus answering said unto them, Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's. And they marvelled at him.

    Mark 12:17
