As the last week unfolds, Troy continues to take positive steps in the recovery process as his mother relates in her latest Facebook update.
Day 38:
There are exactly 22 days between videos. I have no words! We have been praying and waiting for the day where he would ask to go under water. He just never showed interest.
Whether he didn’t feel comfortable because of the feeding tube or just nervous for the unknown, I don’t know but we just knew he could do it. Had no idea he would give us a show this good!
God- You are the Director of this show you put in front of us. We have prayed and prayed for Troy to feel comfortable enough to go under water this week, and you show us so much more. More strength, more power, more YOU.
Ephesians 3:20
Now by him who by means of his power working in us is able to do so much more than we can ever ask for, or even think of.
I pray that Troy’s last week of inpatient therapy is just as powerful Lord. I trust in you completely and thank you for being the one constant in our life. For being there every minute of the day. I know that you do not always answer to our desires but I firmly believe you have a better plan and I trust your plan completely.
God- You are the Director of this show you put in front of us. We have prayed and prayed for Troy to feel comfortable enough to go under water this week, and you show us so much more. More strength, more power, more YOU.
Ephesians 3:20
Now by him who by means of his power working in us is able to do so much more than we can ever ask for, or even think of.
I pray that Troy’s last week of inpatient therapy is just as powerful Lord. I trust in you completely and thank you for being the one constant in our life. For being there every minute of the day. I know that you do not always answer to our desires but I firmly believe you have a better plan and I trust your plan completely.