Friday, November 22, 2019

Billy Long: President Trump's battle to save health care from Democrats and Medicare for All

(From Seventh District Congressman Billy Long)

As Democrats move further to the left and begin touting legislation in step with their extreme beliefs, the private sector is bracing itself for impact.

Perhaps the Democrats' most infamous proposal, Medicare for All, promises to enforce strict regulations that will essentially eliminate private and employer-sponsored healthcare and do away with specialized healthcare for seniors and the Children’s Health Insurance Plan (CHIP). 

These radical changes to America’s healthcare system threaten to destabilize a vulnerable system with the potential to create an aftershock that will impact millions of Americans. 

Unfortunately, the medical community isn’t the only industry at risk. As Democrats begin to embrace this trend of proposing regulation-heavy legislation, virtually all of American businesses are vulnerable.

If implemented, Medicare for All will create a government-controlled healthcare monopoly by eliminating health insurance options and forcing all Americans to use a one-size-fits-all plan.

This plan would have a catastrophic effect on the insurance industries and is estimated to cost $32 trillion over the next decade, with the burden of cost left squarely on the shoulders of American taxpayers.

Ultimately, this plan would create long wait times for often life-saving tests or procedures and significantly hinder the quality of care Americans receive.

The fear the medical community has is palatable, especially given the uncertainty of regulations that would surely follow such a massive piece of legislation.

Obamacare, which was over 2,000 pages long when signed into law, led to nearly 20,000 additional pages of regulations associated with the law, all while the federal government struggled to set up a website to get people signed up for insurance.

A massive $32 trillion government takeover of health care would undoubtedly create thousands of pages of regulations that the medical community will have to sort through.

Fortunately, President Trump has vowed to fight against socialized healthcare and is actively seeking to cut red tape on a government-wide scale. Since taking office, President Trump has cut eight and a half regulations for every new rule; these deregulatory efforts have slashed household costs by nearly $50 billion and will save Americans an estimated $3,100 annually.


The Buck Starts Here: Harry S. Truman and the City of Lamar, the first book to tell the complete story of the 33rd President of the United States and the small city where he was born.

As wages and job creation rises, it is evident that President Trump’s deregulation effort is benefiting American workers. By cutting regulatory red tape, President Trump is restoring freedom and transparency as well as putting money back in Americans’ wallets, effectively demonstrating the benefit of passing legislation with as few regulations as possible.

With a booming economy and the stock market at a record high, it’s clear that the president’s plan is working, and restrictive legislation like Medicare for All would only hinder our personal freedoms and economic growth.

Passing restrictive laws like Medicare for All is not only irresponsible, it would have a devastating impact on the medical community with crippling economic consequences.

Attempting to enact one-size-fits-all legislation to complex industries like the healthcare community only stifles innovation and economic growth, creating a ripple effect with a wide-reaching impact. Instead, enacting legislation that sensibly eliminates burdensome regulations has proven incredibly beneficial for Americans. Ultimately, removing harmful barriers enables the public and U.S. industries to make the best choices for themselves, and our present economy serves as the best example.

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