Friday, November 22, 2019

Blunt-Klobuchar resolution recognizes November 23 as National Adoption Day

(From Senator Roy Blunt)

I serve as Senate co-chair of the Congressional Coalition on Adoption. For the fifth year in a row, my fellow co-chair, Senator Klobuchar, and I introduced and the Senate passed a resolution recognizing November 23 as National Adoption Day.

As an adoptive dad myself, I know just how much joy welcoming a child into your home can bring.

Earlier this week, I was proud to speak on the Senate floor about three Missouri families who have gone above and beyond in the adoption community. I also shared stories about several young Missourians who are in the foster care system right now and are eager to be adopted by a loving family.

Gabe is in 10th grade, loves to read, and hopes to one day join the military.

Ragan and Haylee are sisters who would love to have pets in their home.

Natalie loves to draw and write and enjoys going to school.

These kids all have different interests, talents, and aspirations, but what they all have in common is the need for a family to call their own.

There are more than 437,000 children in the foster care system across the U.S., and more than 125,000 of those are kids ready to be adopted.

I’ve worked in the Senate to make adoption more affordable, help ensure adoptive families have the support they need, and improve the intercountry adoption process.

National Adoption Day began in 2000, and since then, tens of thousands of children have been adopted. Tomorrow is a special day to raise awareness around the importance of adoption.

If you’ve considered adoption or would simply like to learn more, the Missouri Department of Social Services has helpful information available here:

As families prepare to come together around the Thanksgiving table next week, I hope you’ll take a moment to join me in recognizing the importance of helping every child find the safe, loving home they deserve.

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