Friday, May 01, 2020

Eight COVID-19 deaths added to Oklahoma total

(From the Oklahoma State Department of Health)

As of this advisory, there are 3,748 confirmed positive cases of COVID-19 in Oklahoma.

There are eight additional deaths; one of them occurred in the past 24 hours and the others died between April 21-April 29.

-One in Oklahoma County, a female in the 65 and older age group.

-Three in Washington County, two males in the 65 and older age group and a female in the 65 and older age group. 

-One in Cleveland County, a female in the 65 and older age group.
-One in Comanche County, a male in the 65 and older age group.
-One in Pontotoc County, a male in the 65 and older age group.
-One in Rogers County, a male in the 65 and older age group. 

There are 230 total deaths in the state.

The Oklahoma State Department of Health is excited to partner with Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oklahoma to bring Caring Vans to our state's under-served areas for COVID-19 testing. We appreciate all the public health professionals who make this service possible.

A list of COVID-19 testing sites in the state can be found here.

For more information, visit

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