Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Missouri AFL-CIO backs Joe Biden for president

(From the Missouri AFL-CIO)

Today the AFL-CIO General Board of the 12.5 million-member, 55 union AFL-CIO voted to endorse Joe Biden for President of the United States. The Missouri AFL-CIO joins the AFL-CIO in their endorsement of a champion for working families, Vice President Joe Biden.

“Joe Biden has long been an advocate for working families. Vice President Biden has never lied to us. He has always fought for us,” said Missouri AFL-CIO President Mike Louis.

“There is no doubt that Joe Biden will have our backs. The current administration has attacked working families in favor of his corporate buddies. Joe Biden will bring the steady leadership we need.

“Vice President Biden has worked with organized labor for decades,” said Secretary-Treasurer Jake Hummel. “Joe Biden will help the entire Missouri ticket and will help us take back our state for working families. We need a leader that understands what it is like to work hard for everything you have earned.”

(Photo from White House Archives)


  1. Anonymous9:48 PM

    Nice pic. 161,000 died. Demented then, demented (even worse) now.

  2. Anonymous6:43 AM


    Not one knuckle dragging moron thought 161,000 died in Joplin as it only had 50,000 people. However, Clorox felt it necessary to tell the entire nation that ingesting bleach into the body, as suggested by the Trump orangutan, would result in death. Windmills cause cancer, the virus will be gone by April, ...you really don’t want to argue who makes the most stupid comments do you. Commander Clorox in the White House is the king of demented.

  3. Anonymous9:47 PM

    @ 6:43 I guess you're not one of the 38% of Democrats that want him replaced? I am. And if you want the White House back, you should be too!
