Thursday, July 23, 2020

Graves, Billy Long, Jason Smith introduce American Family and Private Property Defense Act

(From Sixth District Congressman Sam Graves)

We should all feel safe in our own homes. It shouldn’t matter what neighborhood, city, or state we live in. We have the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms to defend ourselves, our family, and our property against intruders. We shouldn’t fear prosecution if we have to use that right.

In Missouri, that’s the law of the land. You cannot be prosecuted for rightfully defending your home, but elsewhere that isn’t the case and, astonishingly, federal law still doesn’t recognize that right. 

That’s why I joined my fellow Missouri congressmen Jason Smith, Blaine Luetkemeyer, and Billy Long in introducing the American Family and Private Property Defense Act. 

It would guarantee that every American is protected under federal law and send a message to rogue prosecutors everywhere that we will not stand idly by while they abuse their power to go after law-abiding homeowners trying to defend themselves and their families.

With violent crime on the rise in recent months and extremists calling to defund the police, it is more important than ever that we guarantee every American’s right to protect themselves. We shouldn’t leave the decision up to politically-motivated prosecutors to Monday morning quarterback the decisions people make to defend their family and their home.

Even with this right guaranteed under Missouri law, we saw this happen earlier this week in St. Louis where City Prosecuting Attorney Kimberly Gardner went after Mike and Patricia McCloskey because of a viral video of them defending their home from intruders who broke into their private neighborhood, allegedly threatening their lives and property.

This shouldn’t be difficult, and it shouldn’t be a political fight to secure this right for all Americans. We expect our homes to be a sanctuary, and for our families to be safe at home. We shouldn’t have to run through a checklist dreamed up by left-wing politicians before we take forceful action to defend it from unwelcome robbers, murderers, and mobs.


  1. Anonymous5:17 AM

    sad little children to introduce something that is already covered and incentive to buy more guns and have more accidents from gun violence. Seems you geniuses have not seen the correlation between more guns and more violence, but then the NRA and the gun lobby has paid you with more money to vote for more protections. Sad little children that cannot get along with others. That couple in St Louis were nut bags along with rest of gun toting idiots in Wal-Mart with guns thinking they are the new sheriff in town. Sad country we have become

  2. Can we include the St. Louis Prosecuter being imprisoned for 20 years?
    Harvey Hutchinson 303-522-6622 voice&text 24/7

  3. Anonymous8:42 AM

    What a load of crap. You don't get to wave your gun around like maniac because you're scared and assume that someone MIGHT come on your property to destroy things. By this logic I can stand outside and point my fully loaded, safety off rifle at everyone driving down my street, with my finger on the trigger, breaking every firearm safety rule.

    These 'Republicans' truly are something awfule.
