Friday, July 24, 2020

Hartzler: As a mother and former teacher, I want those kids back in class now

(From Fourth District Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler)

Last week, I had the opportunity to sit down with Fox News’ Kristin Fischer to discuss the importance of getting our kids back to school. They need to academically. They need to socially. They need to emotionally and they need to nutritionally.

As well-intentioned as social quarantine policies may be for our students, the research shows cutting students' time physically in the classroom during the previous school year put many students, especially at-risk students, at a large disadvantage. 

The supportive services, stability, and in-person learning that so many rely on were taken away without warning to the detriment of the students. 

The educational research agency NWEA has said that children will start the school year this fall with an approximate 65% average reading level deficit and up to a 50% loss of gains in math.

The statistics on this are clear. Children have a very low risk of contracting the coronavirus, and if they do, their symptoms are very mild. 

Even the National Institutes of Health have said that children under the age of 18 are less likely to transmit the virus than adults. In a typical year. The mortality rate for children is eight times greater for flu than COVID-19. 

And in Sweden, which kept schools open, only 20 children under age 19 have been admitted to the intensive care unit. Although we cannot diminish these stats, we must keep the risk in perspective. Keeping children out of school and subjecting them to learning online is far worse than the chance of getting seriously ill with COVID-19.

As a mother and a former teacher, I understand firsthand how important the school environment is for the well-being and development of our students, as well as our absolute desire to keep our kids safe.


  1. Anonymous7:53 PM

    This is ticky-tack, but is this really her writing? If so, wow. I won't say more but she could use an editor.

    I find it fascinating how school-choice politicians are now demanding public schools. Maybe that is how they truly feel when the rubber meets the road.

  2. Anonymous1:07 PM

    If you are so in favor of this why don't you go back into teaching instead of screwing up our country with your right wing BS. I imagine you were lousy enough you did not have your contract renewed and so you had to beg the party to work and lie your way to this job. By the way, you are getting paid to be at home, how about those without job or pay. Donate your vacation at home salary to the homeless and hungry kids out there.

  3. Anonymous6:57 PM

    2020 is the year of the badass woman and we are all coming for the MFers laughing at their oaths to the Constitution on the way to the bank in Moscow.
