Friday, July 03, 2020

Joplin cardiologist to mask opponents: My daughter lies in a hospital bed alone tonight because of you

For the past few weeks, Dr. John Cox, a cardiologist at Freeman Hospital, has made numerous Facebook posts promoting the use of facemasks during the COVID-19 crisis.

In those posts, one of which was reposted earlier in the Turner Report, Dr. Cox spoke from his expertise as a doctor and a man who believes in science and knows the damage that can take place if people do not practice proper social distancing and wear masks, including the overwhelming of local hospitals.

Dr. Cox's messages, always impassioned became even more so just after midnight Wednesday morning when he revealed in a Facebook post that his daughter had been hospitalized.
My beautiful and talented daughter Sarah was in a serious car accident this evening. She will be hospitalized for a few weeks.  
There were permanent injuries. It is a miracle she survived. 
She asks for all your prayers for recovery.

In a Facebook post several hours later, Dr. Cox wrote once again of those who refuse to wear a mask:


Politicalization of a disease=suffering

Willful ignorance =suffering

Denial of science=suffering

At this moment in a thousand different hospitals men and women and children lay in their hospital beds alone. They suffer from COVID , from heart disease etc. In my case, my daughter is alone after a devastating accident. Why? COVID 

The marked rise in cases has caused again a severe restriction in visitors. We had it on the run with decreasing numbers. But no....folks had a party. Folks refuse to wear masks. Folks refuse to distance. So here we are. 

My daughter lays in her bed alone. Her mother and I need to be at her bedside. 

You know who you are. You are the reason for spreading a deadly disease and again locking us down. I blame you. I blame your ignorance, I blame your selfishness, I blame your “ yes, but actually the numbers”....bull

You refuse to acknowledge that very smart scientists know more than you.

You believe batshit crazy conspiracy crap.

You refuse to help your fellow man. 

Don’t you ever dare to say you are pro life. No, you aren’t. 

Don’t you ever state you are a patriot. Nonsense. Patriots care about other Americans.
You don’t wear a mask ? Unfriend me You don’t want to engage me in any conversation about this subject. 

My daughter lays in her hospital bed alone tonight because of you.

This won’t be forgotten.

Sadly, I doubt that this changes many minds and that says a lot about who we are and what we are becoming.


  1. Anonymous9:51 PM

    Sending prayers up for your daughter and your family. God still performs miracles.

  2. Anonymous10:51 PM

    Gods blessings for your daughter....

    But you sir refused to do my surgery. You said I should just wait... I was referred to you..... money was not a issue. You did not want to be bothered. It was Memorial Day weekend. I tell people who took care of me. I still see your smug look all theses years later....
    Maybe you brought it (one.......

  3. Anonymous11:23 PM

    Several of you so called doctors have tried to play G-d too many times! I have good insurance and money, I begged for help, to no avail. I have a family too! Sorry your daughter is ill and I pray the best for her. Maybe this is the lesson you and others need. It is different when it comes to your family. Well, I have a family too! We all reap what we sow; including you all that think you are better than others!

    1. Anonymous3:20 PM

      People like you are the selfish ones. You done care it only you.

    2. Anonymous3:38 PM

      Not "so called" he is an actual doctor. What grade school did you almost graduate from?

  4. Anonymous4:53 AM

    Was she texting?

  5. Just curious why a Dr couldnt go into a hospital room?

  6. Because if he is not on staff at that hospital, he is like any other patient family. No special favors.

  7. Anonymous6:30 AM

    Greg Rogler: Probably because of the risk, and it would use up PPE that needs to be kept in reserve for real needs?

    Note the big problem with masks is how they were the first of many lies made by our public health authorities. As Saint Fauci has public admitted, the party line for two months that they would make things worse if the public used them was just to preserve supplies for healthcare workers. After that, and for example the lies about how BLM protests are just fine, even needed, but lockdown protests and Republican campaign events are still the worst things in the world, no doctor or public health official can expect Americans to believe a word they say about COVID-19.

  8. Typical arrogant douche doctor

    1. Anonymous3:34 PM

      How bout you just wear a damn mask, bub.

  9. Anonymous10:00 AM

    explain to your readers what the hell did covid have to do with your daughters accident WHAT NO WORD ON THAT and i pray for your daughters quick recovery also

  10. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Look at what our parents and grandparents, the "Greatest Generation," had to sacrifice in WW2 so the supplies could go to the war effort. Gasoline, butter, sugar, canned milk, meat, coffee and tires. They actually had to do *without.* And today, we carp about wearing a mask when going into a store. Oh, the indignity.

    Nobody will call this the "Greatest Generation."

  11. Anonymous10:15 PM

    Every doctor takes an oath to help people, despite money etc. So many don't do it! That is what is meant by a "So called" doctor! A paper license doesn't make you anything, if you don't have integrity. Many book educated professionals are still just a typical a$$!

  12. Anonymous10:39 PM

    Well his daughter is 37, not 16 as he'd like you to believe. According to the accident report, the only one at fault is her! Sorry she was injured, but if Karen isn't on her phone she doesn't slam into the back of a tractor trailer. You Sir, need to be introduced to early retirement with your unhinged, unprofessional ranting. Personal matters, alcohol and Facebook do not mix.

  13. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Wow! After reading through the comments, seems like some of you are part of the problem we are seeing in today's society. Hopefully y'all will not have your loved ones suffer a traumatic injury and expect sympathy from anyone else. Obviously you are unable to extend any sympathy to this man for his daughter. Shame on you.

  14. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Your real professional there doc you want to blame others. Blah blah blah. If you didn't try to talk as if people are below you more people would have sympathy for you. If you believe in science than your keeping up with not a pandemic. Go ahead and tell them you are falsely diagnosed the SRCV with covid and your under investigation. Careful who you hire doc some people have a conscious and morals.
