Friday, July 03, 2020

Wife of Joplin eye doctor with COVID-19 says he is "holding his own" but remains in critical condition at Freeman

Joplin ophthalmologist Dr. Larry Jordan remains in critical condition with COVID-19 at Freeman West, according to an update this evening on former Ozark Christian College Compass Editor Meredith Williams' Facebook page.

A prayer service was held for him yesterday afternoon outside the hospital.

THE DOCTOR SAYS, "He is holding his own." 

FROM HIS WIFE WESENA: "Thank you to those who met to pray yesterday afternoon even shortly after the thunderstorm that downed power lines. Larissa & I had hoped to join but are quarantined.'"

"THANKS to you who prayed from home or wherever. Larissa & I joined from our front porch," said Wesena.

"THE DOCTOR said today," added Wesena, "that my husband Larry is, “holding his own” He was able to sleep last night for the first time in days. Thank God for your prayers."


  1. Anonymous6:49 AM

    Sending up prayers for Dr Jordan and your family.

  2. Anonymous12:01 PM

    My kids went to his office in March with masks, and his office was not requiring patients to wear them to enter the building and no temp checks. I also do not recall his front office staff wearing masks either. If only there were a way he could have helped himself and not placed dozens of people at risk.

  3. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Back in early March my kids also visited, without masks. At that time not many people were wearing masks. But do you know if that was still the practice in June?

  4. Anonymous9:49 AM

    I wonder if the doctor attended church? Without a mask? If he attended church were there a lot of other people there? Not wearing masks? Singing?
