Monday, July 20, 2020

Mediaite: Parson's "they'll get over it" statement about kids and COVID-19 was "moronic"

Gov. Mike Parson's cavalier statement to St. Louis radio host Mark Cox that most students will get COVID-19, go home and "get over it," did not sit well with a lot of people and has brought some national attention to our unelected governor.

Mediaite, a website that covers news about the media, names a media winner and loser each day in its newsletter and let's just say Parson's off-the-cuff moment didn't place him in the winner category.

Today's winner was Chris Wallace for conducting possibly the best interview any reporter has done with President Trump.

Meanwhile on the loser side of the ledger, the media site quoted nationally syndicated radio host Roland Martin's tweet:

"The governor of Missouri sounds like a damn fool. So if a kid goes to school and gets COVID-19, he thinks they will go home and “get over it”? So the parents and other household members won’t also get infected?" 

The Mediaite columnist who wrote the Parson story concluded it with this comment:

The style and method of return to in-person primary education may still be up in the air, but the last thing anyone wants or needs is truly oblivious and callous hot takes like Parson's moronic statement.

The winners and losers only come with the newsletter, but here is a link to the website's article on Parson's statement.


  1. Anonymous3:04 PM

    He is the man in our state, or should I say a Trump, Hawley, Long and Blunt man as well as all the other less than brilliant republicans running our state into the morgue. Shame we cannot try out democratic representatives and senators in numbers to get a majority and have brilliant Galloway elected. Just give it a try and stop being so damn stupid voters.

  2. Anonymous1:58 AM

    It’s embarrassing. Any time something about Mo. makes national news we sound stupid.

  3. I've noticed a down-turn in comments made by the right-wingers. Coincidence? I think not. It's rather refreshing.
