Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Video- Teresa Parson says she is "fine" after testing positive for COVID-19


In the accompanying video, Teresa Parson, wife of Missouri Governor Mike Parson, says she is feels fine after testing positive for COVID-19.

She was tested after experiencing cold-like symptoms, she said and said she would be taking it easy for a few days.


  1. Anonymous7:10 PM

    I hope everyone she might have spread it to while she might not have been wearing a mask is fine also.

    That's why medical experts tell us wearing masks helps prevent the spread of the covid virus.

  2. Anonymous1:48 AM

    Taking it easy is her way of life.

  3. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Is the health department also notifying the public of potential community exposures from COVID-19 positive individuals known to frequent and reside in the Governor's Mansion?

    "neither Parson nor any of his staffers wore them" on at least one occasion.

  4. Very good comments above. The lackadaisical approach that people "in power" are handling this COVID is abhorrent. The fact the the governor's wife is feeling just fine is meaningless. The fact that she and her husband have tested positive means that they have exposed a lot of people along the way to their positive test, AND just because they are fine now and continuing to do their jobs via home doesn't mean that their symptoms won't worsen. I don't want that to happen but I am tired of people in power conveying the message that the virus isn't a big deal and see me in my street clothes and smiling. They should be sending a message of staying indoors and wearing masks when outdoors as well as making sure that they are under the care of professionals.
