Monday, January 04, 2021

Jasper County judges Crane, Mouton, Dankelson honored for contributions to administration of justice

(From the Circuit Court of Jasper County)

Missouri Chief Justice George W. Draper III recognized Circuit Judges Gayle L. Crane, Dean G. Dankelson, and David B. Mouton from Jasper County for participating in the judicial transfer program in the last fiscal year during a ceremony honoring exemplary service to the people of Missouri. 

The ceremony was held as a part of the annual meeting of the Judicial Conferencing of Missouri, the organization of all state judges, in conjunction with the annual meeting of The Missouri Bar. 

Due to COVID-19 concerns and health precautions, this year’s meeting was held virtually. 

The judicial transfer program maximizes efficient use of Missouri’s available judicial resources by allowing the presiding judge of a judicial circuit to ask the Supreme Court of Missouri to assign a judge from anywhere in the state to hear cases in the circuit. 

A transfer often is requested when local judges have recused from a case. “The Court is pleased with the willingness of our judges to share their talents outside their home circuits,” Draper said. “I spent more than 15 years working in Missouri’s trial courts, first as a prosecutor and then as a judge, and I know first-hand how important it is for the people of our state to have their cases resolved efficiently, fairly and without undue delay. We appreciate all the much needed assistance of our qualified, capable and experienced judges who travel outside their home counties to hear cases throughout the state, which helps our judiciary serve the public well.” 

Judge Gayle L. Crane was elected Circuit Judge in 2006. Judge Crane presides over juvenile hearings, civil and criminal matters, and treatment court. From 2007-2018, she was Presiding Juvenile Judge and is currently the Presiding Judge of the Circuit. 

Judge Crane received her undergraduate degree in Social Work from the University of Kansas and graduated from the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Law in 1984. 

Judge Dean G. Dankelson was elected Circuit Judge in 2016. Judge Dankelson presides over juvenile hearings, civil and criminal matters, treatment court, and appeals from the municipal courts. He received his undergraduate degree in Economics from the University of Missouri-Columbia in 1986 and from the University of North Carolina School of Law in 1989. 

Judge David B. Mouton was elected Circuit Judge in 2006. Judge Mouton presides over civil and criminal matters, treatment court, and probate. From 2016-2018, Judge Mouton was Presiding Judge of the Circuit. He received his undergraduate degree from the University of Missouri-Kansas City in 1982 and graduated from the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Law in 1985.

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