Friday, July 23, 2021

Only 15 percent of McDonald County residents fully vaccinated



  1. Anonymous9:55 PM

    Since we don’t have herd immunity, nature will thin the herd.

  2. Anonymous5:45 AM

    Remember that McDonald County wanted to be Arkansas's Panhandle.

    That was just about a highway being renumbered and a tourism map they didn't like.

    Play stupid games to win stupid prizes.

  3. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Hold my beer and watch this right here!

  4. Anonymous3:51 PM

    No one cares. It's a personal choice. You got your covid vaccine. Another person chooses not to get a covid vaccine.
    They don't force you to go to their Church. They don't force you to eat the same kind of food that they do. They don't dictate to you what kind of house you can live in.
    Mind your own business. If everyone in the world would do that what a great place it would be.

  5. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Except it's a communicable disease with serious sometimes fatal consequences.

    Thanks for so clearly stating your braindead to consequences for others randian freedom to die and kill others for freedum tendencies.

  6. Anonymous7:17 PM

    No one cares. It's a personal choice. You don't randomly spray bullets in the air with your gun. Another person chooses to spray bullets into the air for freedum and to keep their Amurrca great.

    They don't force you to go to ejaculate bullets into air. They don't force you to eat the same kind of food that they do. They don't dictate to you what kind of house you can live in.

    Mind your own business. If everyone in the world would do that what a great place it would be.
