Wednesday, August 04, 2021

Parson said he would pardon the McCloskeys and he did

It's not often a governor issues a pardon for a candidate for U. S. Senate, but that's what Gov. Mike Parson did this week and for good measure, he pardoned the candidate's wife, too.

In a news released issued Tuesday, Parson announced the pardons of a dozen people, including Mark and Patricia McCloskey, the St. Louis couple who waved guns at protesters last year and pleaded guilty to misdemeanor firearms charges.

As usual, Parson made no comments about any of his pardons, but the McCloskeys were grateful.

Mark McCloskey issued a statement, which included the following:

The prosecutor dropped all charges against me, except for a claim that I put other people in imminent fear of physical harm. That’s exactly what I did, that’s what the guns were for. And any time the mob comes and threatens me, I’ll do the same thing again to protect my family.


  1. Anonymous10:25 AM

    This is the whitest crap I've ever seen.

  2. Anonymous2:42 PM

    What would you do if that mob came on your property?

  3. Anonymous10:13 PM

    Thank you Governor Parsons for doing the right thing. These people should have never been charged with any crime, they were protecting their property. The mob every one of them should be arrested and charged with trespassing and criminal intent.

  4. Anonymous6:43 AM

    These people made an issue where none existed. Those protesters never set foot on their property, nor did any of them intend to do so. This was a march down the street to the Mayor's home and nobody gave a care about this guy and his wife or their property. Call it exactly what it was, a publicity stunt and it looks like it worked for them.

  5. Anonymous9:10 AM

    @2:42 Asked "What would you do if that mob came on your property?" I would like to know what these irresponsible morons would do, considering they brandished weapons at people that WERE NOT on their property.

    I suppose if I saw you walking down the road, near my home, I'd pull my gun on you, as these 'fine' citizens have done, which is behavior you obviously encourage.

  6. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Hills and hollers behaviors don't translate well to the big city. A downtown type person can't just be waving their guns around like they done caught their cousin in bed with their wife again. Unless your gubner is one of those hills and holler types!
