Saturday, September 11, 2021

Ben Baker asks governor for special session to push back against Biden's radical vaccine agenda

Add Rep. Ben Baker, R-Neosho, to the list of Republican legislators calling for Gov. Mike Parson to ask for a special session to address President Joe Biden's vaccine mandates.

The text of the letter is printed below:

Given the recent unconstitutional executive orders from the Biden Administration regarding mandatory vaccines for businesses, I am asking that you make a call for a special session in conjunction with veto session to deal with this issue.

We are already on the precipice of economic disaster with the existing problems within the workforce and these executive actions will exacerbate these problems exponentially.

Every day it seems were are losing our freedoms and liberty as individuals at a rapid rate and we must take action to assert our states' rights and push back against this radical agenda.

Missourians will not stand for this kind of overreach and we must fight for their livelihood and push back against this radical agenda.

Missouri needs to lead this fight, after all we are the "Show Me" state!

I believe there is a consensus within the General Assembly to do so, and we must do it now.

On behalf of my constituents who are extremely concerned about the Biden Administration's overreach upon their businesses and personal lives. I implore you to respond with bold leadership to answer their concerns.

Since we will be at the Capitol for veto session next week, I'm asking that you make a call specifically to address the Biden Administration's egregious overreach with executive orders and rule changes regarding vaccine mandates for businesses.


  1. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Typical Ben Baker Post.
    My guess is that Ben Baker did not write the first two paragraphs as it has too many big words for Mr. Baker.
    I doubt he uses the following words in his normal conversation: Conjunction, Precipice, Exacerbate, and Exponentially. He may have written the rest of the post as it has a typo.

  2. Anonymous8:20 PM

    I'm sure Joe Biden writes his own speeches, IN CRAYON!

  3. Anonymous1:48 PM

    @8:20 Is that what we're doing? At least we know Biden can read and write, more than can be said for the last president.
