Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Challenger emerges to battle Ben Baker in 160th District Republican primary

Mark Farnham, Joplin, filed this afternoon for the Republican nomination for 160th District State Representative.

The seat is currently held by Ben Baker, R-Neosho, who has filed for re-election.

The primary election will be held Tuesday, August 6.

At this point, no one has filed from the Democratic Party.



  1. Anonymous6:14 PM

    Who is Farnham? Hopefully he's a real pube but very likely he's a MAGAt. There's no hope for missouri.

    1. Anonymous1:09 AM

      We're the Mississippi of the the Midwest now.

    2. Anonymous9:56 AM

      Lol we ain't even doing that good

  2. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Anyone would be better than arrogant Benny.

  3. Anonymous6:42 PM

    6:14 Mark served on Joplin City Council. He supported Jill Carter, which Benny is supposedly going to primary in '26. Interesting summer ahead.

  4. Anonymous8:23 PM

    lets get some!

  5. Anonymous8:51 PM

    Sounds like Jill Carter is scared of being primaried in 2 years so she called upon one of her cronies. It won’t work. Ben has an excellent conservative voting record unlike Bill White.

    1. Anonymous1:07 AM

      An excellent conservative voting record is nothing to brag about

  6. Anonymous9:06 PM

    At this point even Martin Lindsteadt is better than Ben Baker. Deaton and Baker will have to run Carter eventually as they term limit out. Finding real jobs could be tough.

    1. Anonymous2:15 AM

      906, Baker could have his ol lady run in 26 and carry on. Happens all the time in JC.

    2. Anonymous10:37 AM

      You mean his decoy wife?

    3. Anonymous2:16 PM

      2024 could be a good year in Newton County. No Baker, Cook, or Osborn.

  7. Anonymous1:11 AM

    Ben Baker is anti-transgender yet he pretends to be a man everyday.

  8. Anonymous1:16 AM

    Baker is challenged, alright 🤣

  9. Anonymous4:10 AM

    GO MARK!!!!

  10. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Baker needs a few more years in orfice to be eligible for fully eligible for his wingnut welfare.
    All one can say right now about his prospects is that so far he's a solid #2, but not quite MOSEN material yet.

    1. Anonymous9:52 AM

      What's MOSEN precious?

  11. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Baker isn't a true conservative. The term has been hijacked by MAGA idiots. Of course, this is the same group of people who will vote for a thrice married guy who has to pay a porn star to have sex with him. The same guy who evaded military service but claims to be smarter than any general (Biden is POS too, BTW). Trump embodies the Seven Deadly Sins on a daily basis, and everyone is enthralled with him for some reason. We are f***** as a country. Trump vs Biden is like Crap vs Crap. I will just tell people I voted for the crooked old guy.

  12. Anonymous7:12 PM

    Good job ! @ 11:02 AM...... I knew there would be at least one "But Trump...." make its way into the echo chamber. To hear the commenters here on the Turner "Report" the list of Democrat candidates would be too many to count. Yet nothing.....again.

  13. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Let Your Vote do your Talking, hopefully all these Commentators on this Blog have a Valid Non-Expired Drivers License, Military Id, Veteran's ID, Passport, or a Non-Expired Photo ID, issued by the United States or the State of Missouri / and are Registered to Vote, and then Actually show up and Vote - not just Talk about it.

    So whether your Party Wins or Loses you can at least Say you Voted.

    1. Anonymous2:41 PM

      What are you on dude

  14. Anonymous7:12 PM

    716 doing the diatribe again. Boring!

  15. Anonymous10:03 PM

    2:41PM, Just the Facts - Ma'am - So many people are Big Political Talkers on Blogs, yet the majority don't Exercise their right to Vote. So do something Positive - Shut Up and Vote - Dude...

    Voter Turnout Report
    State of Missouri General Election - November General 2022
    Tuesday, November 08, 2022 - Less than 50% of the Registered Voters - Voted!!!

    Newton County - 47.22% of the Registered Voters Turned Out to Vote.
    Jasper County - 42.46% of the Registered Voters Turned Out to Vote.

    1. Anonymous5:57 AM

      I vote every chance I get

  16. Anonymous2:55 PM

    What's the point? The orange fat bastard says our elections are rigged. Maybe if you MAGAt people would vote this idiot and the deplorables who worship him out of office, this country can return to its rightful moral standing in the world.

  17. Anonymous2:55 PM

    So are Farnham and Baker going to host a Bible Bowl?
