Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Allegations: Former Westview superintendent used district credit card to buy daughter's wedding dress, steered no-bid contract to husband

It's hard to imagine what Westview C-6 Board of Education members think former Superintendent Misty Hailey did that caused them to finally pull the trigger on easing her out of her job.

District sources tell the Turner Report the board had been aware for months that Hailey used district money for the benefit of herself and her family.

The reason they knew it is because, for the most part, the board approved actions Hailey had taken including the following:

-An approximately $10,000 job to install security equipment was awarded, without bid, to Hailey's husband. The sources confirmed the board agreed to pay the money, not to Hailey's husband, but to Hailey and label it as a reimbursement.

-The district opened a daycare center for employees, but for quite some time after it opened, the only child who benefited was Hailey's grandson.

-Hailey's daughter's boyfriend was hired to do mowing work for the district, again with no bids and with hefty payments that continued during winter months when no mowing was being done.

There was at least one thing Hailey did that was not done with the board's okay.

District sources tell the Turner Report Hailey used the district credit card to buy a wedding dress for her daughter to the tune of approximately $800. Hailey told the board it was a mistake, but reportedly has made no effort to repay the money.

The board circled the wagons in recent weeks, releasing no information about Hailey's status after initially putting her on paid administrative leave. The district website shows Everett Raney as superintendent. Raney retired in 2021 after serving as superintendent of the Exeter School District for 11 years.

No statements have been issued about either Raney's hiring or Hailey's apparent departure.

The situation in the Westview School District has been brought to the attention of state officials. The Turner Report has learned whistleblowers have been in contact with the attorney general's office and with the state auditor's office and has obtained the report to the auditor's office, which features many of the allegations listed above.

Gov. Mike Parson recently signed a bill that allows the state auditor's office to initiate audits of public entities where corruption is suspected without having to have a petition submitted. The law goes into effect August 28.

The Turner Report has learned board members are waiting for the results of an examination by an auditing firm hired by the district that will show the extent of the financial problems brought on by the Hailey Administration and by the board's lax supervision.


  1. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Inspector Jacques Clouseau: There is a time to laugh and a time not to laugh, and this is not one of them.

  2. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Was it about the apparently failed lead tests on school water?

    Did Westview Schools do all the water tests required in a timely fashion and follow all the rules about notifications?


  3. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Failed lead tests?:


    No tests of the classroom sinks?

    Were the untested sinks labeled as 'Not suitable for drinking' as recommended by the testing company?

  4. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Misty Hailey - Needs to be Prosecuted for Credit Card Fraud, and her entire Employment and Actions as Superintendent needs to be Investigated, Audited, and Reviewed by the State Auditor for Illegal and Fraudulent Activity. Her Employment Contract needs to be immediately Terminated and Criminal Charges brought against her.

    We cannot forget the Inept - Board of Education, who also needs to be Reviewed for Fraudulent Actions, for allowing her to Commit Criminal Acts to be perpetrated under their Authority.

    There are "No-Clean-Hands", Misty Hailey and the Board of Education are both Guilty and should pay for their Actions. The Taxpayers of Westview and the Students of that School District deserve better.

  5. Anonymous4:37 AM

    The board has to go,
    Did these people miss the part in school about checks and balances? Seems like the whole country has forgotten it.

  6. Anonymous8:44 PM

    The board is absolute trash. Parents are tax payers and deserve to know this information before reading it. The board also was given a sunshine law request and failed to fulfill it. Corruption runs deeper than Misty Hailey’s pockets…right into the board members themselves

  7. Anonymous12:52 PM

    I notice lower property tax, nice suits & new corvettes school board members have here. Also noticed Misty's new growing monthly milage expenses last year.
