Monday, July 08, 2024

Carthage man enters not guilty plea in case of alleged first date sodomy, assault, kidnapping

A Carthage man charged with sodomy, assault and kidnapping pleaded not guilty today in Jasper County Circuit Court.

Garrett Lee Burleson (DOB 1987) was bound over for trial by Judge Dean Dankelson following a June 13 preliminary hearing.

The alleged victim in this case was a woman who described to Carthage Police a first date that turned into a nightmare. She said she met Burleson at his home about 9 p.m. December 21 and the two went to a nearby bar and grill leaving at about midnight and returning to Burleson's place.

From the probable cause statement:

Victim 1 stated once at the residence BURLESON began to make advances to her and she repeatedly told BURLESON she did not want to have sex with him. BURLESON then attempted to remove Victim 1's pants and again Victim 1 told BURLESON she would not have sex with him.

BURLESON became angry and punched Victim 1 with a closed fist in the body (chest/breast) BURLESON then threw an ottoman at Victim 1.

Victim 1 fled to the bathroom when BURLESON became violent and she attempted to leave but he would not let her. BURLESON began to apologize to {her}. BURLESON had taken {her} phone and belongings while she was in the bathroom and hidden them in the apartment.

{She} asked for her belongings and BURLESON lost his temper and began to throw things.{She} stood up to leave the residence. BURLESON grabbed {her} by the hair and forced her to the ground preventing her from fleeing the residence. He then used his other hand to pull his pants and underwear down.

At that point, according to the probable cause statement, Burleson forced the woman to perform a sex act until she was able to break free and left Burleson's home.

The probable cause statement says Burleson confirmed the woman's story up to the point where he pushed her down to her knees.

When he realized the serious accusations against him, he requested an attorney.



Anonymous said...

The title says first date sodomy...

Anonymous said...

Nevermind I read the article

Anonymous said...

Should have bit it off, several problems solved all at once. Such savage behavior anymore, losers don’t understand what no means, they are so pathetic and weak minded people literal scup of the earth

Anonymous said...

Agree ☝️☝️☝️