Saturday, August 03, 2024

Mike Landis wants to continue serving us- Does Sonic have an opening?

I will be the first to admit I haven't been too diligent the past few weeks about examining the political flyers I find each day in my mailbox.

But when I saw one that was headlined "Mike Landis: Roads, Rights and Responsibility," I took a second look.

I continued reading.

Mike Landis wants improved roads and plans to respect property owners' rights.


Then I saw it- "Responsible Government- Elected officials must be accountable to the people. Mike will make sure taxpayers' dollars are used wisely."

This has to be a joke, I thought. But then I realize there could be a different explanation.

Could there be two people named Mike Landis running for office? That had to be it. I couldn't imagine the Mike Landis I knew holding himself out to be a proponent of responsible government. 

I flipped over the flyer. It was the Mike Landis I knew and he was running for Jasper County Western District commissioner. After I held a cross to the photo out of caution, I read the rest of the flyer.

I noted one statement in particular- "Mike and his wife, Brandi, have raised their family right here at home."

Where were they supposed to raise them? Out on the street?

And it was noted that "his experience makes him ready to serve as our commissioner."

What experience would that be? 

Would that be the experience of being a member of the Joplin R-8 Board of Education that oversaw a building project that nearly went $200 million over budget?

Perhaps the flyer is referring to his experience voting to pay nearly $100,000 to replace bleachers that were the wrong color in the new high school?

Or maybe it was Landis' approval of what former Joplin R-8 CFO Paul Barr referred to as "might as well spending," hundreds of thousands of dollars' worth of unnecessary items for the new high school that he and his fellow board members approved because they "might as well" spend money they don't have.

If that's the experience Landis is referring to, we might as well cast our votes for Mike Woolston. At least, he might get a good deal from some land flipping.

After carefully examining Landis' flyer, I found one statement that received my wholehearted approval.

"Mike Landis: A Real Record of Serving Jasper County."

After seeing him serve Jasper County for the past several years, I'd like to see him continue to serve county residents.

Does Sonic have an opening?


  1. Anonymous4:59 PM

    I want a hickory burger meal with tots and a large cherry coke. Do I give mike a tip?

  2. Anonymous5:20 PM

    When Joplin really needed strong leadership, he was one of huffs biggest lackeys…..don’t let him ruin Jasper county too

  3. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Please don’t give the little man any ideas could you imagine him on skates screwing things up left and right at Sonic. Jasper County tax payers can’t afford this clown. Just say no to little man syndrome. Good day

  4. Anonymous6:26 PM

    Don’t forget the negotiations for CJ Huff to be paid out his contract and screw the Joplin School District. Accountability smhhh

  5. Anonymous6:27 PM

    He would be putting food on your family for real!


  6. Trent6:28 PM

    I live in the Eastern District, but I would definitely not vote for Mike Landis. We do not need him anywhere near our county administration. I am not sure I would even want him serving me at Sonic; not sure he could handle the changemaker...

  7. Anonymous8:13 PM

    As far as I’m concerned he’s a nasty little sh-t. Don’t vote him in. He’s another Trump, which we don’t need. He has his own agenda and I don’t believe it’s for the Jasper county people. He just wants to wiggle his nasty little fingers into the door and sew chaos. He’s not good for Jasper County in any way shape or form.

  8. Anonymous8:34 PM

    At least he used the same picture as his failure to get re-elected to the school board. Didn’t he quit the board in 2015?

  9. Anonymous5:17 AM

    If the comments here are any indication of how people will be voting, I will be sleeping sound at night

  10. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Mike Landis and his brother Bobby Landis aka (Robert W. Landis), who was sentenced to Prison and Tax Evasion - are all cut from the same cloth - - You cannot Trust them - they will screw anybody and anything - Why anyone would put them in Charge or do any Business Deals with them is beyond reason -

    Mike showed his lack of any Business Abilities and Accounting - during the Re-Building of the Joplin Schools, and his Land Deals he cut - Spending Money like it was Water and Never thinking it was Tax-Payers that at some point would have to Cover all his Blunders. We cannot Trust Either of Them to do the RIGHT THING - BEFORE YOU VOTE - CHECK YOUR WALLETS, BECAUSE IT WILL BE LIGHTER IF YOU VOTE MIKE LANDIS IN TO OFFICE.

    Yet the City of Joplin, which Never Learns cut deals with his Brother, Felon Bobby Landis to lease Joplin City Parks Facilities included in lease agreement:
    • Joe Becker Stadium
    • Wendell Redden Stadium
    • Gabby Street Field
    • Bassman Softball Complex (limited to Friday through Sunday

    The restitution order for Bobby Landis was for the tax loss of approximately $4,893,364, plus interest that accrued on the unpaid payroll taxes. Which is almost $6,000,000 Dollars now - Why isn't the Government Siezing Everything he Touches?

    The total amount of the loss includes relevant conduct arising from Landis's failure to collect, or truthfully account for, or pay payroll taxes for Priority Personnel of Kansas and Loma Landis.

    1. Anonymous11:44 AM

      You’re correct and you failed to mention the crook Landis has continued to fleece the public with his failed online newspaper, a radio station and charging kids over $2,000 to help payback the money he stole with his travel baseball organization Fox Sports Sox which he recently sold to a Texas organization.
      During the announcement of selling his youth baseball organization the press release quoted Landis saying the buyers had similar goals and ideals as his own. Interesting to consider since a Google search revealed the buyer, US Prime Baseball, has been the subject of multiple lawsuits and complaints filed with the Better Business Bureau. And now the same organization is asking players in the Joplin area to pay $3,000 per player to play baseball. Apparently selling off his assets hasn’t covered his restitution yet and he needs more money from the blind baseball parents in the Joplin area to pay it back.

    2. Anonymous3:26 PM

      If my memory serves me correctly, didn’t the Joplin Globe pen an editorial in support of the City of Joplin leasing control of its facilities to the crook Bobby Landis. The newspaper supported the city leasing venues for $50,000 annually in order for him to control concessions, admission prices and tournament revenues in order to generate funds for his restitution.
      Would like to know how many other criminals the city has shown this kind of favoritism towards?

  11. Anonymous3:37 PM

    I have known Mikey and Bobby since we were kids. Both are as shady as you can get. When your brother goes to prison for not paying payroll taxes (which is taking money that you collected from your employees and not forwarding it on to the IRS... stealing) and then gets sweetheart deals that should never be awarded to a felon like 7:36 cited, no wonder Mikey wants to position of power. Sounds familiar for some reason. And by the way, 8:13, this has nothing to do with Trump. If you can't make an argument without "but Trump", then that just shows how much of a desperate hack you are. Counter an argument with facts and people might actually take you seriously.

  12. Anonymous8:08 AM

    If anyone needs a reason to go vote Tuesday……here you go!!! It’s up to us, the people, to put a stop to these crooks!!

  13. Anonymous10:59 AM

    When you're a sharp dressed good old boy, they let you do it. You can do anything.

  14. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Keep this clown off the taxpayers payroll!!!
    Let him go to Tarzan Zerbinni on Wednesday morning to put his application in. I’ll give him a great recommendation….he’d be great at driving the clown car
