From Fox 4 in Kansas City:
“And on the front end on Social Security, I think there’s a way, when people are living longer, they’re retiring later, then on the front end we can move that retirement age back a little bit,” he said.Alford also suggested cuts needed to be made in Medicare.
People should be living the ends of their lives in comfort and dignity, not working like this dude seems to suggest.
Thanks Mark! Love your Magat/Marxist vision of the disposable, oppressed society trump is promising!
Novel idea. Quit giving billions to the war in Ukraine.
We have got to start Educating Adults and Children early on that Social Security was Never Intended to be the only source of income for people in retirement, and let's not misunderstand that Medicare and Medicaid are 2-Entirely Different Programs. We are $36.17 Trillion Dollars in Debt in the United States and at some point, that Debt will need to be paid!
You have to start Saving / Investing / Budgeting - in your 20's - you cannot wait till you're in your 50's and 60's and realize you have No Money Saved for Retirement. People today are borrowing, living, and spending beyond their means, and have little in any type of Emergency Funds put away.
At some point the Government cannot afford to Support everyone, plus it is not the Government's Job - Why you didn't Save / Invest / Budget for your Future - if you need to work 2-Jobs - get out and work 2-jobs - the jobs are out there - stop being afraid to get your hands dirty.
Maybe everyone needs to go back and Read and Learn from - The Grasshopper and the Ant (or Ants), one of Aesop's Fables. The fable describes how a hungry grasshopper begs for food from an ant when winter comes and is refused. While the Grasshopper spent the summer singing and dancing the ant (or ants in some versions) worked to store up food for winter. The situation sums up moral lessons about the virtues of hard work and planning for the future - Yet everyone expects a Free Ride and for Someone Else to Bail them Out...
Aesop's Fable - The Democrats will Pay everything for you. Don't Work - No Problem, Need Food - No Problem, Need Housing - No Problem, Need Medical - No Problem, Need your Student Loans Paid or Free Education - No Problem, Need all the Above if you are an Illegal Alien, plus a Bus Ride to a Sanctuary City and Live in a Hotel with all amenities for Free - No Problem.
Maybe we should have called it Joe and Kamala's Fable - If you Fell for all of the above - Could you send a Donation to Kamala's Election Committee, she Paid all of her Hollywood, Liberal, and Leftist Friends, but forgot to Pay the Actual Workers and is $20 Million in Debt and the DNC doesn't want to lend her dime since her $1.5 Billion Dollars of Mismanagement for her Election.
So, Please - Don't Save / Invest / Budget - just send her your hard-earned money to her Campaign - So she can Pay Off our $20 Million in Debts as - "Our Fight Continues", she will Pay you back someday. Donations to the Kamala Harris - Our Fight Continues - because she thinks everyone is an Idiot and she can Lie and Make Promises to all of her Cult Followers. Please Give till it Hurts!!!
807, 908 leave one to ask: do they spend your entire day consumed in rightwing media? This thread is about republican desires to cut medicare/medicaid and increasing the age, or eliminating all together, social security. These proposals put our country in line with most third world countries......woops, I forgot,........that's what all you maganuts voted for, sending the country back to the 1950's and eliminating minorities, lgbtq, and women's rights. Deplorable.
Novel idea. Quit cutting taxes on the rich by billions and then using that as an excuse to run up the national debt.
2:27: I was thinking the same thing. Just because we look good at 65 or 68 doesn't mean our bodies can still hold a full-time job. I have seen the elderly struggle to work past retirement age and Medicare takes a hit with hospitalizations and increased medical clinic visits. Let people enjoy their retirement, and if they want to work part-time or volunteer, let them. But don't force people to choose between their health and retiring at a comfortable age.
2:27PM, Nothing was mentioned on Medicaid in the Article! Maybe as 8:07AM suggested, Plan, Save, Invest, Budget, and Stop living beyond your means. The Dems have been pushing and supporting living off the Government for Decades. The Truth is we have to be responsible for ourselves the Government is not here to support the Masses that is impossible, remember the Government runs on Taxes on the backs of Hard-Working Americans when 1/3 of the Population almost 100-Million People are getting some type of Government Assistance and with a Population of 345-Million People we cannot afford to Support everyone that is Financially Impossible - -
3:08PM, if you want to enjoy your retirement - you have to - Plan, Save, Invest, and Budget - Tomorrow arrives way to quickly - People can blame it on the Government, the Easter Bunny, Whoever, but the only one you have to Blame is Yourself - If you haven't Saved enough keep working - - - I know several people that have had to continue working well past 65, because they did not save and over spent during their lives - - - people are all about living for today, and living beyond their means, but forget tomorrow is right around the corner.
65 should be the retirement age basing it off when you were born is ridiculous, if we didn’t send any money out of our country we could easily fund social security Medicare etc and lower it to 65, we are all getting older some folks won’t be able to do their current job when they are over 65 nor should they have to. The governments spending problem should not be the burden of any one over 65
The first step to help Social Security is to do away with the cap. Meaning continue to charge higher earners instead of stopping at a set dollar amount. Republicans don’t talk about that, either because they do t want to tax the wealthy or they are too uneducated to understand how it works. I’m so very disgusted with the GOP. They constantly invoke the Bible and “family values” yet they make no attempt to follow those teachings when it comes to the well being of their fellow man. We are the richest country in the world, why should anyone in this country have to worry about health care? You can’t take money with you when you die and your spoiled kids will just blow it. Sacrifice just a little for your fellow man, it might just be the most rewarding thing you ever do.
Soon there will be even more ways for the average coitizen to lose due to a rigged system:
Trump Advisers Seek to Shrink or Eliminate Bank Regulators
Advisers asked potential nominees whether Trump could abolish the FDIC
So many new ways to lose! everything. Just like the good old days. Lose your home and life's savings because your bank was run by crooks. Or incompetents. OR BOTH!
Please Don't Fool Yourself that our Government is to Provide you with Social Security to allow you to Live a Life of Luxury.
Again, it is not the Government's Job to Provide you with a Full Retirement,
Social Security exists to prevent people from starving by providing a basic level of income during retirement, disability, or the death of a breadwinner, ensuring that individuals have a safety net to cover essential needs like food even when they can no longer work, thus mitigating the risk of falling into poverty and hunger.
Social Security is only to Provide you with a Partial / Basic Level of Retirement - It is up to you to Plan, Save, Invest, and Budget so you can provide for you and your Family as you Retire - If you are behind on Planning / Saving / Investing / Budgeting - and Reaching Your Needed Financial Goals to Retire - It is Time to get Moving and Make Changes in your Life so you can have a Brighter and Financially Secure Future or Just keep Waiting and Playing the Lottery or Sport's Betting and see if Ed McMahon brings a Publisher's Clearing House Check to your Door - Not Happening.
Here are some average and median savings by age:
Retirement savings - If you are way below the Average Totals for your Age - I would START WORRYING AND GET GOING...
The average and median retirement savings by age group are:
Under 35: Average: $49,130, median: $18,880
35–44: Average: $141,520, median: $45,000
45–54: Average: $313,220, median: $115,000
55–64: Average: $537,560, median: $185,000
65–74: Average: $609,230, median: $200,000
74 or Older: Average: $462,410, median: $130,000
Social Security is funded by payroll taxes paid by both employees and employers, as well as income taxes paid by some beneficiaries:
Yes, Social Security is funded by the current generation of workers, and the next generation will pay for their benefits in turn:
So the Baby Boomers are living off of what the Millennials are Paying In and so on. Except that Costs for Housing, Food, Medical, Etc., Etc., have gone up so the Retired Individual has to have Social Security (which was only designed to cover basic needs, not a lifestyle) and their own Investments to Survive - So Please you need to Plan, Save, Invest, and Budget if you want to Live any type of Enjoyable Retirement.
Nov 22, 2024 — Right now, the latest data shows that we have 8 million job openings in the U.S. but only 6.8 million unemployed workers. While the US has more people participating in the workforce than before the pandemic, the overall share of the population working has decreased. We have Plenty of Jobs - and all of these People who are not working, and if receiving Government Money needs to be dropped off the Roles and Forced to get a Job -
3:08PM, I have seen individuals of the Greatest Generation get up at 5-6AM, every day and put in a full day of work, and then do it again the next day. Alot of you people need to give up the Cigs, Alcohol, Drugs, Fast Food, Liters of Pop, Push yourself back from the table, and try Exercising, Walking, or Working Out, so you will not be a burden to yourself or others. The United States Ranks 13th most Obese Country in the World out of a Total of 195 Countries. Healthcare / Medicine is your biggest expense in Retirement and why wouldn't you want to stay Healthy and out of the Hospitals to enjoy your life.
Reverse Robin Hood.
Taking from the average citizen and giving to the rich.
We can all kiss our sweet behinds goodbye like that of our personal savings with trump and his project 2025 plan for fiscal increase for the richest 10%. The middle class will continue to decline as trumps upperclass gets wealthier off the backs of the working class.
I believe this formula produces oligarchs like russia. This would make sense as trump is a putin wannabe. Trumps narcissism is on full display as he invites the worst of world leaders to his "coronation" in January.
Novel idea. People aren't giong to like what's about to trickles down on them.
8:07 RFK death panels willl Handle it. Congratulations on your Mensa award!
Exactly 8:07!!!!!!!!!!!!
President Dwight David Eisenhower, perhaps the last real Republican, had a 90 percent tax rate for the super rich during his administration.
Eisenhower explained it this way: The super rich could avoid the high taxes by investing their money in things that make America stronger. If they wanted to avoid high taxes, he said they could invest in business expansions and higher employee wages. They could give a million or two to tax-exempt non-profits that feed, house and clothe poor people of America, among other things.
They did some of that, but the Eisenhower years generated enough taxes to launch and complete the labyrinth of interstate highways, the largest road project America had ever seen and is needed again.
President Trump said that the recent tax cuts would cause big business to generate more jobs. Federal sources said this week that the tax cuts didn’t bring about more employment. Businesses took the tax break money and squirreled it away or bought back their company’s stock. Greed won. America lost.
It’s time Congress took control of this country’s economy and do what must be done to take the power away from the greedy rich guys who will never let middle class America bloom the way it did before Ronald Reagan handed the economy to the millionaires and billionaires.
Let’s hope people such as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez increase and don’t slip twixt the cup and the lip.
Dave Peyton is on Facebook. His email address is
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We paid in our social security..Yes People might be living longer but...May not be able to hold a job due to there age..I am 69..Gone threw breast cancer..Shoulder surgerys..My husband -bladder cancer,,Theres reasons why some don't work longer...not because there lazy..Me/husband have worked since 15/16 years old so sad..The world needs god more
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