Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Webb City Police traffic stop leads to grand jury indictment for meth trafficking

A grand jury indictment of a Milo man for possession of methamphetamine with intennt to distribute was unsealed today in U. S. District Court for the Western District of Missouri.

Caleb Blaine Stark was arrested during a December 8 Webb City Police Department traffic stop. A search revealed more than 50 grams of methamphetamine, according to the federal complaint.

Stark is being held in the Greene County Jail.


  1. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Where do all you Open Border Zealots - THINK - that all these Drugs - Meth, Cocaine, Herion, Fentanyl - are coming from - this is just a tip of the iceberg - Tons of Illegal Drugs are Pouring in over our Southern Borders - Texas, Arizona, California, and New Mexico - and Flooding the United States - Yet, You continue to not want to close the Borders - WHY - These Drugs are Costing Peoples Lives and Raising Crime Rates, because Addicts have to Steal, Rob, and Sometimes Kill to get Money to Pay for their Addictions.

    Can't you Leftist Liberal Democrats - Deal with the Truth???

    This Doesn't even account for the Illegal Immigrants - trying to enter the United States - and trying to get to another Democratic Sanctuary City - Where they are Housed, Feed, given Free Medical, Free Schooling, Jobs - all on the Backs of Hardworking Taxpayers - Yet, None of You want to Open Your Homes - to these Illegal Aliens - You Talk a Good Game - But - When asked would you Bring them into your Home - YOUR ANSWER IS ALWAYS - NO - Does that sound like you are talking from both sides of your Mouth?

    January 5, 2025 - Just Five (5) Days ago - A Russian mercenary arrested at US-Mexico border with a drone - on Saturday, when he illegally crossed the Rio Grande near Roma Texas. Timur Praliev, waded across the Rio Grande carrying two passports and $4,000.

    Do You Feel Safe - Mercenaries, Criminals, Drug Dealers, Drug Mules, are able to just walk into America - - WHAT WILL IT TAKE FOR YOU DEMOCRATS TO EVER SEE A PROBLEM AND UNDERSTAND THE IMPACT IT COULD HAVE ON YOU, YOUR FAMILY - OR YOUR COUNTRY - NEVER???

  2. Anonymous9:28 AM

    oh, mr. PHD gonna have a response to this one.

  3. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Oh yes - drugs have only become a problem since the "open border zealots" allowed our country to be flooded with them right, and people have only been illegally crossing the border while democrats were in power. Get real. Trump had 4 years to build his pointless wall and never completed it, and I'm sure he won't this time around either.
