Sunday, August 26, 2007

Voucher group pours hundreds of thousands into Ohio elections

It is almost certain that pro-voucher group All Children Matter is responsible for Matt Blunt being governor of Missouri.
The organization's Virginia PAC poured approximately $200,000 into attack ads against Blunt's opponent, State Auditor Claire McCaskill, during the last two weeks of the election and Blunt won by a razor-thin margin.

It should come as no surprise that All Children Matter is using the same tactics in other states. A column by Dennis Willard in today's Akron Beacon-Journal, notes that All Children Matter spent $870,000 in laundered money in Ohio in 2006:

Last week, lawyers for Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner and a pro-charter school PAC named All Children Matter Ohio squared off before the Ohio Elections Commission.

Brunner alleges the Ohio PAC exceeded contribution limits and illegally received $870,000 from a sister PAC based in Virginia that never registered in Ohio.

The true source of the money was hidden because the Virginia PAC dumped the dollars into Ohio through five and six-figure checks.

The Ohio PAC spent the money on 29 Republican candidates for statewide office, the General Assembly and the State Board of Education.

Missouri can expect another attack on public education during the 2008 legislative session. For more information, check the July 18 Turner Report.

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