Monday, April 02, 2018

Under Douglas/Decker stewardship, 26-year-old P.R. director takes lead role in Neosho R-5 School District

During a time when veteran teachers and administrators have been leaving the Neosho R-5 School District in sizable numbers, one employee has been able to establish a position of power within the district.

When R-5 Board of Education President Steven Douglas needed someone who could massage the district's failure to bring in the junior high building under budget and wanted to make the entire project it look like a success, he turned to this employee.

When Superintendent Dan Decker needed someone to take charge of the Community School Improvement Plan, a major state requirement, it was this employee who was asked to perform the task

And when Decker wanted someone to talk with all of his building principals and find out if they had any problems with central office or district leadership, it was this employee who answered the call.

The employee's name is Meagan Spangler, she is 26 years old and makes more than $65,000 a year as the public relations director for the Neosho R-5 School District.

Spangler has been with the district since January 2015, 13 months after she graduated from Missouri Southern State University with a bachelor of arts in communication with an emphasis in public relations.

The Neosho job was the second Spangler held following her graduation. Before entering the world of education, she served as an administrative assistant and sales associate at Downstream Casino.

Nothing symbolizes her rise to prominence within the district hierarchy more than her work with the CSIP plan, a responsibility that is almost always given to upper level administrators, curriculum directors, or committees headed by upper level administrators and curriculum directors, people with a background in education.

On her website, Spangler explained her CSIP duties:

To streamline our collective effort, we took on the task of revamping our Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP), or what is commonly referred to in the corporate world as a master plan or strategic plan. We started in early 2017 with the first step of discovering and honing in on our values as an organization.

To keep communication open and safe for all, myself and the administrative assistant to the superintendent visited all of our buildings and departments for listening posts. The listening posts were free-flowing, confidential discussion to see what was going well, going poorly, good and bad about Neosho School District. 
Through these discussions we were able to pinpoint norms, values, and dislikes. After gathering the data, we created what we call the Black and Gold Convictions, using the term convictions because we felt it had a stronger sense of accountability and loyalty to who we are as an organization. Some of the convictions are things that our organization is already skilled at, while others are areas where we want to be in time. The convictions were presented to the school board and school administrators in July 2017 and will be presented to District personnel at the back to school meeting in August 2017.

District personnel and former employees have told the Turner Report that the "confidential discussion" portion of Spangler's explanation was something they never believed. Spangler and Decker's secretary, Tonya Patterson, conducted the sessions and many of them felt any criticism they shared they would immediately be reported to Decker or Board President Douglas, who has worked closely with Spangler.

That belief has further been strengthened by the requirement that all principals meet individually with Spangler. The principals knew better than to make any negative comments, so all answers were either vague or positive.

In the past, criticisms of the central office have nearly automatically led to grievances against the employees who made them and in most cases that has led to their departures.

The presence of Spangler, her sizable salary and her involvement in educational matters despite her lack of any background in education is a criticism Douglas has heard on a regular basis since she was hired.

Douglas has said Spangler reminds him of his daughter and has reportedly discussed district business with her on a frequent basis both at her office and off campus. District sources tell the Turner Report Douglas consults the 26-year-old for advice about district personnel, including the superintendent.

After a recent board meeting when Spangler presented a directional sign showing the traffic flow at the new junior high, Douglas used that as an example of her earning every penny of her salary.

"When people ask me why we have Meagan," Douglas said, "this is the reason why. Look at that sign. It looks great. That’s why we have her."

It appears that in the Neosho R-5 School District, the best way to communicate with the Board of Education president is through sign language.

Previous Neosho R-5 Posts

Neosho R-5 Board President's response to allegations: I believe in the greatness of the Neosho community

Allegation that five-year-old Neosho boy inappropriately touched, threatened kindergarten classmate at center of possible legal action against school district

Neosho R-5 Board President: Central Office wasn't aware board had to approve change orders on Junior High building project

Carver Elementary principal's administrative leave, removal of Finance Department illustrate toxic atmosphere at Neosho R-5

Neosho Superintendent signed non-disparagement contract, agreed to $150,000 "donation" from architectural firm

Former Neosho R-5 accountant: Finance Department told to keep quiet about Junior High project funding errors

Neosho R-5 administrators say there are things they can't tell staff, but they will be transparent about it

Neosho Daily News on junior high investigation: We report news, not speculation or gossip

Neosho R-5 School Board President: There was no trickery with our lovely junior high

State investigators examining discrepancies, lack of transparency in Neosho Junior High building project


  1. Anonymous1:37 PM

    How many seasoned teachers in the Neosho school district make that kind of salary? I would think that if the job had been posted and available to current employees, many would have applied for the salary increase!

    1. Anonymous2:58 PM

      THIS is a PR. Position. NOT a teaching position. You seem to be confused as to what degree goes with what job.

  2. Anonymous2:22 PM

    What a slap in the face to teachers. $65k for a PR director? At Neosho? Good grief.

  3. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Give her a break!

  4. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Think about this:

    "26 years old and makes more than $65,000 a year as the public relations director"

    A 26-year-veteran Teacher with a Doctorate earns $55,438 in Joplin.

  5. Anonymous4:03 PM

    I guess the old Joplin "Huff" machine moved down to Neosho. Hope the dullards in Neosho get rid of the bad school board members. Hint: Douglas

  6. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Nothing wrong with a young go-getter is there?

    Talk about sum get-r-dun!

    Who needs fancy credentials or experience?

    Figger out who's not wit ya and can 'em!

    The best thing about all this is that R-5 is inventing new ways to slice that loaf!


  7. Anonymous6:32 PM

    Is she related to someone important?

  8. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Do you know her personally? Sounds like some jealousy involved here.. so sad that someone who works hard can’t make a decent salary without some whiners on your page!

  9. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Beware Neosho!

    After failing twice to pass bond issues to build a new junior high school, the Neosho R-5 Board of Education has decided to put it on the ballot for a third time in April and to help it pass, it has decided to hire a full time public relations director.

    My initial reaction after reading the Neosho Daily News article on the hiring is worry for the school district.

    Of course, the district does not have to become all about the spin as the Joplin R-8 School District has become since it began adding layers of people who have little to do with education and everything to do with projecting the image, despite all evidence to the contrary, of a school district that has had one success after another.

  10. Anonymous7:33 PM

    Mr. Decker's secretary makes $50,000 a year. I make less than $48,000 with 21 years and a masters degree + 15 hours. I think you should publish the administrators salaries too. It is disheartening.

    1. Anonymous8:23 PM

      Yes I agree. Teachers spend thousands of dollars furthing their education and spend countless hours teaching our children. It’s a slap in the face that the Superintendent’s Secretary and the Building & Grounds Secretary who makes $40,000+, earns more. Proof that education doesn’t really matter at Neosho. It’s who you suck up to. What a joke!

    2. Anonymous3:07 PM

      You are educators. You knew going into the field, it's not about getting rich. If it were, you should of done more homework on the pay scale . It is well understood educators do not make the money it actually takes to offset their education,hours and responsibilities.. want to change that, take a stand.
      But stop bitching and backstabbing because someone makes more than you. News flash, your dentist, mechanic, and dog groomer make more than you..are you going to complain about that as well?
      It is people like Mrs Spangler who help make your job easier, and more fluid. All you seem to be doing is making waves.

  11. Anonymous8:18 PM

    When I hear a man say he views a younger woman “like a daughter” I’m immediately suspicious.

    1. Anonymous6:11 PM

      If you watched Stormi Daniels on 60-Minutes, that's exactly the same thing Trump told Daniels.

  12. Anonymous9:15 PM

    Douglas has said Spangler reminds him of his daughter and has reportedly discussed district business with her on a frequent basis both at her office and off campus. District sources tell the Turner Report Douglas consults the 26-year-old for advice about district personnel, including the superintendent.

    After a recent board meeting when Spangler presented a directional sign showing the traffic flow at the new junior high, Douglas used that as an example of her earning every penny of her salary.

    "When people ask me why we have Meagan," Douglas said, "this is the reason why. Look at that sign. It looks great. That’s why we have her."

    This post seems incomplete without a picture of the super duper directional sign.

  13. Anonymous9:54 PM

    In regards to compensation, perhaps it's worth considering for a moment the workload and stress being asked of a person in her position. That role, for that district, is not an easy job. Not even a "kind of challenging somedays" job. Yes, she is relatively young. And yes, the market rate of educators has traditionally and unfortunately been low, and that sucks. We all know that. But look at the scope of the projects she has been asked to manage in addition to her full-time duties.

    The district's administration has clearly put some big projects on her shoulders and entrusted her to carry them out. Top that off with the fact that she's in a role in which everything she does is open to public scrutiny like this. (Everybody has tough stuff at work - now imagine your challenges, especially as a young professional, splashed all over the web on a regular basis along with your photo and glaring headlines reminding everyone of how old you are and what you make. Sounds like a dream job.)

    If these former/current personnel have an issue with the administration - which this article really seems to be about - then why isn't this post focusing more on the admins and their relationships with the teachers?

    1. Anonymous3:25 PM

      Maybe you should go back and read again about how many are in fear of their jobs if they do say anything negative.

  14. Good for her...make the big bucks

  15. Anonymous4:40 AM

    We have a so called PR director involved in the educational process when she doesn't even have an education degree. Guess that would work if a slot machine is broken or if a blackjack dealer is having problems since her only experience is at downstream. A secretary that has decision making power over teachers and their employment. Guess it makes sense. She makes more money than they do. Ass. superintendent dating a guy who parties with the neosho high school kids. A board member who looks at an central administration emplyee as a daughter. She probably gets no preferential treatment. People in Neosho don't care as long as his last name is what they consider important.

  16. Anonymous4:49 AM

    I'm an accomplished artist. Tell Mr. Douglas I can draw signs all day for far less than 65 thousand a year! Shame on the board for using schools funds for finding ways to hire Deckers cronies. 65 thousand hires 2 new teachers. Classroom size goes down. Vote for Douglas again. Imagine where he'll take Neosho in the next 3 years. Sure Spangler is making his school board signs!

  17. Anonymous6:55 AM

    Please take a look at her work load. Take a look at our district website. It looks horrible, is not up to date and that is one of her top job responsibilities. It’s a district joke about her work hours. 65,000 and gets to the office at 9am, 10am just whenever she wants. Teachers have put in several hours by the time she gets to work and unfortunately we make a lot less then she does. Her emails are so unprofessional to our staff, as well as her immature and unprofessional. But she obviously can order a dang good looking sign! No that is great use of our tax dollars Mr. Douglas!! Change has got to come TODAY!! For Neosho!!!!

  18. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Administrators salaries are publicly listed. Search for Missouri teachers salary then choose the district.

  19. Anonymous10:46 AM

    She is easy on the eyes....good looking people don't go

  20. Anonymous2:06 PM

    To know her is to love her. Clearly most of these comments are coming from bitter, burned out individuals who don't actually know Meagan at all.

  21. Anonymous3:32 PM

    I have NEVER read such a display of immature, snarky, backstabbing, jealous remarks from co-workers. If YOU want the PR position, then go back to school and get your PR degree. Last I was aware our education degrees do not double as PR degrees and visa versa. We didn't go into the public education system to make money. It was to make a difference in the lives of kids. If you had wanted to make more money, then skip the BA of education and go for a degree in medicine, maybe in neurosurgery.
    Instead of working together to ultimately make your career decision have the most impact in kids lives, you're acting worse than the kids you are supposed to be guiding. Such a disappointment in the childish name calling, whining and general attitudes of coworkers. From my seat, it isn't Mrs Spangler than needs to defend herself. I see a house that needs cleaned of all the negative information funneling, taken out of context office and classroom gossips. What a bunch of burned out old biddies. It's time you hang up your erasers. You are beyond a good role model or positive influence.

  22. Anonymous3:44 PM

    This district has had negative outcomes on what is supposed to be progress since the moved Benton Elementary into a flood zone. Then they purchased property for the Middle School when they had property already established on a clear route. They chose to buy farm property, well known all over the county for water retension and ran "over budget bigtime" when they had to haul out the years of soft manure land and bring in fill. At least that paved the way for purchasing the same kind of farm land (knowing they had to budget for the new fill) for Carver, Junior High and Bus Barns.
    This district's priorities are just back asswards because it sure as hell doesn't need a obviously favored daughter-like Public Relations person. What it does need smaller classrooms and more emphasis on the well being of the students on campus and how their home situations and bullying relate to school performance. Can a PR person do that or just use words to cover up problems.

  23. Anonymous7:40 PM

    As a long-time employee of the Neosho School District, I have concerns regarding things that have happened in our District within the last few years. Is it concerning to me that our entire Finance Department was purged? Yes, definitely. Do I think it is okay for someone with no educational background to work with an administrative assistant to write the District’s CSIP plan? No, I do not. Do I think it is right that some administrative assistants reportedly make more than many teachers in the district? No, I do not. However, I choose to focus my concerns on the Administration. I do not think it is right to attack Ms. Spangler and the administrative assistants mentioned in a previous comment. Ms. Spangler applied for a job that was advertised somewhere, was offered the job, and accepted for the salary offered. Someone in Administration approved the position and the salary. All she did was accept. If she is coming in late to work, someone in Administration is allowing that to happen. If her emails are immature and inappropriate, someone in Administration is allowing them to continue to be sent. If Ms. Spangler and an Administrative Assistant did the work for the CSIP, someone in Administration directed that to happen. If money is being spent needlessly on signs, someone in Administration approved the order and the payment. If Ms. Spangler spends a good deal of her day visiting around Central Office, someone in Administration is allowing that to happen. If Administrative Assistants are being given what might seem to be excessive salaries when compared to teacher salaries, someone in Administration approved those salaries. Do not blame the people who simply accepted positions and salaries when offered.... blame the people who are the ultimate decision makers.

  24. Anonymous9:57 PM

    The previous comment (7:40) nailed it. Spangler received the salary provided to her by the administration. Ultimately, the buck stops there. It would be interesting to know how much her salary has increased over the time she has worked with the district. Teachers don't hardly see their pay increase each year. I doubt it's even 1%. Many teachers in the district don't even get raises because of the salary schedule used. It's also worth mentioning that in the past three years, most of the public information about salaries have been pulled from the school district's website. At one time you could find wage information for nearly every position in the district. Now it's just teacher pay . It's been that way for a couple years now. Why, what are they hiding?

    Apparently last year administrators and staff at the central office were feuding with each other and were giving raises to their staff to make other people in the central office mad. Would the board be willing to look at pay differences at the central office over the past three years and compare those to the average increase provided to teachers and then make that information public?

    Turner, you have tried to make Spangler out to be some kind of villain. According to this article she has done exactly what she's been asked to do (even if she had no business doing it) and received a salary that appears to be more than a teacher with a doctorate degree with 30 years experience would receive. That's not her fault. That one, like all this other stuff, falls on the supt. shoulders.

  25. My post in no way makes Meagan Spangler out to be some sort of villain, though a few of the comments have. The story is basically that the board and administration have seen fit to put someone with no educational experience into numerous duties that clearly call for that kind of experience. It also indicates the value that the board and administration place on public relations.

  26. Anonymous4:16 AM

    Come on. The buck stops with Decker. His administration has been chaos from the start. Fired good loyal people and added people to central administration with inflated salaries.

  27. Anonymous8:29 AM

    I'd say it seems pretty biased, Randy. There is one side of facts here. And you've hardly glanced at the merit of Spangler - portraying her instead like a shady mob boss and then "highlighting" her ability to make a sign. This feels more like propaganda. It's a pretty cutting piece, and I'd bet that Spangler will be affected by your reporting, whether this is the full picture or not. I hope that she gets a fair shot despite your article. But,then again, I'm sure she'll be able to shrug of a reporter. After all, that's her job.

  28. Anonymous8:37 AM

    The story, Randy, makes Meagan out to be over privileged and under qualified. It does not feel like a critique of the administration, it feels like an attack on an individual's worthiness based on their age.

    I find the article to be both ageist and sexist. You suggest that Spangler being a daughter figure and being consulted on and off campus is some kind of an issue. If it was said of a young man in business, "He is like a son to me" it wouldn't be brought up as a reason to discredit his position. Therefore there is no reason to mention it here.

    It is catty and damaging.

  29. Anonymous12:20 PM

    I'd like to know where you obtained Ms. Spangler's salary to post it publicly. Several have compared admin salaries to teachers but it's not really an equal comparison when a teacher's contract is 9 months and administrative support is a 12 month contract. I also concur with others that a teacher knows the salary they are agreeing to when they sign a contract. I'm not debating it's too low, but the standard for pay for those choosing a career in teaching.

  30. Anonymous6:30 PM

    This hit piece is disgusting and clearly has an underlying tone of resentment. Those of you reading this character assassination please be advised the individual who wrote it was removed from Joplin Schools with a 7-0 vote.

    If Mrs. Spangler dedicated her education to perform a job within a school, that pays more than an educator is compensated, she shouldn't be villainized for it. Teachers are aware of the pay they will receive for their career choice.

    It is painfully obvious that Mrs. Spangler's workload isn't accurately described in this character assassination. The straw man you've built to attack here is extremely weak and if you must misrepresent someone in order to attack them or their credibility, you have no argument. This sounds like a bitter ex-educator who wants to discredit someone in the education field ad nauseam for their age and nothing more. The article seems unprovoked and reeks of slander.

    Find a new hobby.

  31. Anonymous5:23 AM

    Mr. Turner, seems like the majority of posts now see this article's viewpoint as being from a bitter exteacher. Count this post as one that believes that to be the case... which in my opinion is ok. Life stinks sometimes. Jealousy happens even if we don't want it to. It isn't very becoming, but it happens.

  32. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Since when was $65k a "sizable" salary?? Anyone who knows Meagan knows she is an extremely talented and intelligent individual. We're not talking six-figure salaries here.

  33. Anonymous9:43 AM

    For those of you who are surprised about the slant that Turner puts on his hit pieces, I asked the question where have you been last several years? This is his MO, painting these types of pictures and then pleading ignorance. It's all about number of clicks. He is exactly what he claims to despise.

  34. Anonymous1:52 PM

    The bottom line is the “buck”’does stop with Decker! He hired someone inexperienced, with lack of educational knowledge, and a lack of work ethic. Everyone in the district knows this. Just like they know she reports everything to Decker and his secretary Tonya! No doubt she may have some talents but the question is why is she in charge or even involved in leadership tasks or conversations that she has absolutely no business being involved in. Partially a lack of leadership from Decker. He should be the one telling her certain things are not her business or expertise. She has no experience therefore interjects herself where she shouldn’t. She has been allowed to behave this way without someone leading at CO. I wish we could share our thoughts about this position without fear of losing our jobs. I’m pretty sure the board would see what the overall opinion of this position is.

  35. Anonymous11:57 AM

    She brought us the new Wildcat Logo! That in its self is worth a million bucks! $65,000 a year is a bargain for her skills!

  36. Anonymous12:37 PM

    People can bring up that Turner was removed by the Huff administration if they want to.

    But remember what happened to the Huff administration in the year or two since that happened. The school board and administrators associated with Huff were eventually replaced, and if you don't think Turner had something to do with influence public opinion that led to that, you're only kidding yourself.

    People are getting defensive and attacking Turner.

    Yet, facts remain facts.

  37. Anonymous5:43 PM

    True 12:37 PM facts remain facts!! And the turnover in the Board of Education has begun. Douglas was first to go! His deceit and lack of honesty and transparency was so obvious. His ramblings and attempt to cover up made him look beyond guilty. And our community read right through the crap!! Another fact: Spangler continues to be involved with the CSIP and attempt to lead administrators as well as Deckers secretary. Again, she/they have no leadership training at all, except Deckers Maxwell training, which I hear is a joke. So what qualifies her to lead a group of individuals that have degrees in leadership and many hours of training in leadership? She/they have no background in education, have absolutely NO clue what an educator goes through on a daily basis yet she sets up in central office and complains about teachers. If she had to work like they do she would never survive. She would NEVER get to work on time and couldn’t handle the work load. She couldn’t come rolling in at 9 or 10. But is that just her issue or is it a Decker issue too? No leadership happening in this district. Teachers are leaving in droves!!! Will our middle school have any teachers left? Coaches looking to leave, others even looking at getting out of education because of such a bad experience in this district. Our student achievement data has spiraled downward since Sears took the reigns. When other districts are proudly posting their student data we hear nothing about ours. Where is our PR Director? Shouldn’t she be getting this information out there. Has anyone else noticed this? No discussions about it just shove it in a drawer and try to not bring it up. Do we fear that the Literacy Program will be under scrutiny and be shown to be a failure? That the promise that in 3 years we would see a positive difference? Oh now it’s in 5-10 years we will see a difference. Hmmmm it keeps changing and we keep dumping district money into it. Hopefully the new board members will ask questions. Ask for honest, true data. Ask who is putting the data together and how it is collected. Ask why Spangler is involved in leadership tasks that she is NOT qualified to be involved in. Ask why her job responsibilities are not completed. ie: district website. It horrendous!! Who evaluates her? Oh yeah Decker!! This district need help!!!
