Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Domestic abuse charges dropped against former Newton County deputy

The Newton County Prosecuting Attorney's office dropped a second degree domestic assault charge against a former Newton County deputy and Diamond R-4 resource officer after the alleged victim stopped cooperating.

The Neosho Police Department arrested Joseph Childers, 40, July 28, alleging that he beat his wife.


Anonymous said...

Not a surprise. 😩 Stupid woman. I have no sympathy.

Anonymous said...

Apparently the wife knows her place.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Why do Women - Stay in Relationships with Domestic Violence - putting themselves and their Children in Danger?

Help Stop the Violence - Get Away - Leave - Do Not Let them Abuse You or Your Kids.

These A-Holes will never change, no matter how many times they promise you it will not happen again.

Anonymous said...

She will only have one black eye from now on because he will won’t have to tell her twice. I have no sympathy for a woman who doesn’t press charges, apparently she likes it.

Anonymous said...

Y'all are way out of line with these comments. It is not easy to leave a chronic abuse situation. The victim often endures far more abuse or even death when they leave. The abuser has lost control, and they will go to extreme measures to get it back. Unfortunately our legal system says the abuser still has rights if children are involved. If she leaves the state, then she becomes the criminal. It's a vicious cycle. Unless you have been in her shoes, you shouldn't judge her.

Anonymous said...

Stop dropping charges!!! You may be scared but you don't have to live in fear. Would you rather get killed? Sometimes that's how it ends. Send him to jail and get the heck outta town. Once an abuser, always an abuser.

Anonymous said...

LEO have a way higher abuse rate than non LEO. 40% of LEO compared to 10% non LEO. I watched my police chief father abuse my mother when I was 5. Don't believe me? They've been studying this for over 40 years.

Anonymous said...

I disagree. There are way too many resources and help in place to assist women in getting away from an abuser. If you stay, you are the problem.
Don't say you are staying because of your kids, because I'm sure they would rather live in a Peaceful home.

Anonymous said...

Bunch of internet baddies speaking on things they have never experienced.

Reality is, she is free to do that. She’s not any less of a person or victim either.

I don’t think staying or dropping the charges is the smartest move but I haven’t been in her situation and I’m not going to pretend that I know her life or the events that led up to the arrest. All I know is, if you’re going to be dumb, you better be tough.