Monday, July 29, 2024

Probable cause: Newton County deputy/Diamond school resource officer beat his wife

The arraignment for a Newton County Sheriff's Office deputy who allegedly beat his wife is scheduled for 1 p.m. Tuesday in Newton County Circuit Court.

Joseph Childers, 40, who serves as resource officer for the Diamond R-4 School District, is being held without bond in the McDonald County Jail on a domestic assault charge.

From the probable cause statement:

When officers arrived on scene Victim 1 was at a nearby neighbor's yard holding a young child, and on scene Victim 1 was at a nearby neighbor's yard holding a young child, and Joseph Childers was walking down the road towards Victim l. Officers separated both Victim 1 and Mr. Childers. 

While Victim 1 was being questioned, a large bruise was observed around her left eye starting from the center edge of the eye traveling to the lower right side of the eye. Victim 1 also had bruising around the left side of the throat that would indicate choking. 

When Victim 1 was questioned about the bruise on her eye, she became choking. When Victim 1 was questioned about the bruise on her eye, she became quiet and stated, "I don't want anything to happen to him." 

I informed Victim 1 that she had physical injury to her face and she stated, "I know."

When Victim 1 was questioned about the bruising around the front of her neck she stated,"thats where he grabbed my throat."

Mr. Childers also took Victim l's cell phone from her so she couldn't call law enforcement. Victim 1 refused to allow officers to take pictures of her injuries.

On the probable cause statement, the investiging Neosho Police Department officer said Childers poses "a danger to {his wife}.

Previous Post


Anonymous said...

To the Person that Commented in the Previous Post about Joseph Childers - You really have NO CLUE - What kind of Person he is - This is NO MISUNDERSTANDING - THIS IS A CRIME - Hopefully he gets Prosecuted for Hitting his Wife and Choking Her... Then taking her Cell Phone so she could not call the Police.

She needs to take her Child and Get away from this Sociopath - No Person deserves to be Battered and Beaten - In the Name of Love - - -

7:03AM - Anonymous Previous Post Said...
Speaking on behalf of the family. I can’t go into detail it was a misunderstanding and I have no doubt he’s gonna be released soon. Do not judge based on what you see.

Anonymous said...

That cop is a scumbag just like the rest of them.

Anonymous said...

"The most dangerous domestic violence offenders strangle their victims. The most violent rapists strangle their victims.

We used to think all abusers were equal. They are not.

Our research has now made clear that when a man puts his hands around a woman’s neck, he has just raised his hand and said, “I’M A KILLER.” They are more likely to kill police officers, to kill children, and to later kill their partners. So, when you hear “He choked me,” now we know


Co-Founder, Training Institute on Strangulation Prevention "

Hyacinth said...

Physically and mentally hurting your wife, leaving bruises and strangulation marks is not a misunderstanding, it's the evidence of someone with a temper.

Anonymous said...
