Saturday, June 30, 2018

Efforts to identify pedestrian killed in accident at 20th and Range Line top posts for this week, plus a special message for Turner Report/Inside Joplin readers

A picture of a shoe.

It was unusual to see that kind of photo issued with a Joplin Police Department news release, but it was a shoe that told a story.

At the time the news release was issued, it was a long shot effort to identify the pedestrian who had been critically injured in an accident at 20th and Range Line.

Hours after the photo was published on Facebook, on Inside Joplin, and was shared throughout the area, the photo symbolized something else- it became something that had been worn by a young man who died at a Joplin hospital.

It was something that belonged to Matt Collins, 16.

The desperate search for the young man's identity was the most-visited post this week in Inside Joplin, with updates on the story finishing second and fourth in the top 10.

A story that grabbed readers' attention last week- the road rage murder of a Carthage man- topped the Turner Report list and also was the third most visited post.

The Top 10 lists for the Turner Report, Inside Joplin and Inside Joplin Obituaries are printed below with links to each one:

The Turner Report

1. Accused road rage killer says $50,000 cash-only bond is "excessive and unreasonable"

2. Joplin man who assaulted, videoed nine-year-old girl sentenced to 26 years

3. Preliminary hearing set in road-rage murder, judge rejects bond reduction motion

4. Court records: Joplin teen charged with drive-by shooting accused of pointing a gun at another man in October

5. Arraignment scheduled for Carthage man accused of stalking woman, trespassing, threatening to beat in her skull

6. Former Rangeline Sonic supervisor pleads not guilty to sixth drunk driving offense

7. Cynthia Davis on Sarah Sanders incident and Maxine Waters: The hate from the left is real

8. New ownership for Joplin Globe? Company that owns Globe is exploring sale of newspaper properties

9. Joplin man charged with kidnapping, assault connected to Christmas Eve murder

10. Three years ago this month, Silver Lining in a Funnel Cloud published

Inside Joplin

1. Joplin Police need help identifying pedestrian seriously injured in accident at 20th and Range Line

2. Unidentified pedestrian in accident at 20th and Range Line dies at local hospital, deceased estimated to be 16 to 20 years old

3. Joplin Police Department searching for missing teen

4. Joplin teen identified as pedestrian killed in accident at 20th and Range Line

5. Highway Patrol Arrests June 27-28

6. Missing Joplin teen located and is safe

7. Joplin, Webb City men arrested on assault, kidnapping charges

8. Jasper County Marriage Licenses

9. Joplin Police Department Weekend Arrests

10. Joplin Police rescue 20-month-old accidentally locked in car in dangerous heat

Inside Joplin Obituaries

1. Greg Kivett

2. Jarrod McGuirk

3. Piper Spiva

4. Jacob Rushing

5. Brad Windle

6. Charlie Ann Gurley

7. Tom Danner

8. Jason Kubicki

9. Rocky Sharpe

10. Marvin Roughton

It has not been a good month for the Turner Report/Inside Joplin as far as revenue is concerned. Subscriptions and contributions have dropped dramatically the last several weeks, coupled with the unfortunate need for emergency repairs on the computer that is being used to type this post.

The Turner Report, Inside Joplin and Inside Joplin Obituaries average more than 23,000 readers a day. Many of you have subscribed or contributed in the past and if you have done so in the past year, this message is not directed at you. You have helped provide an alternative source of news and commentary for this area, one that has stepped up when others haven't on many occasions and will do again.

That being said, I am sure many of you have thought about making a contribution but have not done so.

Consider subscribing or making a contribution of any amount, large or small, by using the PayPal buttons below or by mailing a contribution to Randy Turner, 2306 E. 8th, Apt. G, Joplin, MO 64801

Payment options

Friday, June 29, 2018

Roy Blunt: Since Trump took office, Republicans have worked tirelessly to help more Americans

(From Sen. Roy Blunt)

Since President Trump took office in 2017, Republicans have been working tirelessly to pass legislation to help more Americans. I’m glad to say we’ve kept that momentum going in 2018 - here are just a few of the things we’ve accomplished so far this year:

Enacting the largest tax reform legislation in 30 years

Six months ago, the Senate passed, and President Trump signed into law, the largest overhaul of our nation’s tax code in three decades. Recently, I visited 10 cities in Missouri to meet with workers and small business owners to see how the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act was affecting them. Thanks to tax reform, Missourians are now able to keep more of their hard-earned paycheck and are receiving better benefits at work. They’re also enjoying greater job security as businesses grow and create more opportunities for workers. It’s clear to see tax reform is already increasing optimismabout the future and driving Missouri’s economy forward, and I’m confident we’ll see more good news ahead.

Confirming a historic number of circuit court judges

The Senate is confirming circuit court judges at a record pace. We’ve confirmed 21 circuit court judges so far under the Trump administration, the most by this point in any presidency over the past 40 years. Because only a small fraction of cases decided by circuit courts are taken up by the Supreme Court, the makeup of circuit courts has a significant impact on the law. Filling judicial vacancies is critical to ensuring access to the courts, creating certainty for businesses, and maintaining the system of checks and balances.

Providing our veterans with the high-quality care they’ve earned

Just this month, President Trump signed the VA MISSION Act into law. By modernizing the VA and making permanent the Veterans Choice Program, the VA MISSION Act is a major step in our ongoing effort to ensure veterans have access to care when and where they need it. I’m also proud to say the VA MISSION Act includes my Veteran PEER Act, which expands veterans’ access to peer counseling specialists to better combat the risk of suicide and provide mental health and substance use disorder treatment.

Rolling back burdensome Dodd-Frank regulations

Under Dodd-Frank, credit unions and community banks struggled under the same massive, one-size-fits-all regulations placed on larger banks. They had to spend their time navigating an endless maze of red tape that hindered their ability to provide financial services to the local communities they serve. I cosponsored the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief and Consumer Protect Act, which became law in May, to roll back the harmful Dodd-Frank regulations and strengthen consumer protections, including specific protections for veterans and homeowners. This legislation also included my Family Self-Sufficiency Act, bipartisan legislation to help more hardworking Missourians create a better future for themselves and their families.

Fighting the opioid epidemic

The opioid epidemic is destroying lives and costing our economy hundreds of billions of dollars every year. The government funding bill that was signed into law in March included a $2.55 billion increase for health-related programs to fight the opioid epidemic from every angle, with a focus on hard-hit states and rural areas. As chairman of the subcommittee that funds the Department of Health and Human Services, making sure our state and local communities have what they need to address this crisis and save lives will remain a top priority.

2018 has been a busy year for Republicans – and we’re only getting started. This week, the Senate passed the Farm Bill, which will benefit Missouri farmers and ranchers by ensuring access to risk management tools, expanding rural broadband, and strengthening infrastructure. We’re also moving forward in the appropriations process, and I’ll continuing working to make sure Missouri priorities – on everything from defense to education and rural health – are front and center.

Billy Long: I will continue to work on legislation to improve veteran care

(From Seventh District Congressman Billy Long)

In 2014, news broke that patients at the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) hospital in Phoenix, Arizona, died due to long wait times for care. Employees at the hospital kept two sets of records detailing patients’ wait times to cover up “gross mismanagement,” as one Arizona newspaper put it. Unfortunately, the VA hospital in Phoenix was not the only place this was happening. Soon after this story broke, stories all across the country started coming out. From Wyoming to Florida, it was evident this was a widespread problem.

Congress quickly got to work to find ways to address this problem by holding multiple hearings and passing several pieces of legislation that increased oversight and whistleblower protections. Although the VA system is improving, there is still more work that needs to be done. Just recently, USA Today reported that VA nursing homes in the U.S., which serve 46,000 veterans a year, have more patients with bed sores and pain than private facilities. Nearly half of the VA nursing homes received the VA’s lowest quality rating, one out of five stars, because of poor care.

This story is just another example of why more work needs to be done. This May, both the House of Representatives and Senate passed S. 2372, the VA MISSION Act, which President Trump signed into law. This legislation builds on our efforts to expand access to health care, streamline programs and make the Choice Program permanent, which allows veterans who are not able to get an appointment within 30 days at a VA health care facility to schedule appointments with non-VA health facilities.

Thanks to President Trump’s leadership, as of December the VA had fired nearly 1,500 employees and suspended more than 400 who failed to adequately take care of our veterans. There have also been multiple pieces of legislation signed into law that address this issue, such as the Veterans Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act and the Veterans Appeals Improvement and Modernization Act. Both bills work to increase whistleblower protections, streamline the disability claims process and allow the VA Secretary to quickly remove federal employees who put our veterans in danger or fail to take care of them.

Members of Congress might not agree on a lot, but taking care of our veterans is something both sides of the aisle can come together on. As we move forward in the 115th Congress, I will continue to work on legislation that improves veteran care and holds the VA accountable. I’m tired of reading headlines about veterans being mistreated or dying because of wait times, and it’s shameful that veterans have to experience this.

Parson signs bill fully funding education formula with $99 million increase

(From Gov. Mike Parson)

Today, Governor Parson signed the FY2019 budget bills passed by the General Assembly and highlighted priorities of improving infrastructure, increasing workforce development, curbing opioid abuse, fully funding K-12, and stabilizing higher education budgets.

“One of the biggest responsibilities the legislature holds every year is allocating our taxpayers’ hard-earned money responsibly and efficiently,” said Governor Parson. “We applaud the General Assembly for their efforts to fund critical functions of government including infrastructure, workforce development, and education funding.”

The Governor highlighted several areas of the budget, including fully funding the education foundation formula for the second time in history with a $99 million funding increase, prioritizing higher education, providing a needed step in lifting state employee pay, allocating $2.6 million to support faith-based initiatives to curb opioid abuse, and allotting $70 million for key infrastructure and workforce development projects.

The total state budget is $28.6 billion. In addition, the Governor issued 21 line-item vetoes, totaling more than $12 million. To view the complete list, see here.

“Government budgets are no different than our own at home,” said Governor Parson. “We must operate within our means, make fiscally responsible decisions, and invest wisely to ensure our next generation is given the same opportunities to succeed.”

The Governor completed the week signing the budget after traveling to parts of the state for key budget announcements:

·         $12 million in increased available school transportation funding, which is especially important for rural school districts
·         $250,000 to a new K-3 reading assessment program for dyslexia diagnosis
·         $8.4 million for Early Childhood Special Education
·         $8.2 million for capital improvements for river port expansion
·         $2 million investment to expand access at the Ft. Leonard Wood airport
·         $4.8 million restored funding for the Tourism CO-OP Program
·         $1 million for the Jobs for America’s Graduates program, assisting high school youth to be college and career ready
·         $2 million for community college workforce development, offering food stamp recipients the opportunity to gain skills, train, and promote employability and self-sufficiency.
Governor Parson said, “We’d like to extend our sincere appreciation to the dedicated men and women who help year-round craft a fiscally-responsible, balanced budget.”

All FY18 restrictions have been released. To view the complete list, see here.

The Governor also on Friday signed into law HB 1350, HB 1388, HB 1713, HB 1268, SB 652, SB 659, SB 687, SB 871, and SB 954.

Cleaver: We need trade deals, not trade wars

(From Fifth District Congressman Emanuel Cleaver)

President Trump’s sweeping tariffs on steel and aluminum imports from Canada, Mexico and the European Union (EU) will not only hurt relations with our trusted allies, but hurt America’s farmers and manufacturers. I guess the President considers them collateral damage.

American Farmers need trade deals, not trade wars. US pork farmers could lose $100 million annually.

Missouri farms are already dealing with thin margins. They do their best to deal with Mother Nature but any other unforeseen issues that hurt their bottom line can be detrimental or potentially devastating to an operation.

We are already seeing the impact in Missouri with the Harley Davidson Motorcycle plant shipping jobs overseas. Other businesses are also forced into lay-offs.

If you haven’t already, read some of the latest reports. The Mid Continent Nail Corporation is being hit hard with layoffs and facing possible closure due to a 25 % tariff on steel imports. The Harley Davidson has moved operations overseas in response to the European Union’s retaliatory tariffs.

I spent much of this week speaking about the harmful effects of these tariffs and will continue to do so.

Hartzler: Immigration problem is too important to give up on

(From Fourth District Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler)

For decades America has felt the repercussions of a failed, outdated immigration system that has rewarded those who enter this country illegally at the expense of those who have followed the law. 

This week and last week we voted on pieces of legislation that address illegal immigration where it starts – at the border – by allocating funding for a border wall and enhancing security measures that would drastically scale back illegal immigration into the United States. At the same time, these bills would have ended the visa lottery program and instead increased legal immigration for skilled workers needed in the United States. 

We can all agree that the separation of families at the border is upsetting, and this legislation would have put into law solutions that the President has advocated for. Finally, these measures would have provided renewable legal status for ‘dreamers’ who were brought to this country as children, helped stop further illegal immigration.

Unfortunately, after receiving no Democrat support in the House, both immigration reform bills fell short of passage.

Passage of these bills would have represented the most comprehensive immigration reform in thirty-two years, and I am disappointed that we missed this opportunity to address the illegal immigration problem in this country. Addressing illegal immigration begins with securing our borders, and the funding and security mechanisms within this legislation would have been a significant step in this direction. Although these bills were far from perfect, the reforms they would have provided are preferable to our broken system. The status quo only perpetuates this growing problem on our border, and inaction compounds the issue even further.

Next week we will regroup and see where to go from here. This issue is too important to give up on. I’m hopeful we will be able to advance at least some of these long-overdue measures.

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Graves: We are taking important steps to handle the opioid crisis

(From Sixth District Congressman Sam Graves)

You’ve seen the news stories and you probably know someone who’s been affected by it in some way - the scourge of opioid addiction. Overcoming this crisis is proving to be far more difficult than anyone expected. Did you know that more than 2 million Americans will suffer from addiction to opioids in 2018? Or that 115 people in the United States die after overdosing on opioids EVERY DAY?

In Congress, we’ve spent a considerable amount of time in the last several weeks on legislation designed to break the hold that opioids have on this country. While I don’t think our legislative fixes are going to completely solve the issue, I do believe that it will help.

The bills I’ve helped pass to fight the opioid epidemic are focused on four things: treatment and recovery, prevention, protecting communities and fighting fentanyl.

Those addicted need treatment. Our efforts will improve and expand access to treatment and recovery services, provide incentives for enhanced care, coordination, and innovation and establish comprehensive opioid recovery centers.

However, it’s important that we prevent opioid abuse in the first place so treatment of an addiction isn’t necessary. That’s why we’ve passed legislation to encourage non-addictive opioid alternatives to treat pain, identify and help at-risk patients and families, and address high opioid prescribing rates.

Across North Missouri, our law enforcement and social service agencies have sprung into action. Programs such as the City of Hannibal’s Bringing the HEET Initiative (Heroin Education Enforcement Treatment) are being implemented to protect our communities. We want to partner with these agencies by giving law enforcement tools to get dangerous drugs out of our communities, better intercepting illicit opioids at international mail facilities and improving access to federal resources for local communities.

Finally, the synthetic drug known as fentanyl has created the bulk of the problems. Heroin laced with fentanyl is literally killing people the first time they use it. And it’s being trafficked throughout our communities. We’ve got to eliminate it. Our opioid legislation better tackles ever-changing synthetic drugs, cracks down on foreign shipments of illicit drugs, and provides grants for local communities to combat fentanyl.

The opioid epidemic is ripping apart families and communities. Too many lives have been taken or ruined as a result. I believe this is a serious issue and I’m glad we are taking important steps to help our local communities deal with this crisis.

Agenda posted for Monday Joplin City Council meeting

Monday, July 2, 2018
6:00 P.M., Council Chambers

Call To Order

Pledge of Allegiance of the United States of America

Roll Call




Van Johnson, Alderman In Savannah, GA, Is Affiliated With The National League Of Cities And Would Like To Discuss Developing A Youth Council.


Finalization Of Consent Agenda


Reports And Communications


Pay Plan Update Presented By City Manager, Sam Anselm.


Citizen Requests And Petitions


Russell Presson, 231 Buchanan, Would Like To Address The City Council Regarding The New Construction Of Mr. Benson’s New Duplexes On N. Buchanan Rd Into His Property At 227-229 Buchanan.


Margey Upson, 1218 W. 9th St., Would Like To Address The City Council Regarding Public Safety Raises, And Other Matters.


Christopher Wiseman With The Joplin Museum, 504 Schifferdecker Ave., Would Like To Address Any Questions The City Council May Have Concerning The Museum’s Budget.


Mari Susan Cameron, 2634 S. Byers, Would Like To Address The City Council Regarding Crime And Abductions On Trails And What Other Cities Do To Catch And Deter Criminals; And Curbs.


Sandi Wells, 2617 Byers Ave. Would Like To Address Council Regarding Rerouting Mohaska Trail, And Money For Properties


Public Hearings


Public Hearing Procedures



AN ORDINANCE amending Ordinance No. 2004-256, passed by the Council of the City of
Joplin, Missouri, November 15, 2004, by removing from Heavy Industrial District (M2) and including in
Commercial District (C3) property as described below and located at 3534 E. 20th Street, City
of Joplin, Jasper County, Missouri. 


AN ORDINANCE providing for the vacation for 801-foot portion of County Lane 191 located north of the intersection of County Lane 191 and 31st Street, in the City of Joplin, Jasper County, Missouri.


AN ORDINANCE providing for the vacation of the alley running north/south located west of Jackson Avenue between Junge Boulevard and 15th Street and a request to vacate a portion of 14th Street bounded by a north/south alley on the west and Jackson Avenue on the East for the consolidation of property in the City of Joplin, Jasper County, Missouri.


AN ORDINANCE approving the voluntary annexation by the Council of the City of
Joplin, Missouri, of property located immediately north of the intersection of Wildwood Ranch
Parkway and John Duffy Drive, Jasper County, Missouri. 

Consent Agenda


Minutes Of The June 18, 2018 Informal Council Meeting


Minutes Of The June 18, 2018 City Council Meeting




Ordinances - Emergency



AN ORDINANCE approving the City of Joplin to enter into an agreement with Emery Sapp & Sons, Inc. for the construction of the Surface Project 4008, in the amount of Three Million Six Hundred Three Thousand Four Hundred Twenty and 52/100 dollars ($3,603,420.52); and authorizing the City Manager or his designee to execute the same by and on behalf of the City of Joplin; and containing an emergency clause.


AN ORDINANCE approving a construction agreement with G&G Construction Inc., in the not to exceed amount of Nine Hundred Sixty Five Thousand, One Hundred Twenty and No/100 Dollars ($965,120.00) for construction services associated with the Installation of Screw Pumps at the Turkey Creek Waste Water Treatment Facility; authorizing the City Manager to execute and containing an emergency clause.

Ordinances - First Reading



AN ORDINANCE approving a request to amend the Cooperative Agreement related to the Northpark Lane Community Improvement District.

Ordinances - Second Reading And Third Reading


Unfinished Business


New Business


Approval Of Boards And Commissions Appointments And Reappointments


News And Updates From Public Information Officer, Lynn Onstot

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Joplin man charged with kidnapping, assault, connected to Christmas Eve murder

A Joplin man who was arrested on kidnapping and assault charges earlier today was also connected to the Christmas Eve 2017 murder of Sean Harris, 43, Joplin, according to Jasper County Circuit Court documents.

Moses Ramsey, 28, Joplin, and Sergio Zuniga, 24, Webb City, were arrested after Joplin Police responded to a report this afternoon that a man had been beaten and tied up at 2025 South Murphy.

From the Joplin Police Department news release:

Detectives responded to the address and attempted to make contact. A female came to the door, spoke to detectives through the secured door but refused to open it. Based on the knowledge that a male in the residence, Moses Ramsey, had city warrants, entry was forced into the residence by Joplin Police Detectives and Officers. Moses Ramsey was found hiding in a closet and was arrested on his warrants.

A male victim was located in the residence with head trauma and other injuries from being assaulted. METS and Joplin Fire, who had staged in the area for the call, immediately began medical treatment and transported the victim to a local hospital.

Ramsey was initially charged with first degree murder in connection with Sean Harris' death, but the charge was dropped, though charges remain against Artilius Jordan, 47, the man police say pulled the trigger.

According to the probable cause statement in that case, Jordan shot Sean Harris in cold blood December 24, because he believed Harris was having sex with his girlfriend,

Jordan went to a home at 627 S. Byers Avenue where his girlfriend was and where Harris was visiting to confront him, according to the statement. Jordan was accompanied by Moses Ramsey and Joseph Czahor.

Harris was coming down the stairs of the apartment building when Jordan pulled a handgun and with Ramsey's encouragement, shot Harris at least twice, with one of the shots hitting him in the chest, according to the probable cause statement. Harris died at Freeman West Hospital.

Jordan, who is charged with first degree murder, two counts of assault and three counts of armed criminal action is scheduled to go to trial May 13, 2019.

Three years ago this month, Silver Lining in a Funnel Cloud published

When I wrote about the impending publication of my book Silver Lining in a Funnel Cloud: Greed, Corruption and the Joplin Tornado three years ago this month, I provided a chapter-by-chapter breakdown and as I looked it over a few moments ago, I realized that my last chapter has a misleading title- Endgame.

The chapter features the "retirement" of former Joplin R-8 Superintendent C. J. Huff and the resignations of Board of Education members Mike Landis and Randy Steele.

It was definitely not an "endgame," as that was followed by the revelation that Landis had been part of a plan, worked out with the help of Huff and Jasper County Prosecuting Attorney Dean Dankelson to trigger an obscure law that allowed the Jasper County Commission to appoint three board members.

The details of Huff's severance package had not been revealed at that time either.

Nor was there any way of knowing that three major participants in the events of Silver Lining, Landis former Joplin Area Chamber of Commerce President Rob O'Brian and former Joplin Police Chief Lane Roberts, would be in the middle of runs for public office in 2018.

And at that time, the Missouri State Auditor's office had yet to release its report on the City of Joplin, which was particularly critical of former City Councilman Mike Woolston and O'Brian, among others.

Preliminary hearing set in road-rage murder, judge rejects bond reduction motion

The bond for accused road-rage killer Christopher David Montz, 24, Neosho, will remain at $50,000 cash only after Judge Joseph Hensley rejected a bond reduction motion earlier today.

Hensley scheduled Montz' preliminary hearing for 2 p.m. August 1 in Jasper County Circuit Court and approved a defense motion that Montz be allowed to wear civilian clothes during the hearing.

Montz' attorney, Kristin Suzanne Jones, Springfield, in a motion filed Friday said the bond amount was "excessive and unreasonable."

The probable cause statement detailed the confrontation between Chris Montz, 24, Neosho and David Reynolds, 27, Carthage, at Highway 249 near the intersection with I-44.

The statement indicated Montz and Reynolds pulled to the shoulder and while the men were arguing, Reynolds punched Montz twice in the face. Montz pulled a gun and shot Reynolds in the head.

Previous posts

Accused road rage killer's lawyer says accused road rage killer's bond is "excessive and unreasonable."

Joplin man who assaulted, videoed nine-year-old girl sentenced to 25 years

(From the U. S. Attorney for the Western District of Missouri)

A Joplin, Mo., man was sentenced in federal court today for recording cell phone videos of his sexual assaults upon a 9-year-old victim.

Richard James York, 27, was sentenced by U.S. District Judge M. Douglas Harpool to 25 years in federal prison without parole.

On Jan. 31, 2018, York pleaded guilty to the sexual exploitation of a child. York admitted that he used a nine-year-old minor (identified as Jane Doe) to produce child pornography from March 1, 2017, to March 16, 2017. York sexually assaulted the child victim and made several videos of the assault with his cell phone. Those videos were discovered by another person, who contacted law enforcement.

This case was prosecuted by Assistant U.S. Attorney Ami Harshad Miller. It was investigated by the Southwest Missouri Cyber Crime Task Force and the Jasper County, Mo., Sheriff’s Department.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Watch the Joplin R-8 Board of Education meeting live at 7 p.m.

During Senate hearing, McCaskill highlights threats against covering pre-existing conditions

In the accompanying Senate hearing video, Sen. Claire McCaskill highlights the threats that are being made by insurance companies to stop covering pre-existing conditions.

Arraignment scheduled for Carthage man accused of stalking woman, trespassing, threatening to bash in her skull

A Carthage man charged with the felony stalking of a woman from his workplace will be arraigned 8 a.m. Wednesday in Jasper County Circuit Court.

The Carthage Police Department arrested Robert Lee Ritter, 42, after the second time he allegedly entered the apartment of a woman who lived in the 1000 block of S. Garrison.

Ritter is being held in the Jasper County Jail on a $2,000 cash-only bond.

The alleged victim told Carthage Police that she had been friends with Ritter at work and helped him, but that she had never been interested in having a relationship, according to the probable cause statement.

"But he became obsessed and she told him to stay away."

The probable cause indicates the man had made 20 calls and left voice messages, leading her to block him on all of her accounts.

The woman called police after Ritter allegedly trespassed at her apartment June 16 and threatened to "bash in her skull."

The second trespassing incident reportedly occurred June 20 with Ritter opening the front door of her apartment and handing the woman a note that said, "Take care, I'll see you later."

Ritter faces a first degree felony charge and two misdemeanor trespassing charges.

Court records: Joplin teen charged with drive-by shooting accused of pointing a gun at another man in October

A Joplin teen charged with 10 felonies in connection with a June 14 drive-by shooting at 406 N. Pearl is already facing another felony weapons-related charge, according to Jasper County Circuit Court records.

Jacob Russell Davis, 17, was charged with felony unlawful use of a weapon and misdemeanor assault following an October 3, 2017 incident at Markwardt Street and South Wisconsin Avenue in Joplin.

The probable cause statement indicates Davis hit Benjamin Bartlett with his fist. After the altercation, "Davis displayed a black handgun and pointed it at Bartlett." Multiple witnesses were present.

Bartlett told Joplin police officers the weapon was a 9mm Glock. Davis said it was a BB gun and that he accidentally pointed it at Bartlett when he was putting it back in his waistband, according to the statement.

Davis' next hearing in that case is scheduled for July 11 in Judge Joseph Hensley's courtroom.

Those are not the only charges Davis faced prior to the drive-by shooting, according to court records.

The Jasper County Prosecuting Attorney's office filed a felony charge of endangering the welfare of a child for an incident that occurred September 20, 2017. A felony charge of resisting arrest and a misdemeanor marijuana possession charge were filed, with those crimes allegedly taking place October 9.

The probable cause statement for those arrests is not available to the public, but the felony resisting arrest charge likely occurred when Joplin police officers were investigating the assault and weapons allegations from the October 3 incident at Markwardt and South Wisconsin.

The Joplin Police Department arrested Davis June 18 for his alleged role in the drive-by shooting, which took place four days earlier.

The shooting incident was described in a JPD news release:

On June 14, 2018 at approximately 11:27 p.m. a drive by shooting was reported at 406 N. Pearl Ave Joplin, MO via multiple 911 calls for service. Patrol officers responded to the area and secured the scene and determined that no injuries were reported. Joplin Police investigators responded directly to the scene to assist with the investigation. It was reported that a vehicle described as a dark SUV drove by the residence and a subject in the SUV fired multiple gunshots. Patrol officers and investigators conducted interviews and collected evidence from the scene.

On June 15, 2018 at approximately 2:06 a.m. two detectives in an unmarked police vehicle were patrolling the area of Broadway St. & High Ave. While the detectives were stopped on the side of the roadway a dark SUV matching the description of the suspect vehicle in the earlier shooting pulled up beside the detectives. An occupant of the SUV pointed an unknown object at the detectives and then shouted. The detectives attempted to make contact the with subjects in the dark colored SUV however, the SUV fled and the detectives initiated a pursuit of the vehicle.

The pursuit continued from Joplin, MO to Labette County, KS where the vehicle came to a stop. The driver of the dark colored SUV, Marquis Saunders was taken into custody by the Labette County, KS Sheriff’s Office. Also in the vehicle was one other adult and four juveniles.

Charges for Saunders have been submitted to the Jasper County, MO Prosecutor’s Office pending formal filing for felony resisting arrest by fleeing and four counts of endangering the welfare of a child. Three of the juveniles were released to a parent or guardian and one was transported to a detention center due to being reported as a runaway.

The investigation is ongoing.

Davis pleaded not guilty to five counts of shooting a gun from a vehicle and five counts of criminal action Thursday. His next hearing in that case is scheduled for July 11.

Former Rangeline Sonic supervisor pleads not guilty to sixth drunk driving offense

Former Rangeline Sonic supervisor Chris Alred pleaded not guilty to felony driving while intoxicated this morning in Jasper County Circuit Court.

The next hearing in the case is scheduled for 9 a.m. August 27 before Judge David Mouton.

Alred, 31, who is also awaiting trial on a felony statutory rape charge, is free after posting a $5,000 surety bond. The next hearing in that case is scheduled for 9 a.m. August 13 before Judge Dean Dankelson.
In addition to the charge of driving while intoxicated as a habitual offender (he has five previous DWI convictions), Alred is also charged with resisting arrest and endangering the welfare of a child.

The Sarcoxie Police Department arrested Alred August 27. In the probable cause statement, Sarcoxie Officer Connor Hackworth said Alred was stopped for driving with only one headlight. Alred pulled over on a ramp that said "do not enter" facing oncoming traffic.

Hackworth smelled alcohol and noticed Alred's eight-year-old daughter was in the car with him.

Alred refused to do a field sobriety test, then put the car into drive and pulled away. Hackworth stopped him at the Kum N. Go.

Alred pleaded guilty to DWI charges on five earlier occasions.

The statutory sodomy charge against Alred, involving a teenage Sonic carhop, is also at the center of the teenager's lawsuit against Alred, Rangeline Sonic, other Sonic supervisors and the management company that runs the local franchise.

A notice to take Alred's deposition in that lawsuit is scheduled for 10:30 a.m. August 2 and will continue from 10:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. day to day until it is completed.

Cynthia Davis on Sarah Sanders incident and Maxine Waters: The hate from the left is real

(The author of this op-ed column, former Rep. Cynthia Davis, R-O'Fallon, is the host of an internet talk show.)

Perhaps they need to change the name from "Red Hen" to "Blue Hen" if they're so fearful of people who hold different political beliefs. By now you've probably heard about the owner of the Red Hen asking Sarah Sanders to leave because Sarah works for the President of the United States.

As a business owner myself, I am shocked by the behavior of this business owner. Sarah Sanders was not asking to make a political speech. She was not asking to use the restaurant for a political fundraiser. She was not attempting to get the staff or other patrons to support Donald Trump. She was just coming as a paying customer.

Most of you know that Barack Obama and I don't share many political values. However, if he came into my Back to Basics Christian Bookstore, I would be honored. If he brought his family, picked up some books and made a purchase, I would be thrilled! As a retailer, we like it when people support our store. One of my fellow retailers told me as long as their money is green, that's the only color that matters.

Sarah Sanders was right to leave the restaurant and even offered to pay for the food they had already been served. Reports were that the restaurant owner was polite, but is it possible to be polite while being rude? Now that a few days have passed and the owner has had time to reflect on her actions, she says she would do it again!

The hate from the left is real. Sarah needed to leave for her safety. If the wait staff and owner were that hostile, should Sarah be concerned they might contaminate her food by spitting on it or doing something that could make her sick? We may never know how far down people will go once they begin the descent.

Now a prominent Democrat, Maxine Waters, is calling for more uncivil behavior by asking people to push back and harass Trump's staff by saying this: "If you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere,”

I'm happy Sarah is giving this Country many lessons on how to be brave in the face of adversity. Her courage and class in the face of so many mean-spirited hateful people serves as a model of decency and shows us how to respond correctly. It seems like the left is trying to divide and stir up as much dissension as possible. Why can't we all just get along?