Joplin R-8 administrators' vision of the future is spelled out in detail in the district's Race to the Top application.
It is a vision that includes establishing career pathways for students as soon as they enter middle school, changing the way grading is done, following the dictates of Common Core Standards, eliminating the need for high school students to sit in traditional classrooms for specific amounts of time each day, and moving to a school centered on the latest in technology.
It is not just the vision of the future that stands out in the application, which has been obtained by the Turner Report and Inside Joplin, but also its bleak vision of Joplin's past and how R-8 administrators were the keys to the community's recovery from the May 22, 2011, Joplin Tornado.
Though the efforts of Superintendent C. J. Huff are praised in the document, its most effusive praise is for Assistant Superintendent Angie Besendorfer. One of the subheads uses the "Silver Lining in a Cloud" phrase that Dr. Besendorfer has used in numerous speeches, although she has normally added the word "funnel" before cloud.
The application includes references to Dr. Besendorfer's powerful statements and includes the following reference:
The portions of the Race to the Top application leading up to the budget section, which was printed in the Turner Report Saturday is featured below. Some appendixes and information was left blank in the copy, which is the one that was shown to those Administration was attempting to have sign on to the application:
Schools Race to the Top – 2013 District Application for Funding
Department of Education - CFDA Number:
A. Vision
A) (1) Articulating a
Comprehensive and Coherent Reform Vision
On Graduation Day, May 22, 2011, Joplin, Missouri,
experienced one of the most destructive tornados on record. This catastrophic
storm ripped through the heart of the city, taking 161 lives and destroying
about 1/3 of our community. Over 7,500 residences, 530 businesses, 28 churches,
15,000 cars, one of our major hospital complexes and about half our medical
provider offices and labs, almost all our mental health and substance abuse
treatment infrastructure and over half our day care facilities were destroyed
or significantly damaged.
Over 4,200 students (out of 7,600) lost their schools.
Ten schools (more than ½ our educational space – over 260 classrooms) were
destroyed, badly damaged or displaced. This included our high school (which had
about 2,200 students), our technical school, one of 3 middle schools, 6 of 12
elementary schools and our administration building. Staff, many of whom had
also lost homes and loved ones were shaken and demoralized. They needed time
and support themselves, but were anxious to reunite with their students and to
get back to the jobs they love.
Virtually everyone in the community was impacted in
some way. Thousands – perhaps 1/3 of our citizens ---directly experienced the
violence of the storm. They crawled from the rubble, and soon came to realize
they had lost loved ones, homes, schools, jobs and/or transportation. Thousands
more experienced trauma as they began to feel the violence and impact of the
turmoil, destruction and loss. Immediately
people from all over the community, (as well as from neighboring regions,
across the state, surrounding states and around the nation) rushed in to help.
It became evident that emotional and psychological pain was widespread. The lives of the community -- our children,
their families, and our staff had been changed forever.
On the morning of May 23, 2011, we, the Joplin Schools
administrative team, began to search for our staff and students and to survey
the horrific damage inflicted by the tornado. The road to recovery seemed
insurmountable. Our Superintendent of Schools, Dr. C.J. Huff, announced that
school would open as planned on August 17 … 83 days away!
It was clear that we had much to do. We knew we not
only had to find a place to “have school”, we also needed to ensure the
recovery and healing of our school community (students, staff and their
families). We also knew that just finding a place and a way to “have school”
was not going to be enough. As Assistant
Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Angie Besendorfer, so powerfully stated, “We
don’t want just to rebuild our old schools and “get back to normal”. We want so
much more … to give them (our students) the schooling they so richly deserve (…
and need) to be prepared for citizenship in the 21st century
workforce. From tragedy we must create a better future … a” new normal” … for
our community … for our students … and for their families.”
On August 17, as planned, school opened for all
students! Joplin
has proven itself to be a strong and resilient community --- we know we can
create the school system we need!
Description of the
Joplin School District
The Joplin School District (Joplin
Schools), encompassing 65.5 square miles, is made up, primarily, of the city of Joplin, but also
includes a few smaller surrounding communities and some rural area. Joplin Schools began the 2013-2014
school year with 7,559 students
(k-12). The district grade configuration is: Elementary – k-grade 5; Middle
School – grades 6-8; High School – grades 9-12. There is also a small
blended (special education and Title I funded) preschool (ages 3-5) program that
serves about 100 students. Since the tornado
we have 7 secondary school campuses (4 official schools). The high school,
completely destroyed by the tornado, is now on 4 sites. It began the school
year with about 2,114 students. The 11th and 12th graders
are located in a renovated department store at the mall; the 9th and
10th in an old school building which last housed a middle school;
the technical school and one of our middle schools (also completely destroyed)
are currently in remodeled warehouses and the other 2 middle schools are in new/completely remodeled facilities (completed the
year before the tornado). There were 1,762 middle school students and 3683
elementary students. In January, 2014 two new elementary schools will open to
replace those destroyed; the high school is scheduled to open in August 2014.
(A)(1) Articulating
a Comprehensive and Coherent Reform Vision
Proposed 21st
Century Mission and Vision
It is the mission of Joplin Schools to ensure that all
students benefit from the challenging and enriched educational experiences
necessary to prepare them to be successful adults – learners, workers and
citizens. Though our students have varied interests, aptitudes, skills and
ambitions, all have the right --- and
will be given the opportunity --- to pursue their own dreams. Thus, we will
provide a learning environment that will prepare all
students to successfully graduate from high school and enter their
post-secondary lives with the competencies, attitudes, skills and habits
necessary to lead productive and prosperous lives in the 21st
century (See Appendix *
for 21st Century Skills Chart).
order to do so we realize we must develop better ways to:
• ensure all
educators have “whatever it takes” to facilitate the success of their students.
• enable
equity of opportunity for all students to succeed at school and beyond by
addressing barriers to learning thereby preventing and ameliorating the impact
of environmental, learning, behavior and emotional problems.
• reduce the
number of dropouts by reducing the loss of motivation and disengagement
struggling students face.
• improve
achievement for all by closing achievement gaps.
• provide
“cutting edge instruction” which takes advantage of the technological advances
available in today’s world and is provided by committed, highly effective educators.
It is our goal that all secondary students will successfully complete a
personalized, career-oriented learning pathway that allows successful
transition from high school to further post-secondary education (e.g. college,
technical training, apprenticeship, on-the-job training) and/or successful
suitable employment leading to meaningful and profitable careers (e.g.
occupational credentials). In order to accomplish this, components of proposed model include:
• the provision of high
quality, effective professional development and support for our talented and
passionate teachers and administrators.
• implementation of a Career Pathways course of study that will
provide each student with an education that has been personalized to their
needs, aptitudes, aspirations and motivations and will ensure the development
of 21st Century skills and competencies
• an articulated set of rigorous standards and learning outcomes
that truly predict post secondary success.
• instructional strategies … including the use of technological
tools … that allow teachers to determine and meet the needs of individual
• an integrated data management system that will support timely,
informed decision-making that leads to improved outcomes, both for individual
students, schools and the district as a whole.
• an interactive scheduling instructional management system that
will allow for the analysis of data and then will schedule student activities
(e.g. courses, study and project groups, internships and other “real world”
activities, “reteach” sessions), “map” suggested “next steps” (e.g. suggest
interventions, pair appropriate learning experiences with needs of individual
and/or groups of students, schedule time, place, resources).
• policies and practices that are not based on arbitrary
requirements like “seat-time” or irrelevant pre-requirements, but on
demonstrated student competence (e.g. course completion, opportunities to
“opt-out” of units and/or courses, grades, graduation, alternative course
options (e.g. on-line, independent study).
• a comprehensive system of learning supports integrated into the
educational system that is designed to address barriers to learning and
• an infrastructure --
including leadership -- that facilitates the building of consensus around the
need to change what we do, defines these changes, and institutes a systematic
plan for creating them.
(A)(2) Approach to Implementation
(a&b) Selection of Schools to Participate:
The target population for this
project will be all secondary school students (grades 6-12). This includes
2,114 Joplin High School (JHS) students and 1,762 students in middle school --
grades 6-8 (652 South Middle School (SMS), 494 East Middle School (EMS) and 616
North Middle School (NMS). All high school students attend one school and all
three middle schools feed into it.
Participating Students
Since our district’s free/reduced rate is almost 60%,
with the high school at over 46% and the middle schools 56% all participating
schools will meet the eligibility criteria. We started school in 2013, with
3,860 students (1,760 middle school and 2,120 high school). Of these students:
13.7% of the JHS students had disabilities and 16% of the middle school
students; ethnicity – (high school 84% White, 5% Black, 6% Hispanic, 2% Asian,
2% Indian; middle school 83% White, 6% Black, 6% Hispanic, 2% Asian, 2%
Indian); 17 (1%) of the high school level were English Language Learners, 22
(1%) middle schoolers; over 100 students district-wide met the McKinney-Vento
definition of “Homeless” (as compared to over 600 immediately following the
tornado). About 60% received Medicaid (up from about 45% pre-tornado).
Joplin Schools Race to the Top Participating Schools Demographic Information
School Demographics
Raw Data
Actual numbers or estimates
(Please note where estimates are used)
(Column relevant for consortium
included in Race to the Top - District Plan
# of Participating Educators
# of Participating Students
# of Participating high-need students
# of Participating low-income students
Total # of low-income students in LEA or
Total # of Students in the School
% of Participating Students in the School
% of Participating students from low-income
% of Total LEA low-income population
High School (JHS)
Middle School (EMS)
Middle School (NMS)
Middle School (SMA)
Note: ** “High Needs Students “is defined as “…
students at risk of educational failure or otherwise in need of special
assistance and support, such as students who are living in poverty, who attend
high-minority schools, who are far below grade level, who have left school
before receiving a regular high school diploma, who are at risk of not
graduating with a diploma on time, who are homeless, who are in foster care,
who have been incarcerated, who have disabilities, or who are English learners.
The number is an estimate.
Rationale for Selection of All
Secondary Students
Because we believe all students need --- and have a
right to --- what we know in the best approach to secondary education, we are proposing simultaneous
implementation for all 4,913 secondary students. We are including the
middle school students because we believe they must begin the process of
developing the 21st Century skills they will need, and because we
believe this model of instruction is appropriate for all students. A “phase in”
process … waiting to begin the reform for middle school … would only hamper the
effectiveness of the implementation at the high school.
For a
number of years (pre-tornado) we had been undergoing a strategic planning
process undertaken to improve education in Joplin. Change – not unexpectedly –
has been slow and laborious. So this team recommended, while recognizing that
children must build a strong foundation in order to be successful at the
secondary level, that an “achievement dip” occurring at the middle school level
and our high dropout rate mandated that changes at the secondary level could
not wait for improvements at the elementary level to “solve the problem”.
So as we implemented our improvement plan, we:
• provided
the resources to implement technology-enriched instruction
• provided
teachers and administrators with professional development and revised curriculum
and instruction in order to prepare students to meet the common core standards;
• decided
to implement career pathways and better integrated the high school and tech
school courses of study.
The Cloud with the Silver Lining
We were struggling to find ways to
implement these 21st Century innovations in out-grown, out-moded
facilities and to fund needed improvements (e.g. a 1-to-1 laptop initiative)
when one of the most destructive tornados on record completely destroyed almost
½ of our educational space, including our high and technical schools. As we
considered how best to recover and rebuild, our choices seemed to be … to
despair and “hunker down” … or to accept the reality and take the opportunity
to move ahead. With great courage our leadership --- with the backing of staff,
students, families, the community and the local, state and federal government –
decided to proceed. We are pressing on to create the educational system of the
21st Century for which we had planned and dreamed!
So, for example, instead of replacing $1,000,000 worth
of destroyed textbooks, we decided to use the money to implement the 1to1
initiative we had been designing. As a result, … in fewer than 90 days… we
purchased and imaged laptops for all high school students (over 2,200), prepared
all high school teachers to implement a new instructional paradigm and found
and hired teachers who could “coach” their peers in effectively instructing in
new ways (21st Century Coaches). Though many teachers and
administrators were apprehensive, by the end of the year most were very happy
with what they had been able to accomplish! (Conversations with other districts
implementing similar initiatives verified that we were far ahead of many with
gradual, phase-in implementations.)
Similarly, we decided not to rebuild the 1950’s
buildings we lost, but to design and build the educational facilities we would
need for the future. Through the tireless work and vision of our Assistant
Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Angie Besendorfer, we not only “began school” on
time – with facilities, furniture, materials and supplies ---but also put in a
place a learning environment in our “Interim High School” that will act as a
prototype for the 21st Century High School facility we will build.
(A)(3) LEA Reform and Change
Plan for Implementing Reform in
Participating Schools and Scaling–up to Overall District
our model to scale will occur as an integral component of district-wide reform.
Since the model we are proposing includes all students at the secondary level,
we are not “piloting” the reform for a few students or one school. For example,
the appropriate collection and analysis of data (another vital component of our
proposal) will allow “lessons learned” to inform needed change at the
elementary … while at the same time it is generating hypotheses and providing
information that will fuel the continuous improvement cycle that powers change
at the secondary (targeted) level. The following areas will be the “generators”
of this synergistic process:
• Use of 21st Century and
Instructional Coaches: We
know that the key to an assurance that all students stay on track to master the
rigorous competencies (Core Competencies) necessary for success in the 21st
Century is effective teachers who have the resources necessary to recognize and
meet the needs of all students and, then to provide them with the personalized
instruction needed by each to ensure that they stay on track. Thus, we must
have in place the highest quality
professional development that recognizes the needs of individual teachers,
departments and building and provides the support they will need to grow and
develop as necessary. The expertise developed at the secondary level will be
melded with the knowledge and skills being developed at the elementary level.
This group operates as a team, thus assuring vertical articulation.
• Effective, efficient readily accessible
data collection will be at the core of our comprehensive reform efforts.
Without the data we only guess what “might work” and whether it “is working”.
This is not only a very inefficient use of resources – but also makes needed
change “too late” … for far too many students. We know that one of the barriers
to being able to truly personalize instruction has been the inability to manage
such a system. With this proposal we should “free up” teacher time for the
truly creative act of teaching.
• Use of effective learning technology.
Like teachers, students need to learn the effective and efficient use of the
most up-to-date teaching tool and be given the opportunity to maximize their
potential based on individual needs and attributes. We must recognize and
provide these tools. We have already instituted a 1to1 initiative at the high
school and in the 8th grade at the middle schools. We are proposing
the expansion of 1to1 devises to the the remainder of the middle level. As we
build our technological resources this will allow to expand district resources
to meet the technological needs at the elementary level.
Why do we believe we can implement
proposed reform …
• First of
all we have the leadership necessary to make change possible. Our Superintendent of Schools said we
would start school “on time” and we did! This determination to return to
normalcy was vital to our community and for our children and families.
We have had many individuals tell us the vision and “can do” attitude of
the school district inspired and empowered the entire town.
• We
have a motivated, courageous and determined staff that sees the need for an
educational system that “operates differently … and gets different results”.
While acknowledging that change is hard, they have worked to change … to learn
… and to grow.
• We
have already begun to implement the knowledge, attitudes, skills and habits needed
to implement personalized 21st century learning and teaching.
• We
already have the cutting edge technological and staff development
infrastructure that provides a firm foundation for the “next generation”
paradigms we are proposing. We have already implemented a successful coaching
model for support and professional development district-wide and believe this
model – in concert with shared vision, PLC’s, collaborative leadership teams,
tools and processes that facilitate data collection, management, analysis and
problem solving – will further implementation.
• We
know we have the fiscal strength and flexibility to support and sustain our
current high school and middle schools so, after start-up costs, sustainability
of the new model will not be an issue.
• We
have a community that not only understands and supports us, but also is willing
to take an active role; despite losing 1/3 to 1/2 of the assessed valuation of
the school district the community passes a $61,000,000 bond issue!
(A)(4) Joplin Schools Goals for Improved
Student Outcomes
We expect to
dramatically improve 1) the number and percentage of students who graduate from
high school able to successfully participate in post-secondary educational
experiences; and 2) successfully complete at least one year of higher education
or career education; and/or increase the proportion of young people who obtain
meaningful post-secondary credentials and/or work.
[Note: Because Missouri has established new performance
standards and procedures for measuring them we will need to establish baseline
and will not be able to compare to prior year data.]
(A)(4) District-wide
Goals for Improved Student Outcomes
(A)(4)(a&b)) Performance
on Summative Assessments and Closing the Achievement Gap
Goal 1: Using standardized state assessment
data (Communication Arts and Math MAP and End of Course examinations), all areas
of student achievement will meet or exceed expectations established by the
Missouri School Improvement Program. (MSIP 5).
1.a. For “Total Students”,
annually district-wide communication arts achievement will meet “target” or
“exceed expectations” (growth or status) of the Missouri School Improvement
Program (MSIP 5).
Current performance:
1.b. For “Total Students”,
annually district-wide math achievement will meet “target” or “exceed
expectations” (growth or status) of the Missouri School Improvement Program
(MSIP 5).
2008 -2009
Comm. Arts
Baseline: Currently
we have improved Comm Arts scores 1-3% per year and Math scores were making
similar gains, but have fallen about 1%/year for the last 3 years.
1.c. For the “Super Subgroup”,
annually district-wide communication arts achievement will be on target or
exceed expectations (growth or status indicators) of the Missouri School
Improvement Program (MSIP 5).
1.d. For the “Super
Subgroup”, annually district-wide math achievement will be on target or exceed
expectations of the Missouri School Improvement Program (MSIP 5).
1.e. We will meet or exceed
state expectations on all EOC’s:
• Class of 2013, 2014,
2015: English II, Algebra I, Biology and Government
• Class of 2016: English
I, English II, English EOHS, Algebra I, Math EOHS, Biology, Government,
American History
• Class of 2017: English
I, English II, English EOHS, Algebra I, Math EOHS, Additional Math, Biology,
Government, American History
1.f. Annually ninety
percent of students will, at a minimum, maintain a ninety percent attendance
(A)(4)(c) Graduation
Goal 2: Graduation rate will increase
by 5% per year for all students.
Current rate is 85.9%; average increase for the last five years has been about 3%.
(A)(4)(d&e) College
Enrollment and Postsecondary Attainment
Goal 3:
The percentage of students who graduate from Joplin Schools college and
career ready will increase annually.
Baseline: Since this
has not been measured in the past baseline data is not available. The following
will be used to determine baseline and a expected percentage of increase will
be established in year 2.
3.a. Prior to graduation, 100% of Joplin High
School will take the Compass, ASVAB, and/or ACT.
3.b. Using the district Employability Report Card,
from quarter 1 to Quarter 4 evaluation, 80% of the students will show
“improvement” in skills (Note: This instrument and procedures are being
developed and piloted during 2012-2013. In years 2013-2014, “Improvement” will
be further refined as instrument is validated and “cut scores” are defined. By
2014-15 75% of the students will graduate “ready for employment”.
3.c. The district’s average composite
score(s) on any department-approved measure(s) of college and career readiness,
for example, the ACT®, SAT®, COMPASS®, or ASVAB, meet(s) or exceed(s) the state
standard or demonstrate(s) required improvement.
3.d. The percent of graduates who
earned a qualifying score on an Advanced Placement (AP), International
Baccalaureate (IB), or Technical Skills Attainment (TSA) assessments and/or
receive college credit through early college, dual enrollment, or approved dual
credit courses meets or exceeds the state standard or demonstrates required
3.e. The
percent of graduates who attend post-secondary education/training or are in the
military within six (6) months of graduating meets the state standard or
demonstrates required improvement.
3.f. The
percent of graduates who complete career education programs approved by the
department and are placed in occupations directly related to their training,
continue their education, or are in the military within six (6) months of
graduating meets the state standard or demonstrates required improvement.
Goal 4: The number and percentage of certified staff who are ‘highly effective”
or “effective” will increase over baseline. [Note: The current evaluation
process, will be revised by the 2014-2015 school year
Baseline: Since this
has not been measured in the past baseline data is not available. The following
will be used to determine baseline and a expected percentage of increase will
be established in year 2.
• Methods for determining “highly effective” and “effective” will
be determined and will become a component of the PBTE system
• When surveyed, 80% of staff will acknowledge an understanding of
the terms and how they are measured.
• By 2014-2015, baseline will be established.
• Each year after establishment of baseline the percentage of “highly effective” and “effective” teachers
will increase 5% annually.
4.a. The number and percentage of students whose
teacher of record is “highly effective” or “effective” will increase over
baseline (to be determined by 2014-2015).
4.b. The number and
percentage of students, by subgroup, whose teacher of record is “highly
effective” or “effective” will increase over baseline (to be determined by
4.c. By the end of the grant there will be no
district principals who are not rated as “highly effective” or “effective” for
more than 2 successive years. Each year, any principal who receives a rating of
less that “effective” will be placed on an Improvement Plan. All principals on plans will demonstrate at
least “improved” status.
4.d. By the end of the grant, quarterly Innovation
Configuration data from all buildings will demonstrate progress on key
implementation indicators.
(A)(4) Plan for Meeting District Goals and State
Figure 1: Plan
for Meeting District Goals
by …)
* Goal I: Using standardized state assessment data,
at all levels (elementary, middle school, secondary) all areas of student
achievement will meet or exceed expectations established by the Missouri
School Improvement Program. (MSIP 5).
Continue implementation
and refinement of RtI process at all grade levels to include:
• effective
use of bench mark and progress monitoring data
consistent, efficient and effective implementation of SOAR Teams
(student intervention team)
• Provide
on-going training for all school teams
Teacher and building team survey results indicate teachers are “effectively” (defined in
instrument) using data for individual and building improvement
Documentation indicates at least bimonthly team meetings
Documentation indicates all students referred have plans that have been
Innovation Configuration data indicate “improved implementation” of RtI process
Principals, Instructional
Put in place effective
Tier II and Tier III interventions in order that 95% of students leave Gr.5
and Gr. 8 on level in Comm. Arts and Math.
• Implement
Read 180/System 44 for all eligible students
• Implement
effective Tier II and III math interventions
• Document fidelity of implementation
Read 180 and System 44
annual summary data
Director of Special
Services, Principals
Enhance Tier I Comm. Arts
and Math instruction so that every classroom meets district-established
expectations for implementation
Walk-through data,
Innovation Configuration data
Director of Curriculum and
Instruction, Instructional Coaches, Principals
Implement district written
expression model
• Provide training for all teachers
May 2013
Innovation Configuration
Quarterly Formative
Evaluation Reports by Implementation Team
Director of Curriculum and
Instruction, Instructional Coaches, Principals
Implement elementary and
middle level training for effective use of technology as a teaching tool
• Training
for all teachers
• Training
scope and sequence for all students
May 2015
Documentation indicates professional development for all teachers
Documentation indicates training for students
Innovation Configuration data indicate “improved implementation” of technology
integration at all buildings
Technology Innovation
Educator, 21st Century Coaches, Instructional Coaches, Principals
Successfully implement
Project Hope to decrease social/emotional barriers to learning
August 2013
Documentation indicates the number of students needing social/emotional support
will decrease
Survey data
from parents and students will indicate a decrease in social/emotional
Project Hope Director,
Director of Special Services, Principals,
Successfully integrate
Bright Futures services in order to address barriers to learning
Data will
indicate student needs will be addressed within 36 hours of notifying the
Bright Futures staff of a need
Bright Futures Director,
Principals, Teachers
Goal 2: Graduation rate will
increase by 5% per year for all students.
School Wide Intervention Focus Team
(SWIFT) will create a Tier I Toolbox of Interventions that will be
collectively agreed upon by all departments, administration, and the
steering committee.
August 2013 for creation
then ongoing
Documentation will be the Tier I Toolbox of Interventions
SWIFT team
Administrators, Core Teachers, and 21st Century Coaches, Counselors, School
SWIFT will analyze attendance,
behavior, and grade data to be able to quickly identify students in need of
extra academic and/or behavior support and recommend additional
Data will
indicate a significant decrease in the number of students identified as
needing extra academic and/or behavior support
SWIFT team -
Administrators, Core Teachers, and 21st Century Coaches, Counselors, School
1:1 Teacher Student Mentor Program
will be implemented to provide additional support to students struggling in
attendance, grades, and behavior.
Data will
indicate a significant decrease in the number of students identified as
needing extra academic and/or behavior support
Principals SWIFT
Develop more clubs and after-school
activities to engage students who have little or no connection to the
May 2015
Documentation will show an increase of clubs and after school activity
opportunities for students
Data will
indicate an increase in the percent of students involved in clubs and after
school activities.
Athletic Directors,
Link Crew Leaders will support 9th graders academically and socially
and promote school spirit and club participation.
Documentation of minimum of monthly activities with link crew leaders interacting
with freshman students
Survey Data will
demonstrate that 9th grade students feel connected to school
Link Crew
Leaders, Counselors, Business Partners
Night School, Summer School, and abbreviated credit recovery will be
offered in the four core areas and other specified academic areas.
Data will
indicate an increase of students who are not on track for graduation
participating in night school, summer school and abbreviated credit recovery
Consistent implementation of Eagle Time (9th -12th grades): Intensive
Study Time, Math & Communication Art Labs, Success Class, and reward
Walk through Data will demonstrate student engagement during Eagle
Data will
demonstrate the percent of students earning credit for all of their classes
each semester will increase
Goal 3: The
percentage of students who graduate from Joplin Schools college and career
ready will increase annually.
Develop Career Pathways for the new high school program of study.
March 2014
Documentation the Program of Study for Joplin High School and Franklin Tech Center
Career Path
Coordinators, Administrators,
Teachers, Business Partners
All Freshman will identify a career path and develop a personal plan
of study
August 2014
Documentation student enrollment will identify the students’ career path choices
Students will have knowledge about their personal career path choices
based upon their interests and aptitudes
May 2015
Data will
demonstrate that 100% of students participate in career assessments such as
Work Keys, ASVAB, etc.
Data the
number of students achieving above state average on ASVAB, Compass or ACT
will increase annually
Workforce Investment
Board, Joplin Chamber of Commerce
Students will graduate with a personalized career path plan
Data will
demonstrate the number of students graduating with certifications for a
career beyond high school will increase
Data will
demonstrate the number of students graduating with college credit prior to
leaving high school will increase
Teachers, Area colleges and tech schools
Students will graduate with the soft skills necessary for success in
the workplace
Data will
demonstrate an increase in the number of students earning high marks on the
employability report card
Teachers, Business Partners
Students will pursue education beyond high school in the career area
of their choice
Data will
demonstrate the percent of students continuing their education beyond high
school will increase annually
Teachers, Area colleges and tech schools
Goal 4: The number and percentage of certified
staff who are ‘highly effective” or “effective” will increase over baseline.
Hiring practices will
ensure teachers have appropriate certification when they are hired
Data will
demonstrate the percent of teaching in their area of certification will
improve to 100%
Human Resources Director,
Administrators, Principals
The Performance Based
Teacher Evaluation system will be revised to meet the expectations of the
RTTT and Missouri requirements
May 2014
Documentation indicates that teacher evaluation has the component of student
performance as required
Human Resources Director,
Administrators, Principals
The Joplin principal and
superintendent evaluations will be revised to meet the expectations of the RTTT
and Missouri requirements
May 2014
Documentation indicates that teacher evaluation has the component of student
performance as required
Human Resources Director,
Administrators, Principals
Data analysis of the new evaluation systems will
demonstrate that teacher/principal evaluations differentiate based on
student success
May 2015
Data will
demonstrate an annual increase in the percent of teachers and principals who
are “highly effective” and “effective”
Human Resources Director,
Administrators, Principals
High quality professional development will be
provided to teachers, principals and administrators
Documentation indicates that professional development provided is based on
analysis of evaluation data
Human Resources Director,
Administrators, Principals, Teachers
(B) Prior Record of Success
Success in Advancing Student Learning:
Graduation Rate
• Our graduation
rate, a major concern for well over a decade … the improvement of
which has been a district priority … has been improving for the last 6 years. Despite
the destruction of the high school and disruption in the community and the
lives of many of our youth we saw tremendous growth last year. We reached an
all –time high of 86.8%! (We had been warned by others recovering from disaster
to expect an increase in the drop out rate.
- While, in our long-range vision, 100% of our students graduate and
are able to be successful in their post-secondary lives, this year we had only
74 dropouts (an all-time low).
- As a result of our progress on the graduation rate we were
designated a “Model School” by the Nation Dropout Prevention Center
the Storm”
As we studied the literature and talked to other who an
experienced similar disasters, we were led to expect the community and personal
disruption being encountered by our students would have a serious negative
impact on their ability to engage in their schooling. (For example, over 600 of
our students were classified as “homeless” and over ½ had lost their homes
and/or their schools.) Despite this … and due to the hard work and diligence of
our educators and the supports of the community this did not occur!
• Our attendance rate of almost 95% has always exceeded the state
average. It only showed a very small drop.
• Despite the great disruption at the high
school (trauma of the tornado, new temporary facilities, 1to1 initiative
creating great changes for teachers and students) the “implementation dip” that
could be expected as so much change was implemented our EOC’s were near the
• The
number of “serious discipline referrals” (those resulting in suspension of 10
days or more) was relatively stable (84 students in 2009 to 90 in 2011). In the
3 years since the tornado this number has dropped almost 50%.
• Our
MAP scores (while a concern and a district priority) likewise did not
experience a serious dip.
• “High School Grades” (defined as the percent of students who are passing/failing
is considered as a strong indicator of “at risk for dropping out” status. At
the high school the “passing rate” for all subjects (for the group “All
Students”) was a goal of the high school and was improving prior to the
tornado. It dropped significantly after the tornado, but has recovered.
• The “Passing Rate” for Freshmen entering the
high school has also recovered. The post-tornado dip.
Other indicators:
• The placement rate for career/technical students (63.2%) exceeds
the state average by over 6%.
• Joplin ACT scores have always been above the state average and
are improving.
Why do we believe we can implement
proposed reform …
• First of
all we have the leadership necessary to make change possible. Our Superintendent of Schools said we
would start school “on time” and we did! This determination to return to
normalcy was vital to our community and for our children and families.
We have had many individuals tell us the vision and “can do” attitude of
the school district inspired and empowered the entire town.
• We
have a motivated, courageous and determined staff that sees the need for an
educational system that “operates differently … and gets different results”.
While acknowledging that change is hard, they have worked to change … to learn
… and to grow.
• We
have already begun to implement the knowledge, attitudes, skills and habits
needed to implement personalized 21st century learning and teaching.
• We
already have the cutting edge technological and staff development
infrastructure that provides a firm foundation for the “next generation”
paradigms we are proposing. We have already implemented a successful coaching
model for support and professional development district-wide and believe this
model – in concert with shared vision, PLC’s, collaborative leadership teams,
tools and processes that facilitate data collection, management, analysis and
problem solving – will further implementation.
• We
know we have the fiscal strength and flexibility to support and sustain our
current high school and middle schools so, after start-up costs, sustainability
of the new model will not be an issue.
• We
have a community that not only understands and supports us, but also is willing
to take an active role; despite losing 1/3 to 1/2 of the assessed valuation of
the school district the community passes a $61,000,000 bond issue!
(B)(2) Increasing Transparency in
District Processes, Practices and Investments
We develop,
manage and report all district financial data in accordance with state
requirements. All information is available for public review upon request and
can be accessed by request and/or via the district website.
Board of Education meetings are televised on the district’s cable channel and
are shown both live and on tapes aired at several other times. Agendas are
posted as required and information is available upon request. There is a public
comment period at each BOE meeting. Guests are always welcome … and encouraged
… to attend any public meeting. The district’s annual audit is provided as a
part of this meeting. All audits have shown the district’s processes and
practices to be exemplary.
expenditure reports are provided at the district and school level and are
available for review upon request. While school-level salary data is available,
it is routinely analyzed and reported at the district level.
The following data are available to everyone on the
District Report Card on the state website which is linked to the district’s
website: a) actual personnel salaries at the school level for instructional
staff and b) teachers.
It will be the responsibility of the Project Director,
in conjunction with the CFO, Director of Technology and the Assistant Supt. to
monitor and make public progress on all project activities undertaken as a part
of our RTTT-D project. This will include monitoring of financial status and
adherence to all procedures and reporting. A website, linked to the district website
will be developed and used to facilitate this process.
(B)(4) Stakeholder
Engagement and Support
Stakeholder Involvement in the Development of the District Reform Effort
Outlined in the RTTT-D Proposal
[NOTE: Because our
ongoing reform efforts have crystalized into this RTTT-D proposal, stakeholder
engagement throughout this several year process has been described. This
engagement has occurred in several stages – foundational planning, awareness
and “buy-in”, level of implementation and “scale-up”.]
Foundation for the Proposed Reform: For many
years we have known that we were not accomplishing our mission to “… develop and enhance teaching and learning in
order to improve academic performance and enable all students to meet their
personal, academic, and career goals”.
In an effort to do so, strategic planning/district improvement efforts
undertaken for at least the last decade have been aimed at reforming education
--- particularly secondary education --- in order to ensure that all students
graduate with the attitudes, habits, skills and knowledge necessary to be
successful in the 21st century world. We are already undertaking the work required
to bring about this reform and these ever-evolving efforts form the framework
of the reform initiative outlined in this RTTT-D proposal.
Schools has had persistently low achievement and high drop out rates for many
years (see Appendix ***
and section *** of this proposal for data). While data indicate
significant improvement in the last few years, previously as many as ¼ of our
students were not graduating and many who did graduate were finishing high
school unprepared to be successful and prosperous in the world of the 21st
century. These alarming statistics
created great concern and a tremendous sense of urgency among educators,
parents and our community. We knew that our educational system would not simply
"evolve” to meet the changing needs of students, and that the “business of
schooling” in Joplin had to change … and change quickly. We realized that we had to radically transform or “re-build” education
--- particularly secondary education -- for Joplin Schools. (We did not realize, however, that this
“rebuild” would have to occur literally as well!).
We based the need for radical reform on three factors:
• First,
regrettably on the data (as outlined above). In a community where a majority of
our children and their families face barriers that put them at risk as adults
(e.g. poverty, low familial educational completion rates, underemployment and
the influences of factors like substance abuse and domestic violence) (see
Appendix ***: Kids Count Data) it is vitally important that all young people
develop the skills and resilience necessary to overcome these barriers and
create brighter futures for themselves and their families. In order to thrive,
adults must be resilient, creative, flexible, problem solvers, self-motivated
and innovative. They must be able to recognize and overcome circumstances that
create challenges. Today’s very competitive job market requires a complex set
of marketable skills without which, if there is employment, it is low paying
with little chance for advancement. They cannot afford to reach adulthood
unprepared to meet their obligations and we, as a society, cannot afford to
lose their contributions.
• Secondly, because this is a relatively small,
close-knit community we heard the “stories” of our students as they embarked on
their journey into adulthood – those who were successful … those who struggled
… and those who failed. They told us when and how they were prepared … and when
they were not.
• Finally we have studied the literature on the
needs of 21st century citizens (***cite Daggett, etc) and have
worked closely with representatives from higher education (e.g. colleges,
technical schools, skilled trades entities), city, county and Chamber of
Commerce representatives and business and community members to determine not
only what they need from our graduates but also how our students “measure up”.
Involvement in the Development of the Foundation for the Proposal: Since 2005, Joplin has hosted two
large-scale strategic planning/district improvement plan development cycles.
These efforts included students (including those at-risk), teachers, parents,
administrators, and business community representatives.
April, 20011:
• The first meeting of this strategic planning session resulted in
defining a set of 21st Century Learning Citizen Skills that would
serve as the desired outcomes for graduates (see Appendix *** for description). (These skills included: Collaboration,
Communication, Problem Solving, Technology Literacy, Critical Thinking,
Flexibility/Adaptability, Interpersonal Interaction, Ethics/Character,
Community/Global Awareness and Self-initiated Lifelong Learning).
• This meeting had *** participants drawn from students (including
students who were at-risk), teachers and administrators from all grade levels,
central office leadership, parents, and business, community and high education
• It was the consensus of this group that the high school would not
only change the emphasis of the content (with the integration of 21st
century skills and an expectation of the mastery of core competencies and key
skills at a higher order) but also the way instruction was delivered and
experienced. It was recommended that learning be “personalized” to the needs,
aptitudes and interests of students, the use of technology as a teaching tool
be embraced and new ways to engage and reengage students identified.
• While these recommendations was strongly endorsed by this planning
team – which included members of the Board of Education, high school
administration and staff, two huge barriers to implementation of proposed
reforms were identified --- the extreme overcrowding of the high school which
seemed to block efforts to update teaching approaches and the shortage of
funding necessary to initiate the enhanced use of technology as a learning
Then … less than a
month later an EF-5 tornado destroyed our High School and Technical School.
June 2011
• Three weeks after the tornado, we hosted what had been planned to
be the next session of the strategic planning effort (now termed our “Dream
Meeting”) to re-navigate a course for the future of secondary education in
Joplin. Though the shock and horror of the destruction were still very real, it
seemed the group actually took strength from this “opportunity” to dream big
and without the constraints of what, less than a month before, had seemed
insurmountable obstacles.
• These “Dream Meetings” included people from all of the same groups
and added experts from various educational and business organizations such as
the International Center for Leadership in Education, Midcontinent Regional
Education Laboratory, Leadership and Learning, eMINTS National Center, the
Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and Apple. (see
Appendix *** for further information)
• The vision of the new Joplin High School and Franklin Technology
Center that began to emerge from this process can be described as
synergistic. It is certainly not the
vision of one person but rather a creation that belonged to many. The process involved, as equal voices, educators
and non-educators, “Joplinites” and those with expertise who had come from all
over the nation to help. The dream to
create a more engaging … new … better … different high school experience that
prepared students for their personal future was enthusiastically embraced by
• As the vision of “what” this “reborn”
educational experience would “be” like was clarified (… and strengthened by
input from countless other stakeholders) the “how” it would be accomplished
loomed large. It was clear that
realization of this vision would take the passionate support of all who had a
commitment to the future of Joplin’s children. From the first dream meeting to
the bond issue campaign all who learned about the vision were excited and ready
to help. This was true for the
educational consultants and Apple representatives who participated in our
meetings at no cost to the district, to the Missouri Department of Elementary
and Secondary Education (DESE). [Note:
The support of our state department was viewed as critical because the new
vision requires that we be allowed to pilot new ways and get waivers from
specific requirements. In our meetings with our State Supervisor and the Commissioner of Education, we have been encouraged to continue to develop the vision and assured that they support
our efforts. Their backing has
helped remove barriers that would have blocked creativity.]
Community Stakeholder Involvement in Awareness and “Buy-in”
• The synergy in the community was
equally encouraging. As part of the
visioning and design process, teams went on site visits to innovative schools
across the country. By taking school
board members, administrators, teachers and business representatives, different
perspectives were melded into one vision.
The ideas were brought back to future dream meetings and shared publicly
through social media and formal media avenues resulting in excitement across
the community. The reform plan (see
Appendix *** for Bond Issue Campaign Documentation) was shared at dozens of
meetings throughout the community and across the district. Again, input gained
through these interactions was used to further shape the dream. The passing of
a $62 million dollar bond issue (in a community almost 1/3 destroyed) to build
innovative elementary, middle, high and technical schools was clear evidence of
the widespread support for the vision and for the future of Joplin’s youth.
• The bond funding was only one source
of support for rebuild. It, coupled with
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) funding and insurance proceeds, will
provide the funding needed for the innovative educational facilities. Donations from around the world provided the
additional support necessary to fund the technological advances. For example,
the United Arab Emirates (UAE) donated $1 million dollars for laptops for students,
thus allowing us to proceed with the implementation of the 21st
Century educational practices in a 1-1 learning environment.
Stakeholder Involvement in
planning was begun for the 2011-2012 school year (less than 90 days after the
tornado) a courageous decision was made to move forward with the high school
reform initiative. Examples of the
immediate actions required by this decision include:
• Implementation of a 24-7 laptop initiative for
grades 9-12 that required purchasing and checking out Macbook laptop computers
for all students, provision of infrastructure (including school and community
internet access for all) and technical support, the design and implementation
of training for all students and orientation and support for parents and
development of policy and procedures which would govern the initiative.
• Deciding to NOT to replace the $1,000,000
worth of textbooks for grades 9-12 that had been destroyed, but, instead to
“fast forward” the use of 21st century instructional practices (see
section *** for description).
• Committing to the development of high level
intensive and ongoing professional development for all high school teachers in
order to support the immediate implementation of the 1-1 laptop program.
Board of Education “By-in”:
In the
midst of a time filled with financial uncertainty and concern, the Joplin Board
of Education agreed to provide the support necessary to being the
implementation process. They approved the hiring of a) six Career Path
Coordinators (examples of their responsibilities include: development of the
Career Path curriculum (including its alignment with the requirements of
college, careers and work) and its integration with the core academics,
facilitation of the development of alternative teaching strategies, determination
of the formative (continuous) and summative assessment strategies), three 21st
Century Coaches and three addition tech support personnel.
Stakeholder Involvement in
Project Development
Input into the
design/development/revision of the Career Pathways model (e.g. curriculum,
assessment, teaching approaches, indicators of mastery, use of time,
personalized learning components, necessary policies and procedures)
• Using the PLC paradigm and facilitated by the
Career Pathways Coordinators, teachers and business representatives from each
pathway to meet on an ongoing basis to define what students need to know and be
able to do to be successful in specific jobs within each career path.
• Each Department is responsible for
reconfiguring their courses to integrate into the pathways. All teachers have
input into this process.
• A cross disciplinary group of teachers meets
regularly with Career Path leaders to collaborate, recommend, evaluate and
provide feedback to the Career Path Curriculum writing teams throughout the
process of implementation. The responsibility of this team is to keep the
career path implementation aligned with teachers in every step of the process.
• All high school and tech teachers are
involved in the implementation.
• Parents and student input is solicited by
this team and used in decision-making.
Stakeholder Involvement in
Bringing the Model to Scale
outlined in this proposal, using the Implementing Change model (Hall and Hurd,
2010) three Innovation Configurations will be developed to monitor the progress
of implementation and to gain feedback from teachers, parents, students and
other stakeholders. These Innovation Configurations will monitor Stages of
Concern, Level of Use and Fidelity of Implementation. (see Appendix *** for description
and Continuous Monitoring section of this document for further information).
(B)(3) State
context for implementation (10 points)
Conditions that
Contribute to Successful Implementation of Joplin Schools
RTTT-D Proposal
State Commitment to the Basic
Principles Underlying this Proposal: Because the broad reform initiatives designed, adopted and being
implemented by the Department of
Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) are congruent with those at
the heart of district reform efforts (See Appendix ***: Joplin Schools
Standards of Excellence and discussion of purpose, mission, goals, e.g. in
section *** pg.*** of this document), it is clear that we will not only have
the approval to implement all components proposed in this Race to The Top
Application, but also the support and encouragement of the state.
following components demonstrate this shared vision:
• DESE has adopted state goals to ensure that “ … all Missouri students will graduate college and career ready” and
“Missouri will prepare, develop and support effective educators”. These
goals mirror goals currently adopted by the district and proposed in this
RTTT-D application (Appendix***
DESE Goals).
Top 10 by 20 Initiative. The plan designed to support achievement
of these state goals is called the Top 10 by 20 Initiative. This state initiative provides “ …a
solid, actionable plan for improving the education provided to all students in
the state. The plan provides a road map for raising the bar for academic
achievement enabling Missouri to achieve the status as one of the top ten
performing states in the country by 2020 (***cite). This comprehensive reform plan:
measures whether students are prepared for college and careers
- focuses on student growth and gain, rather
than absolute test scores
maintains a commitment to disaggregating data to track whether schools are
closing the achievement gap.
The strategic
goals included in the plan are supported by specific and measureable objectives
that serve as key milestones.
• Adoption of the Common Core
State Standards (CCSS). The
Missouri State Board of Education formally adopted the Common Core State
Standards (CCSS) and these have been aligned with the newly revised
state standards (****M0
Academic Core Standards).
- the state has established
supports and resources designed to help LEAs and educator preparation
institutions in transitioning to college- and career-ready standards
- districts have
been directed and are expected to make necessary curricular adjustments by the
2013-14 school year.
• The state has adopted College
and Career-Ready Standards for all students.
District accountability is determined through measurement and reporting of
mastery of these College and Career Readiness Standards.
• Districts are given the
authority to develop incentives to maintain Personalized Plans of Study for students in grades 7-12.
• Support for alternative course delivery
modes is demonstrated through the establishment virtual public schools in
2006 and the Missouri Virtual Instruction Program (MOVIP) in the 2007. MOVIP
was supported to expand the range of content and to provide students access to
coursework, such as higher level/AP courses, not offered by their school
districts. Missouri is providing guidance to districts so that they understand
the availability of these online courses and other in-state distance learning
• Data Access
• Missouri’s LEAs will have the option of using or adopting all or
portions of the state’s model Educator Evaluation System (or districts may
also create and implement their own local system.)
- “… By the 2014-2015 year, districts will establish evaluation processes
that align to the essential principles of an effective evaluation system as
articulated in the state’s model. Regardless of whether an LEA adopts the state
model or implements their own local evaluation process, all LEAs in the state
will commit to the essential principles … (see Appendix *** State of
Missouri: ESEA Flexibility Request – revised June 27, 2012).
- measures performance against research-based
practices aligned to those articulated in the state’s model teacher and leader
- uses of multiple ratings to differentiate
levels of performance;
- highlights a probationary period of adequate
duration which results in sufficient induction and socialization support for
new teachers and leaders;
- uses measures of student growth in learning as
a significant part of the evaluation of professional practice at all levels and
ensures an inability to receive a proficient or distinguished rating in
educator performance if student growth is low;
- provides ongoing, regular, timely and
meaningful feedback on performance; includes standardized and ongoing training
for evaluators;
- uses evaluation results to inform decisions,
determinations and policy regarding personnel.
Autonomy to Successfully Implement
the Plan Under State Legal, Statutory and Regulatory Requirements: The state has in place several
regulatory components that provide
the flexibility and autonomy necessary to implement the district’s RTTT-D
proposed plan.
• Section 161.210, RSMo that gives the
SBE the authority to waive or modify any administrative rule it has adopted or
policy implemented by the Dept. of Elementary and Secondary Education.
• Senate Bill 291 established the “School Flex Program” which allows for the
use of flexible time and scheduling to create an incentive for potential
dropouts to stay in school part-time and keep working toward a diploma.
This legislation allows districts to develop and put in place alternatives to
the traditional school day/seat time model, thus allowing the district to
define evidence of mastery of the required core competencies in a manner that
is individualized and aligned with students’ personalized plans of study.
• The State Board of Education is authorized
to waive or modify administrative rules, should there be a need to request
this in regard to issues with individualized learning opportunities.
Joplin School
Board's commitment to develop and implement policy that directly supports
personalized learning within the district.: The Joplin School Board has demonstrated support
for the reform efforts outlined in the RTTT-D proposal by:
• Active participation in and adoption of the Joplin Schools Standards of Excellence. (see Appendix ***).
• Approval for funding for additional personnel deemed necessary to
design and begin implementation of the Career Pathways program (see Appendix
*** for job descriptions and activities of 21st Century Coaches and
Career Pathway Coordinators).
(what else belongs here???)
(B)(4)(b) Letters of Support
were ** letter of support provided with this project. Of these ** letters of
support from teachers, ** letters of support from administrators, ** letters of
support from business partners, ** letters of support from students and
parents, ** letters of support from other stakeholders.
Excerpts from Letters of Support
…. “Thank you for the
opportunity to offer some insight on the Joplin metropolitan area employment
market, today and for the foreseeable future. In particular, I appreciate the
opportunity to provide this insight in relation to the Joplin Schools effort to
develop a 21st century learning environment built around career paths and
career clusters.
In reading through the Career
Path & Cluster information provided by the Missouri Center for Career
Education, I am impressed with the approach and how a learning environment
based on the Career Path concepts can give the members of the next generation a
way to pursue their passions, without closing the door to future educational
and/or career choices. I also note this approach stresses engagement with the
employer community and economic development. This engagement will be critical
for the success of Career-based learning in the Joplin Schools and in the success of students and our businesses going forward.
However, the reality for
Joplin, our region, and our states is that the jobs of the future are already
here. They will utilize more technology, more thinking and more creativity and
less “hands”, but we already have great jobs in this area and can get more IF
there is a workforce with the skills to do them.”
Rob O’Brian, President, Chamber of
… “I have been very impressed over the years as I have watched the Joplin school system strive to give the best education possible to the residents of Joplin.
In recent months I have been even more impressed as I have learned about a new and innovative approach to teaching through the Career Pathways initiative.” -- Tom Nutt, Director of Operations, Good News
Productions International
… “I can
guarantee you that your investment
in the Joplin Schools with
a Race to the Top Grant will reap a huge dividend -- a generation of
students discovering a successful
career path that
they can pursue with purpose and passion . . . By addressing the needs of academics and technology as well as
engaging each student
in a decision the Joplin
administration has put forth a best possible process
scenario that leads to not only a more focused education but also provides hands on experience. You have before you an incredible plan that will elevate the potential of moving every young person towards a successful career with purpose and passion.” --Andy Hansen, President, Christ in Youth
…”I witnessed first hand the determination this district put forth after the May 2011tornado to get our kids back to school, and I was a strong supporter
of the proposition that recently
passed which provided
the tax funds to rebuild
Joplin Schools better than ever.” -- Ryan Spriggs, Walgreen’s Manager
“As a member of the Bright Futures advisory
board for the R-8 system,
(another innovative student oriented program),
I see the passion from the entire
district for the most important resource we have: the children.
The students have always been, and always will be, the focal point
of the school district and community.
This is why I wholeheartedly recommend the Joplin R-8 School District for this grant.”
–Larry Warren, President, Atlas Risk Management
the rebuilding process, they have looked at cutting
edge methods and programs to address all types of educational needs. I whole-heartedly believe that the Career
Pathways initiative, which will merge
Joplin High School and Franklin
Technology Center, is the most effective direction they can
take. I am very happy to recommend
them for this grant.” -- Cindy Langford, Executive Director,
Connections Case Management
…”Th e Joplin Area Ch amber of Commerce has been a community partner for
over 25 years with the Joplin Schools through our
collaborations involving students from the elementary grades through high school. Our partnerships include tutoring programs, leadership programs and youth outreach and mentoring programs. We will actively support the new initiatives and programs developed
through this grant.” -- Cary Beasley, Workforce Development Manager, Joplin Area Chamber of Commerce
… “The Joplin School personnel have demonstrated the highest
levels of commitment
to the task and to excellence. It is evident that they would make the very best use of any resources
that may be available through receiving a grant and that it would be a worthy investment in our students
and in our community.” -- Greg Hafer, Executive Vice President, Ozark Christian College
… “I understand and value
the tax dollar, and I believe Joplin Schools is a great
investment.”—Kenny Neal, Owner/President Midland
Erector Company
… “I am very excited and honored
that I live in a community that has a school district that
shows a commitment to the growth of our community.” – Shelly Kraft, Kraft Insurance Company
… “Joplin Schools has proven their ability to implement major improvements and creative use of resources. The entire community was witness
to this resourcefulness and determination in the summer of 2011 when Joplin students returned to "business as usual" on the first day of school.” Chad Greer, Corner,
Greer and Associates
… “What the Joplin
schools have done following the tornado has been amazing to witness. Although,
lives were forever changed,
what has followed shows what a community
and volunteers can accomplish with hard work
and God's blessing.” – Scott Clayton, Executive
Director, Habitat for Humanity
… “The needs of the country's workforce are constantly evolving, and as a result,
schools need to be creative in their use of resources to meet this ever-changing demand. The Career Pathways
initiative between Joplin High School and Franklin
Technology Center is one such program that will help give our students
the ability
to contribute to the needs
of our community as valuable members of our workforce, whatever those needs may look like in the future.” -- Sam Anselm Assistant City Manager,
City of Joplin
Appendix ** for Letters of Support)
(C) Preparing Students for College and Careers
(C)(1)(a&b) Plan
for Improving Learning, Teaching and Leading by Personalizing the Learning
Environment in Order to Prepare all Students for College and Careers
What We Hope to Accomplish
Upon implementation of the proposed model, all Joplin
High School students will receive extensive personalized, “real-world”
experiences that will equip them to successfully pursue their post-high school
aspirations. They will not only successfully complete high school with a solid
foundation of literacy, numeracy and thinking skills but also with an
understanding of their individual career interests and aptitudes and the
intrinsic motivation and work ethic necessary to assume their roles as
successful adults --- lifelong learners, workers and responsible citizens. This high school experience will blend
opportunities to “learn-by-doing”, cutting-edge technological instruction and
more traditional “face-to-face” approaches that are personalized for each
student and are determined based on student need and interest instead of a
In order to accomplish this we will ensure that we
have in place a system that engages and supports all learners (particularly
those who struggle). This system will encompass high quality instructional
strategies designed to develop and as necessary accelerate and/or intensify
learning strategies designed to meet the needs of individuals, continuous
assessment that not only pinpoints needs but demonstrates the effectiveness of
instruction, provide opportunities to think, problem-solve, create, experience
and take responsibility for one’s own learning. Students will have access to
rigorous standards, a variety of instructional approaches, technological
learning tools, on-going and regular feedback and accommodations as needed.
Mechanisms and supports will be in place to provide for the development of
skills students will need to maximize their educational experience.
Approach to Implementing
Instructional Strategies for All Secondary Students
Our plan for improving
learning and teaching by personalizing the learning environment in order to
provide all students the support to graduate college and career ready includes
the following components:
q Personalized
learning paced to the individual needs of each student will form the basis of
the proposed model. Each student, whatever their initial skill level, will
be helped to achieve her potential through a wide range of resources and
strategies appropriate for her learning style, abilities, and interests, as
well as social, emotional, and physical situation. A learning plan will be
tailored to learning preferences and interests of each student. Fixed time,
place, curriculum and pacing will not determine content or expected outcomes,
instead the student’s educational path, curriculum, instruction, and schedule
will be personalized to meet unique needs, inside and outside of school.
q A
“blended learning model” that will allow us to “reinvent” the effective and
efficient use of teacher time and talent and allow for greater student
engagement and self-initiative. Students
will be allowed to progress at their own pace, based on mastery not “seat
- Students will still receive some of their instruction through
face-to-face interaction with teachers, others providing educational
experiences (e.g. internships and other applied experiences) and with peers in
structured (though carefully designed) learning environments. When and which
instruction will be delivered in this way will be determined by the desired
outcome, not by the constraints of time, facility, policy or teacher
preference. Other instruction will be delivered online or through other high-quality digital content. This
online content – perhaps 50% of the instructional delivery -- will be developed
by our teachers and 21st century instructional coaches (using
Blackboard or other avenues) with the support and collaboration of our business
and post-secondary education partners.
q The
use of modern learning technologies will
provide opportunities for student/teacher interactions that are more
instructionally meaningful (e.g. facilitation, collaborative problem-solving,
mentoring and modeling creativity and ingenuity).
- This use of technology will allow students the opportunity to
participate in anytime/anyplace learning and to access widely varied engaging
learning content, resources and opportunities.
- Because they have proven themselves to be such powerful and
motivating tools, social media milieu, such as Face Book, Twitter and Blogging,
will be used to enhance and facilitate instruction
q A
Career Pathways Course of Study framework will provide a structure for our
model. It will give all students the opportunity to select a career area of
interest and to gain, while acquiring all the rigorous core knowledge,
understanding and 21st century skills, a “head start” toward
post-secondary education or toward lucrative employment. The focus on career
paths was one of the early agreements of the Dream Team. They clearly believed that high school
doesn’t need to be a “hoop to jump through”, but, rather, should assist
students in achieving their future. The
disengagement of high school students was believed to be directly related to a
lack of interest and relevancy of high school to their lives. The idea that we
can capture the passion of students by involving them in things they believe
are relevant to their success as they enter high school was important in the
creation of the model.
Five career paths were
identified after reviewing various other models. There career paths were identified by looking
at research on future job predictions as well as working with the area
Workforce Investment Board and Chamber of Commerce to identify employment needs
in Joplin. The career paths are:
Sciences (anticipated to be the largest area of future need)
and Communication
How would this work?
- All Joplin students entering high school will declare a career
path for their future.
- Students may exercise their right to change career paths if they
so choose.
- Each career path will have multiple pathways for students, so
that no matter what level of entry into their career path, all students will
leave college and career ready.
- Every career path will include pathways from:
school to work (leave high school with certifications for entry level jobs).
school to technical college (articulated agreements will be developed).
school to four-year college programs (including AP and Dual Credit classes).
school to ivy league universities (Rich opportunities for AP and Dual Credit
q All students will meet
required state standards (Common Core Standards) for high school
graduation. This approach will differ from current practice in that the
personalized learning needs of each students will dictate the scope and
sequence of learning, not an adopted textbook or curriculum. Mastery of
rigorous standards will be embedded within courses as well as offered in new
and different ways. Each path may embed the
standards differently in order to focus on key learning that is more important
for the career focus of those students. This
scope and sequence of learning for each student, as stated above, will be
rigorous and equivalent for all students, and will be personalized to each
student’s interests, aptitudes, aspirations and readiness level.
q Opportunities
for students to accelerate through courses will be available so that
students are empowered to take charge of their education and will be able to
open doors to opportunities related to their interests. The courses that are available for
acceleration will be dependent upon the career path they have identified.
Acceleration can occur by:
- Combined subject courses (for example: one course earning
both communication arts and social science credit).
courses are able to be combined will be dependent upon the career path selected
(for example students interested in arts and communication path may spend more
time in courses related to the career path by enrolling in combined courses for
science and math)
CLEP or “opt-out”
self-paced online courses to meet learning styles, student needs and/or to free-up
time for courses of deeper interest.
- Demonstrating
proficiency through assessment to avoid enrolling in the course at all.
q The way time is spent
in high school will be quite different. Instead of 7 period
days that are the always the same, students will be provided options and thus
will be empowered to choose how, when and where they learn best. Students will
learn time management skills because a typical school day won’t be typical,
rather it will vary from week to week depending upon enrollment.
- A decision has been made to throw out
our assumptions about how time must be allocated and spent in high school. Instead we are asking “why”:
… Why
do we think it takes the same number of minutes to learn algebra and biology?
Or art appreciation? …
… Why
should the desired learning not determine the time needed for a course?
… Where
and when does the “traditional high school schedule” fit in … does it?
- Time spent face-to-face in class or
online will be determined by the learning objectives allowing the class format
to change from week to week depending upon the topic.
- The school day won’t be confined to 8-3;
instead when students are “doing school” will vary from one student to the next
depending on their learning plan.
example, a student enrolled in the human services path might have a senior
internship working in one of the higher end restaurants during the evening.
even possible that students may have online internships with international
q Other opportunities
will be available for students who elect to put forth the effort. This includes the opportunity to earn credit
by demonstrating competency rather than “playing the school game” (… by attending class for enough
hours and doing enough schoolwork to pass the class). Instead, students might review a preparatory
book and take an assessment to earn credit much like a driver’s test. In the health sciences path, students might
be afforded this opportunity for art appreciation or other courses that are
less critical to success in the health sciences path.
q By changing the
“school game” to a competency-based approach, students can move through courses based on their learning instead of
seat time. The personalized learning
approach allows students to understand the relationship between their
commitment to their high school responsibilities, their choices and the
consequent outcome. All students will continue to be required to pass
state-required curriculum for high school graduation, but how they do so will
be their choice ranging from traditional courses, online courses, blended
courses, independent study with assessment for mastery, etc. By increasing effort in required courses or
in courses with less direct impact on their career path, they can increase
opportunities for choices related to their selected career path including
internships or additional courses in their field of choice. Students will be empowered to achieve
certifications or preparation for the “high school plus” education needed to
achieve their dreams. The dream team contends that this student empowerment
model will be motivating to students because they will be in courses related to
their future every year of high school while being in control of how much time
they spend focusing on that career. This is anticipated to improve persistence
to graduation because school will be relevant to the students’ and their
q This different model will require a change to graduation
Some requirements are set by law including how many credits in each
area, etc. We have realized that, as a
school district, we are empowered to determine at what point credit is
awarded. This provides the flexibility
for our model. However, credits and
completion of a specific number of courses are not synonymous. We haven’t yet finalized how this model will
change, but we recognize that we will need to make some major adjustments. (See section *** for state department support for
implementation of this plan).
q Why implement for
everyone …. and at the same time? Making the foundational decision to create a career path
model was an early and easy choice. For
years our community had expressed great interest in developing closer ties
between the high school curriculum and the world of work. Employers told us,
far too often, that there was a gap between the skills our graduates were
demonstrating and those that were needed at work or in postsecondary education.
However, as we studied the literature and attended site visits at career
academy schools, we realized the model we envisioned was not what we were
seeing or reading about. We wanted all --- 2,200 students in our large,
comprehensive high school --- to be afforded this opportunity, not just those “lucky”
enough to get into a career academy! Furthermore, every student in these
academy programs had the same required courses, while we wanted out students to
have individualized choices.
We still have many things to plan, but we are committed to this
opportunity for every student attending Joplin High School. The Dream Team worked through the questions
about whether kids really could choose a career path as they enter high
school. It was determined that we would
allow for a personalized approach but making a selection was required.
q Including the middle
schools: To prepare
our eighth graders for such an important decision, the middle schools will be
implementing a program that ensures that students gain information on each
career path. We hypothesize that many of
our students (65% of which come from poverty) make decisions about their future
based on what family and friends, community helpers or superstars do in their
careers. The career exploration will
begin in sixth grade with a focus on self (their personal strengths), seventh
grade will stretch into aptitudes and interests, as well as learning styles and
approaches. In eighth grade, they will
study each career path in depth to be prepared to make decisions about which area
they would like to focus in high school.
The decisions needed for high school enrollment will be personalized
with a student-parent-middle school teacher-high school teacher conference to
create a four-year plan.
Students who are
ambiguous about their future will analyze their preferences in core academics
to get some direction for a path. Each
path will have introductory courses that will help students understand their
options so that, as they move ahead, more precision can be applied to their
course plans. The freshman experience
will provide opportunities to visit with adults with careers in the various
pathways in order to provide a better understanding of the career options. We believe that this approach will provide our
students with a greater variety of career options and a more realistic
understanding of the future workplace.
This, we hope, will result in more students selecting careers that will
bring happiness as well as fewer students changing majors during college. Additionally, we anticipate some of our
students working through certification programs that will provide a wage, which
will support them as they work their way through college. For example, a student might become certified
as an EMT in high school so that he can work to pay for medical school or law
school or any other college program he desires.
The design is empowering particularly for students from poverty … it
allows students and their families to understand that they can break the
poverty cycle and become contributing members of society.
q Competency Based
Curriculum: The next
step is the development of the program of study and course curriculum for each
career path and career pathway. This
will be merged with the state required high school and career competencies to
build a seamless model characterized by student choices. Each career pathway program will be developed
by advisory groups including educators, community and college
q implementation of the Model: A team composed of a facilitator and a coordinator for each
path will lead this process. The facilitator will be an educator responsible
for ensuring the curriculum and programs of study developed will work across
paths (to allow students to change and personalize) and that the required
curriculum is included. The six Career
Path Coordinators will come from business and industry so that they can be the
liaison between education and the “real world” in order to ensure that the
program developed really prepares students for their future. These relationships will also be important in
working with the community for internship opportunities as well as for creating
an authentic audience for student projects.
The curriculum development process will be
accomplished during the 2012-13 school year.
A phase-in implementation plan will be established to prepare students
to begin in the new high school in the fall of 2014. By that time, the full options of courses for
each path program of study as well as specifically defined competencies will be
established. The process utilized to
develop these will be very organic and will involve both education and
business/industry in the decision-making.
q Personalized Student
Journey – Support
and Counseling for the Career Pathways: Each student will belong to a career
path. Within that path, we plan to
create a web of support to help him navigate through the process that will
become his high school experience. This
will include both adult and peer connections as well as the ability for the
student to monitor grades and progress through the internet. An Academic Advisor from the career path will
be assigned to each student. This will
be a consistent person who will be with the student throughout the four-year
journey. Each advisor will be
responsible for a group of students at various stages throughout their high
school career. Then within those groups,
older students will be assigned to mentor younger students. They will be sharing in the role of ensuring
that every student is successful. We
currently have a peer-mentoring program in our high school. We will build upon this to enhance it to
provide personalized support for students. Teachers will act as academic advisors. High
school counselors and business volunteers will be trained to provide the
mentoring and support as needed by students. When necessary specialists from
Vocational Rehabilitation and Work Force Investment will be solicited. Assuring
this support will be an integral component of the model.
Students will have multiple opportunities to gain feedback on their
progress. Much of that will be
technology-based. The continuous
feedback process will have the following components;
- Student self-awareness and self-direction is an integral
component of this approach.
m in elementary school, all students will be taught to take
responsibility for monitoring and problem-solving about their own progress –
both on academic and “soft” work/study/behavior skills. They will learn to
recognize, monitor and take ownership of their own engagement, effort and
m Students will use technology (e.g.
hand-held recording devises) and activities such as peer mentoring,
self-monitoring (video-taping and analyzing activities), teacher, advisor,
parent and business mentoring to analyze progress toward goals and to plan future
m They will maintain portfolios and
will be able to communicate their strengths, aspirations, etc.
m The intent is to teach students to
become responsible for their choices through appropriate time management. The high school system will be much like
college when students are free to make choices, the difference is that through
this program there will be a gradual release instead of going from a
traditional high school of control to full freedom. This model provides for the gradual empowerment
of students with more and more freedom and less and less monitoring as they
move through high school. Parents will
also have access to information about their student through the web. This will include attendance, behavior,
grades, etc. We believe this approach will better prepare students for the
world beyond high school when choices are many and failure is very real. By creating a system with a net to catch
students when they begin to fail, we can reteach and support students in
learning the life skills of time management and putting forth your best
effort. This gradual release will bridge
the gap that currently exists between high school that operates on control of
students and college that is the ultimate freedom.
- Technology will also be used to support the extremely complex
scheduling and resource allocation this model will require. Teacher time,
space, materials, etc. can be managed in this way.
m Real-time personalized approaches to
communication, far beyond email, will allow teachers, students, parents and
community members to overcome barriers that have always interfered with
effective collaboration and interaction on behalf of students.
m For example, we have already created a
rough prototype of an app that could be developed to help students monitor
their changing routine so that their calendar is populated with choices and
they can plug in the times they choose to attend face-to-face classes.
m Advisors will meet individually with
each advisee at least biweekly and more frequently if progress needs to be
monitored more closely. The app will
assist with alerts and a robust system of time management.
- Technology will also allow for the efficient and effective
collection, analysis and use of large amounts of data. Data can be used both
retrospectively and predictively to support problem-solving and “in time”
(C)(2) Teaching and
Leading: Helping Educators Improve Instruction and Increase Capacity to Support
Student Progress
Approach to Ensuring that all
Educators Improve their Capacity to Provide High Quality Instruction
Our plan for improving
teaching and leading will be based on the provision of high quality
professional development, sufficient resources – including technology – and a
supportive infrastructure (administration, policy, practice and support for
overcoming barriers to learning). This model includes the following components:
q New ways of teaching. In addition to new teaching
strategies and methodologies, teachers will become experts at demonstrating in
their teaching the same 21st century skills they are expecting of
their students. These “teaching skills” have formed (and will form) the basis
for ongoing staff development that is primarily provided collaboratively and
job-embedded by instructional coaches.
Teaching will look
- Time, space and resources will be managed in order to allow the
teacher to move fluidly and flexibly from the role of coach to direct
instruction provider to resource provider. Much of the “mental work” previously
left to the teacher (e.g. researching, analyzing, experimenting, collaborating,
evaluating and communicating) will be done by the students.
- Students will have access to all the necessary “learning tools” …
lab equipment, technology, internet access.
- There will be a good balance of direct teacher-led instruction,
on-line instruction, collaborative discovery, individual research and
exploratory learning throughout the project.
- The pace and degree of challenge will not be pre-established, but
will be flexible and personalized. The type/amount of instruction necessary for
students to master competencies will be individually determined.
- Teachers were provided additional support for this implementation
through 21st century coaches as well as additional software
purchases to ease the transition.
Blackboard, a program utilized by many area colleges and universities,
was purchased as a management tool for their technology-based instruction. A new curriculum database was purchased to
help teachers develop their curriculum as a living guide for their
teaching. Significant training was also
provided by John Kuglin on technology integration.
q High Quality
Professional Development. Professional development will be provided collaboratively and job-embedded by instructional coaches.
Instructional Coaches (TLCs)
• For several years we have had 12 instructional coaches who
have focused on the development of skills teachers will need to successfully
teach 21st century learners. These instructional coaches work in
each building “shoulder to shoulder “ with teachers to improve instruction in
order to better meet the needs of students. Teachers have:
- been asked to stretch their own beliefs and “certainties” about
what students should learn, what and how they should teach and how and when
students should be able to demonstrate this capability.
- learned the importance of engaging and motivating diverse students
and have gained strategies for doing so.
- provided instruction that ensures students master a rigorous and
relevant core curriculum.
- learned to formatively (periodically) assess and sculpt learning,
providing evidence that the student is developing the necessary understandings
and skill proficiencies.
- learned to implement personalized learning environments and
- learned to adapt content and instruction to allow students to work
21st Century Coaches
• Beginning with the 2012-2013 school year we added three “21st
Century Coaches” who were charged with enhancing the development of the 21st
Century skills as well as supporting the implementation of the 1-to-1
Initiative. Five “tech savvy” teachers were pulled from classroom duties to
fill this role. They were each charged
with supporting a cadre of 25 teachers with the implementation of a
“textbookless” technology-based teaching model.
(See Appendix *** for the history of the development of “technology as
an instructional tool” in the Joplin district)
They have:
- Developed expertise in managing new kinds of classroom dynamics,
supporting both individuals and teams of students working independently.
- Learned to effectively and efficiently use technology to expand,
organize and deepen expertise and to help apply knowledge and skills to new and
more complex learning challenges.
- Provided complex management (including monitoring, scheduling and
pacing) that allows for personalization.
Teacher and Principal
Joplin Schools current teacher and principal evaluation
systems were updated for the 2010-2011 school year. In order to align with the
new Missouri Educator Evaluation System, developed as articulated in the NCLB
Waiver, it will be revised again and in place by the 2014-2015 school year This evaluation system will be based on
the following set of assumptions:
• When the evaluation system provides accurate, reliable data
identifying growth opportunities in educator performance, then focused
feedback and learning can be applied, which generates growth.
• When focused feedback and learning address specific growth
opportunities, then improved educator performance can be validated and
• When improved educator performance is validated and replicated, then
an aligned and effective system will produce improved student performance.
As required, the system will be based on the Missouri
model and will align with the seven essential principles of effective
evaluation (Missouri’s Educator
Evaluation System, 2012). The essential
principles are those particular research-based practices and components
associated with effective evaluative processes. An evaluation process is
effective if it helps to improve educator practice. The seven principles
• Measuring performance based on research-based and proven
• Using differentiated levels of performance
• Highlighting the probationary period as a significant time of
intensive support
• Including measures of growth in student learning as evidence of
• Providing regular, timely and meaningful feedback on performance
• Including standardized and ongoing training for evaluators
• Using evaluation results to inform employment decisions and
LEA Policy and Infrastructure
Practices, policies, and rules that facilitate
personalized learning by—
(a) The central office structure is carefully
organized to provide support and services to all schools principals, school
leadership teams and central office meet frequently for the purpose of
communication and implementation of programming. All staff development is based
around these identified needs. The Board is committed to support these efforts.
(b) All school leadership teams (PLC’s) that have been
functioning for many years. They work hand-in-hand with the school and central
office leadership to ensue the effective implementation of school reform. They
influence all decisions – including scheduling, staffing, resource usage roles
and responsibilities and budgets (c) Giving students the opportunity to
progress and earn credit based on demonstrated mastery, not the amount of time
spent on a topic;
(e) Providing
learning resources and instructional practices that are adaptable and fully
accessible to all students, including students with disabilities and English
(D)(2) LEA and school infrastructure
described elsewhere in this proposal the district supports personalized
learning by—
(a), all participating students, parents,
educators and other stakeholders have access to necessary content, tools, and
other learning resources both in and out of school.
This is demonstrated by …
- 1to1 access
for all students
- wireless
internet accessibility that is readily available
(b) As outlined in other sections of this
proposal, training and support is available for all students, parents,
educators, and other stakeholders (through a range of strategies (e.g., peer
support, online support, or local support)
As a
result of this proposed project we will incorporate into the development of a
powerful data management system the following components required by the
(a) Information technology systems that
allow parents and students to export their information in an open data format and
to use the data in other electronic learning systems (e.g., electronic tutors,
tools that make recommendations for additional learning supports, or software
that securely stores personal records); and
(e) We will develop interoperable data
systems e.g., systems that include human resources data, student information
data, budget data, and instructional improvement system data.
Management Plan
We must put in place an integrated data management system
that will:
a) facilitate data mining to ensure periodic
formative assessment of student growth and success and help teachers and
principals determine how they can improve instruction and outcomes … for
individuals, schools and the district;
b) provide both retrospective and predictive
analytical capacity designed for program improvement, resource allocation and
support for determining effectiveness;
c) allow easily accessed, readily available
visualizations (e.g. dash boards tied to desired outcomes, standards, etc.) and
analysis of data for the purpose of communication with stakeholders and for
district, community and national strategic planning;
d) create a system that allow parents and
students to export their information in an open data format and to use the data
in other electronic learning systems (e.g., electronic tutors, tools that make
recommendations for additional learning supports, or software that securely
stores personal records); and
e) ensure interoperable district data systems
(e.g., systems that include human resources data, student information data,
budget data, and instructional improvement system data). The system will
provide easy (yet secure) access – as appropriate -- to teachers,
administrators, parents and the community.
• It is essential that we have in place a highly effective,
integrated data management system that effectively and efficiently meets our
• Because we believe that timely, informed decision-making is the
key to effective problem-solving and systemic improvement, it is essential that
we have a data management system that is actually a tool and not just a
repository of isolated historical data sets.
Long Term Goal By the
end of the grant …
By the end of the grant period, 100% of school teams will report
that the use of data for progress monitoring and decision-making has “improved’
or “significantly improved” building achievement for “all students” and for
By the end of the grant, there will be a 25% increase (over
baseline) in percentage of teachers who report “significant use” of data-based
decision-making in personalizing learning for individual students.
By the end of the grant, quarterly Innovation Configuration
data from all buildings will demonstrate progress on key implementation
Current Status
• Currently
we have been working to determine and teach our staff to use the data
management capacity of our Student Information System – Infinite Campus (SIS).
We can develop ad hoc reports and analyses and can look at building data
• We are using the data dashboard system and have created readily
accessible (on our website) “real time” data snap shots for targeted district
• We have computerized standards-based diagnostic systems for
communication arts and math (e.g. Acuity, AimsWeb, Read 180), but these systems
are all separate and non-interactive.
• We
have created a behavior tracking system and a rudimentary “early warning
system” (similar to the PBIS/SWIS system) within our SIS.
• We have a Parent Portal that allows parents immediate access to
certain information on their students.
• We
are creating, in collaboration with our area mental health system a “texting
system” that will allow for immediate access and reporting capability for
students struggling with social/emotional issues.
Activities for Meeting
• We
will develop capacity for our current Student Information System. We will
collaborate with the producer to develop the capacity to integrate data across
functions (student information, HR, food service, health, special education,
• We will analyze our current system, develop a plan which will
allow for the acquisition (revision of current of purchase of new) system that
will enable us to collect and use data on students from preschool through
higher education (e.g., have the ability to track where a recent high school
graduate attends college).
• We will develop/find a system that will provide continuous
feedback using formative quantitative (e.g. grades, test score, benchmark and
progress monitoring indicators), qualitative (e.g. student self-assessment
“benchmarks”, portfolio information, employability and internship “report
cards”) and output data (student access of applications, log-in time, modules
• We will acquire interactive scheduling instructional management
system that will allow for the analysis of data and then will “map” suggested
“next steps” (e.g. suggest interventions, pair appropriate learning experiences
with needs of individual and/or groups of students, schedule time, place,
resources). This system will allow for the development and monitoring of
personalized learning plans without the teacher time and paperwork currently
- The system will track progress toward proficiency for individual
students (e.g. establish when cred it earned, grades, etc.)
- The system will act as a planning tool for students, teachers,
parents and mentors to determine “next steps” toward goals.
- Provide teachers and students with planning tools (e.g. support
with calendaring, time management, resource identification)
- As a transition tool, teachers and other educators will be able
to immediately develop “snap shots” of students. (transferring into the
district, demonstrating difficulty, etc.) They could, with appropriate
compliance with FERPA, be shared with others district (as a student transfers
out) and with other agencies that might be supporting the student/family.
(E) Continuous
(E) (1) Continuous
Evaluation Process
This project was developed with the
input of school and district administrators, teachers, university and college
personnel and community and business leaders..
These individuals will be invited to serve on the Advisory Committee
that will oversee the implementation of this grant. Parents and business
partners will be recruited to participate on the Advisory Committee. The Advisory Committee will meet on a regular
basis to provide oversight and leadership to the project. Each building will
provide input to the Advisory Committee.
In addition, all project staff will meet will meet monthly with Building
Leadership Teams to discuss services and grant activities. Project staff are active members of each
school’s faculty and will collaborate in all PLC activities. They will actively
solicit feed back which will be shared with project team staff and will be used
for program improvement. The district will develop and, by the end of the grant
, will be able to use their expanded data management system for decision-making.
The Project
Manager, with the Data Manager will establish an ongoing continuous evaluation
process. To help ensure the evaluation is utilized, the evaluator will meet
with the program administrators quarterly and with the advisory committee semi-annually
to review the evaluation findings. This
will help stakeholders monitor progress toward outcomes of the Project, and to
review process evaluation findings that identify success and gaps in the
implementation process. The evaluator will help facilitate discussion and
decision-making on improvements in program implementation and impact based on
the data. Other key evaluation
components will include:
Project manager will facilitate an Advisory Committee discussion at the
beginning of the grant. A critical outcome of this meeting is to help
stakeholders identify program goals and objectives and develop important
measures that will clarify program strengths and weaknesses periodically, and
facilitate decision-making about changes that will improve the program.
¨ After this evaluator -facilitated
Advisory Committee meeting, the evaluator will prepare a draft of a
system-change model, then revise and refine it working with program
administrators. This will be the
template for the final formative evaluation plan.
¨ The district data coordinator will
work with the district database to provide data to building administration as
well as program administrators at regular intervals as well as at their