Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Matt Gaetz endorses Bill Eigel for Missouri governor

(From Bill Eigel for Governor)

Today, MAGA Congressman Matt Gaetz endorsed Bill Eigel, calling him a “great candidate” and encouraging his followers to “vote for Bill to begin the largest deportation in American History!”

“I’m honored to have the support of MAGA patriot Matt Gaetz in this race! When we win, we will end personal property tax, kick China out of Missouri, and DEPORT illegal immigrants the hell outta here,” said Eigel.

Senator Bill Eigel is available to discuss the endorsement, his plans to deport illegal immigrants from Missouri, and the race for governor broadly. To coordinate an interview, please contact


Anonymous said...

Now I know who not to vote for! Botox boy, pedo man - Eigel should refuse this endorsement.

Anonymous said...

Since when can non-federal official deport anyone?

Anonymous said...

Don't know whether to laugh or puke. Two of the most repulsive politicians ( includes ted cruz) in this country. These individuals make my active crohns disease feel golden.

Anonymous said...

Well I knew nothing about Bill until now. Considering this endorsement I don’t care to know anything else about him and will avoid him like the plague.

Anonymous said...

First - Coming into this Country Illegally is a CRIME - I know the majority of you People do not Understand this, but a Crime is a Crime - If you don't like the Laws of the Land - then change them through your Vote - but until then try to Understand them.

Millions and Millions of Immigrants have come to this Great Country through the Legal Process and Obtained Citizenship - they did this the Legal Way - No One is Stopping Immigrants from coming to America - but there is a Right and Legal Way to Accomplish this.

Why should we Support Criminals (Illegal Aliens), who have come to get Free Housing, Free Medical, Free Education, and Free Jobs - this is not Fair for all the Immigrants that did the Right Things, Worked Hard, and Followed the Rules to come to our Country - When will you People Understand this!

Sneaking in or Paying to be Smuggled or Trafficked in is Wrong - it is ILLEGAL. Part of coming to America is being Vetted - So we do not let in Criminals, Drug Smugglers, Killers, or Traffickers - Why should I, my Family, or my Friends need to have worry about being Victims of Illegal Aliens - who have committed Crimes in other Countries and now reside in America???

Immigrants - Helped make a America Great - But they have to follow a Legal Process - this is all anyone is asking -

Take two Democratic Sanctuary States and their Cities - California and New York - People and Businesses are moving out of these States, because of Crime, Criminals, Costs, Taxes, and the Many Undocumented Illegal Aliens. This is Bankrupting their States.

Schools and Hospitals are Flooded by Illegal Aliens - Schools / Teachers and Hospitals / Medical Professionals - Cannot handle the Mass Influx of Illegal Aliens. Hospitals are Filing for Bankruptcy Protection from all the Unpaid Free Services - How many of you want to Work for Free.

Your Tax Dollars are Supporting them - Free Housing, Free Medical, Free Education, Free Food, and Free Jobs - Hardworking Taxpayers are Paying the Bills.

So - if you want to Support Illegal Aliens - PLEASE - Post your Name and Address and I am sure you will have a House / Apartment / Trailer / Etc., - Full of Illegal Aliens by tomorrow for you to Provide Housing, Provide Medical, Provide Education, Provide Food, and Other Financial Assistance For - Please Step Forward - Stop Hiding - Step Forward or Go Set Down and Just Be Quiet...

Anonymous said...

Bill Eigel today:

"Bill Eigel
As governor, I’ll fire @mattgaetz
’s challenger, Aaron ‘DEI’ Dimmock, who continues to collect a six-figure salary from the Parson-@MikeLKehoe
administration despite running for Congress in Florida.

Anonymous said...

Bill Eigel yesterday:

ll Eigel
I’m honored to have the support of MAGA patriot @mattgaetz
in this race! When we win, we will end personal property tax, kick China out of Missouri, and DEPORT illegal immigrants the hell outta here.

Anonymous said...

Bill and Matt are both gross

Anonymous said...

Where commenters demonstrate that even Bill Eigel has his useful idiots.

Anonymous said...

Bill Eigel- a bad man.

Who does he think will be doing all this deporting? Mitt Rmoney used to talk about self deporting, does Eigel think all these people will eagerly be part of the worst mass deportation in history?

Bill Eigel and Matt Gaetz? What can a person say about that?

Bill Eigel- offers simple wrong headed solutions for simple minded wrong headed voters.

Anonymous said...

It will be much more expensive to deport these people than it would be to provide a path to citizenship.

Not sure about you, but I don't like my tax dollars being wasted on frivolous manhunts.

Billy Joe Jim Bob Johnny Ray Cooter said...

First it was WOKE now the MAGATs found some new letters to use. DEI. That way they can throw their bigotry and racism out there and make sure it's covered by letters. The majority of the fools using it don't even know what it means.

Anonymous said...

In modern times from Reagan's first day in the Oval Office going forward, the fascist agenda has injected itself into America's legislation, radio and television, print and even broadcast from the pulpit.

Whether through covert means or public decree, attempts to choke American liberty and put a boot on the throat of our people have been relentless by Republican fascists for 45 years running.

Now the latest toxic Republican scheme to turn back the clock to a time where men could physically abuse their wives and children with impunity is called Project 2025.

By now, the lesson from their actions should be dangerously obvious: WHEN REPUBLICANS REVEAL THEIR INTENTIONS, BELIEVE THEM.

Just as you should believe that Bill Eigel will be at least as bad as he tells you he wants to be.

Anonymous said...

Check out the side by side of botox boy getz and butthead (beavis &). A striking example of DNA gone wrong.