Saturday, July 27, 2024

Missouri Republican Assembly endorses Woolston, Kaiser

(From the Missouri Republican Assembly)

MRA endorsements require a two-thirds majority vote at an endorsing meeting of the members at the county level or delegates at an MRA district or state convention.

Senate – Josh Hawley
7th Congressional District – Eric Burlison
5th Congressional District – Sean E. Smith


Governor – John R. (Jay) Ashcroft)
Attorney General – Will Scharf
Secretary of State – Shane Schoeller

Missouri House


District 161 – Thomas Ross
District 163 – Cathy Jo Loy

County Government – Jasper

Sheriff – Randee Kaiser
Western Commissioner – Mike Woolston
Coroner – James Harrison


Anonymous said...

Donald Trump endorses Jay Ashcroft for Missouri Governor!

Donald Trump endorses Mike Kehoe for Missouri Governor!

Donald Trump endorses Bill Eigel for Missouri Governor!


All you need to know about all thre, and Trump as well.

Talk about COUCHING his bets... he's slipping!

Anonymous said...

Woolston is a snake and probably should be in jail. Many people think this.

Anonymous said...



"We have a very important Republican Primary Election on Tuesday for Arizona's 8th Congressional District, with two spectacular America First Candidates," the ex-president said. "Blake Masters is a very successful businessman, and an incredibly strong supporter of our Movement to Make America Great Again - He is smart and tough! Likewise, Abe Hamadeh, a Veteran, former prosecutor, and fearless fighter for Election Integrity, has been with me all the way!"

He added, "They will both be spectacular, and I’m pleased to announce that both Blake Masters and Abe Hamadeh have my Complete and Total Endorsement to be the next Congressman of Arizona’s 8th Congressional District — THEY WILL NOT LET YOU DOWN!"

(the MAGAstani natives of Arizona -and elsewhere- are growing restless with the tangerine waffles being served, they don't want it both ways!)

Anonymous said...

Hi I'm a Missouri republican and I'm scared of everything. I'd appreciate your vote this November. I decided I need to tell everybody what to be scared of. That's why I'm running.

Literally I am scared of everything. Teachers. Libraries. China. Brown people. Non citizen Brown people. Big cities. Easy access to mental health care. Just heath care in general. People eating healthy foods. Technology. People not using Roundup. People eating tyofu! Kindness. Empathy. Religious freedom. I am scared of most of the constitution. Except the Second Amendment! Elect me to complain about the things I haven't fixed since I was elected in 2016. Did I mention vaccines because I'm scared of them too?

That's why I am running! But I'm not running as fast as Josh Hawley did on January 6. Too many fried foods and lobbyist steak dinners to get that done!

Anonymous said...

Hey all you Leftist Liberal Radical Dems - California and New York called and said we need Volunteers to move to our States, since everyone including Businesses, who are smart are moving out, because of Taxes, Housing, Crime, Homelessness, High Costs of Living, Politics, Complex Regulatory Environment for Businesses, Illegal Aliens, and Sanctuary Cities.

And if California and New York are too far away - Kansas City and St. Louis would also like to give you an Invitation with Democratic Mayors and being the Murder Capitals of the United States. I am sure all of you Dems will Fit Right In...

Please all of you Join Them - - and Let the Majority of Us Live in Peace. Enjoy your Move.

Anonymous said...

Sorry 735, the magat movement is going to burn like the confederate south as the country comes out from under the lies and division of donnie trump and energizes itself beside a Harris presidency. My bet is that this race is now over.